
  1. 中国蚂蚁集团拟募集340多亿美元,成为全球首次公开募股之最。

    China 's Ant Group is set to raise over 34 billion U.S. dollars from the world 's biggest-ever initial public offering .

  2. 一些用户可以通过蚂蚁集团的支付宝应用程序访问这一新电子钱包,支付宝是中国两大主要移动支付应用程序之一。

    The new e-wallet is accessible to some users through Ant 's Alipay app , one of two primary mobile payment apps in China .

  3. 蚂蚁集团前身为蚂蚁金服,是阿里巴巴旗下的金融科技子公司,也是中国最大的移动支付业务支付宝的母公司。

    Previously known as Ant Financial , Ant Group is Alibaba 's fintech arm and the parent company of China 's largest mobile payments business Alipay .

  4. 由蚂蚁集团支持的网商银行已正式开始允许其用户将自已的账户与中国数字人民币应用程序相关联。

    MYbank , which is backed by Ant Group , has officially begun allowing its users to link their accounts with the Chinese digital yuan app .

  5. 这家电商集团得到了包括微软和马云的蚂蚁集团在内的大型外国投资者的支持,是该国第一家上市的独角兽初创公司。

    The e-commerce group has the backing of big foreign investors , including Microsoft and Jack Ma 's Ant Group , and is the first unicorn startup to go public in the country .

  6. 12日,蚂蚁金融服务集团研发的VR支付在深圳亮相。这个集团是中国最大在线支付平台支付宝的运营商,每天有超4.5亿人使用支付宝。

    Ant Financial Services Group , which was demonstrating VR Pay in Shenzhen on Wednesday , operates China 's largest online payments service Alipay with more than 450 million daily users .

  7. 中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴集团旗下的蚂蚁金服集团于上周二与泰国金融科技公司AscendMoney签署了战略合作协议,前者旨在将其移动支付平台和其他的金融产品扩展到海外市场。

    Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding 's financial arm Ant Financial Services Group last Tuesday signed a strategic partnership agreement with Thai financial technology firm Ascend Money , the former aims to expand its mobile payment platform and other financial products to overseas markets .

  8. 支付宝所属于蚂蚁金融服务集团,这家集团是马云在上个月组建的,其目的就是要发展阿里巴巴的金融服务体系。

    Alipay is owned by Ant Financial Services Group , a company controlled by Ma which was establishedlast month to pursue Alibaba 's ambition of developing financial services .

  9. 井贤栋是蚂蚁金融服务集团的首席财务官,在这之前,他接受了财新网的采访,他说支付宝平均每天的交易额达到了10亿次,每半个小时,支付宝将清除1亿用户的交易账户。

    Jing Xiandong , Ant Financial 's chief financial officer , told Caixin earlier that Alipay handles an average of 1 billion payment transactions every day and can clear transactions for 100 million individual accounts in half an hour .

  10. 支付宝是阿里巴巴集团旗下的蚂蚁金融服务集团运营的移动支付工具,其推出的这项新服务使部分用户能获得自己感兴趣的话题的最新动态,并接触到有着相同兴趣的网友。

    The mobile payment tool , run by Ant Financial Services Group , an affiliate of Alibaba Group , rolled out the new service that allows some of its users to stay updated on topics of interest to them and get in touch with people who share these interests online .

  11. 蚂蚁聚宝财商实验室的许婷称,一个8岁的小学生可以列出6种挣钱的方式——包括投资于股票和房地产市场、卖旧玩具、考试得高分等。蚂蚁聚宝是阿里巴巴集团的移动融资平台。

    One 8-year-old could identify six ways to make money - including investing in the stock and real estate markets , selling old toys and getting good grades , said Xu Ting , head of the FQ Lab at Ant Fortune , the mobile financing platform of Alibaba Group Holding .