
  • 网络Exchange settlement;foreign exchange trading;Rmb-Fx Trading
  1. 如何管理结售汇业务中的风险。

    The third , the management of the risks in the RMB-FX trading business .

  2. 人民币汇率制度改革后结售汇业务的风险分析及管理策略

    Analysis and Management of the Risks in RMB-FX Trading Business after the Reform of RMB Exchange Rate Regime

  3. 不完备市场下的远期结售汇定价问题研究

    The Research on Forward Buying-selling Foreign Exchange Pricing in Immature Market

  4. 关于企业集团财务公司开办远期结售汇业务的思考

    Opinions for enterprise group financial companies participating in FX forward business

  5. 远期结售汇业务的实证调查及启示:以汕头为视角

    Investigation of and Insights from the FX forwards business : Shantou case

  6. 我国当前的结售汇制度是什么?

    What is our country 's current knot carry out assembles a system ?

  7. 银行结售汇差额由个人结售汇差额和对公结售汇差额构成。

    Banking exchange balance mainly consists of personal exchange balance and enterprise exchange balance .

  8. 我可以办理哪些币种的个人结售汇业务?

    What currencies can I settle and sell with CCB 's individual forex trading service ?

  9. 从主要货币汇率走势看陕西远期结售汇业务

    Look at Shaanxi Forward Settlement and Sale Exchange Facilities from the Exchange Rate Trend of Main Moneys

  10. 陕西远期结售汇业务有一定的发展,积累了一些经验,但还存在许多不足。

    Shaanxi 's forward exchange facilities has a certain experience and development , but the shortage still exists .

  11. 在研究基础上,结合市场需求,论述商业银行远期结售汇业务如何定价及在此基础上如何做好风险控制。

    Research-based , with market demand , discusses how commercial banks price the forward exchange rate and how to do the risk control .

  12. 银行统计结售汇业务数据,将非美元货币折算为美元时,应使用实时交易汇率。

    I.When collecting the statistical data about the foreign exchange settlement and sale business , banks shall convert non-USD currencies into USD at the real time exchange rate .

  13. 第四章分析了外汇市场结售汇过程中强制结售汇体制的存在对中央银行在公开市场上买入外汇投放基础货币的影响。

    Chapter four analyzes the pressure of basic foreign exchange currency in market overt which result from existence of system for constraint balance and selling in foreign exchange course .

  14. 由于我国实行的是强制结售汇制度,随着国际收支双顺差的不断增大,外汇储备越来越多,外汇占款逐年增加。

    Because of the compulsory foreign exchange settlement and sales system , with the increasing of dual balance of payments surplus , we have more and more foreign exchange reserves every year .

  15. 各商业银行适当增加边境地区的结售汇网点,方便企业、个人办理结售汇业务。

    All commercial banks may appropriately increase networks for the settlement and sales of foreign exchange , making it accessible for enterprises and individuals to handle operations of settlement and sales of foreign exchange .

  16. 强制性结售汇制度、外汇市场设计的不合理以及大规模利用外资政策引起的外资大量流入、外汇储备超常增加导致我国货币政策经常面临严重困境。

    Compulsory buying and selling FX , unreasonable-designed foreign exchange market and large-scale utilizing foreign investment bring about massive foreign capital inflow and rapid increase in FX which make our monetary policy encounter dilemma .

  17. 面对这种情况,确定合理的外汇储备规模,实施意愿性结售汇制度,重视引进外资的质量,完善外汇风险管理制度具有重要的理论和实际意义。

    Meanwhile China should carry out the volitive system of purchase and sale of foreign exchange , attach importance to the quality of foreign funds , and improve the system of foreign exchange risk management .

  18. 三是发展和完善外汇市场,推广远期银行结售汇业务,延长银行间外汇市场交易时间,推广大额代理业务。

    Thirdly , developing and improving exchange market , meaning to spread the operation of forward exchange settling and soling of banks , lengthen the dealing time of inter-bank exchange market , popularize agent operation .

  19. 应包括远期结售汇业务的科目设置;签约、履约、展期、违约与平盘时的会计核算。

    It shall include the subject settings of long-term settlement and sales of foreign exchange and accountings of signing the contract , performing the contract , extension , breaking the contract and squaring the positions .

  20. 为了加强对区域性外债的监管,本文运用现代统计方法,以重庆地区为研究对象,从银行结售汇和外汇账户两个方面对外债规模进行分析;

    In order to strengthen the control and surveillance over regional foreign debts , the paper uses modern statistic methods to study the scale of foreign debts from the dealing of foreign exchange and the accounts of foreign debts in Chongqing .

  21. 在我国由于资本项目的管制,实行强制结售汇制度,在国际收支持续盈余的情况下,为维护汇率的稳定,不得不购入过剩的外汇形成外汇储备。

    Thanks to the control of capital items and a mandatory settlement system , our country had to buy a surplus of foreign exchange reserves to maintain exchange rate stability in the situation of continued surplus in international balance of payments situation .

  22. 银行应当按日管理全行系统的结售汇综合头寸,使每个交易日结束时的结售汇综合头寸保持在外汇局核定的限额内。

    The banks shall manage the general position of SSFE over the whole systems of banks on a daily basis so as to keep the general position of SSFE within the quota authorized by foreign exchange branches when each trading day ends .

  23. 本文在研究人民币汇率形成机制改革后远期结售汇市场开放进程的基础上,认为市场不完备和定价不合理成为制约远期结售汇业务发展的主要原因。

    This paper , based on the reality of opening forward buying-selling foreign exchange market after the reform of RMB exchange rate mechanism , draws a conclusion that immature market and unreasonable pricing are the most important factors during the market development .

  24. 外汇局数据显示,2019年一季度,中国商业银行结汇约4360亿美元,售汇4450亿美元,结售汇逆差91亿美元。

    According to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange , China 's commercial banks bought around 436 billion US dollars of foreign currencies and sold 445 billion dollars in the first quarter of this year , net forex sales of 9.1 billion dollars .

  25. 最后,对全文进行总结,深入挖掘前文结论尤其是实证分析部分的结论,并在此基础上提出了维持人民币汇率稳定、改革结售汇制度、调整出口结构、参考分类价格指数分类调整价格的政策建议。

    Based on findings above , the research puts forward the following relevant policy recommendations : maintaining RMB exchange rate stability , reforming the system of exchange settlement and sales , adjusting the export structure , and adjusting price according to classification price index .

  26. 本文讨论了我国在开放经济下通货膨胀的货币传导途径,指出以稳定名义汇率和强制结售汇制度为特征的国际收支调节政策对通货膨胀自我积累的推进作用;

    Iscussing ` China 's inflation conduction system under the condition of opening economy , this article points out that the intemational adjustment to balance of intemational payments featuring a stable nominal exchange rate combined with compulsory settlement of exchange gives an impetus to self-accumulation of inflation .

  27. 1994年之前,我国的外汇储备一直处于比较不足的状况,但自从1994年我国实现人民币并轨,并开始实行强制结售汇制度,我国外汇储备开始持续快速增长。

    Before 1994 , our foreign exchange reserves always remained insufficient , but since 1994 , when China realized the unification of Renminbi exchange rates and started to carry out the mandatory exchange settlement and sales system , our foreign exchange reserve began to continually grow rapidly .

  28. 该项目为客户开发了对私业务模块178个业务流程,本论文针对远期结售汇业务模块的业务流程作为示例,详细讲解了业务流程的需求分析、开发设计。

    The project has developed a customer service module 178 of the private business process , the paper forward exchange settlement and sales for the business process module as an example , a detailed account of the needs of the business process analysis , development and design .