
  • 网络financial stability;FSF;finance stability;FSAP
  1. 该基金将在避免短期资金流动压力和加强全球金融稳定方面起到预先防范作用。

    The facility will provide precautionary effect to forestall2 short term liquidity3 pressures and strengthen global financial stability .

  2. 金融稳定委员会(FinancialStabilityBoard)中的全球监管机构也曾强调过监督影子银行的重要性。

    Global regulators on the Financial Stability Board have also highlighted the importance of supervising shadow banks .

  3. imf在另一份文件《金融稳定评估》(financialstabilityreview)中警告,欧元区动荡使全球体系面临越来越大的危险。

    In its separate financial stability review , the IMF warned that turmoil in the eurozone was causing mounting danger for the global system .

  4. 应对这个问题的最佳方式是利用现有工具,并开始认真发挥欧洲金融稳定安排(europeanfinancialstabilityfacility)的作用。

    The best strategy to address it is to use the tools already in place and start deploying the European financial stability facility in earnest .

  5. 今年,金融稳定委员会(FinancialStabilityBoard)将发挥带头作用,要求规模最大、具有系统性重要性的机构提高吸收亏损的资本金比率,以修正这个错误。

    Through this year , the Financial Stability Board is leading the charge to boost loss-absorbing capital for the largest , systemically important institutions to correct this error .

  6. 时至今日,欧洲理事会(europeancouncil)本应已把纾困保护伞欧洲金融稳定安排(efsf)的规模提高了两倍。

    The European Council should by now have doubled or trebled the size of the European financial stability facility , the rescue umbrella .

  7. 人们希望,如果欧债危机恶化,将催生更大规模的救助资金,比如大幅扩大欧洲金融稳定基金(theEuropeanFinancialStabilityFacility)。

    One of the big hopes , if the eurozone 's debt crisis worsens , is that it would force a larger rescue fund , such as dramatic expansion of the European Financial Stability Facility .

  8. 因此,按照巴塞尔委员会(Baselcommittee)和金融稳定委员会(FinancialStabilityBoard)规定,全球就审慎政策达成一致的进程,是一项极其重要的使命,值得国际社会的全力支持。

    The global process of reaching agreement on prudential policies under the Basel Committee and the Financial Stability Board is thus an extremely important undertaking that deserves the full backing of the international community .

  9. 况且,目前已经存在由欧洲金融稳定安排(efsf)发行的另一种欧元区债券。

    An ersatz form of eurozone bond issued by the European financial stability facility already exists .

  10. 当IMF贷款给希腊、爱尔兰或葡萄牙时,将直接影响到欧元区其它所有成员国的货币和金融稳定。

    When the IMF lends to Greece , Ireland or Portugal , it is directly affecting the monetary and financial stability of all other members of the eurozone .

  11. 欧洲稳定机制和欧洲金融稳定安排(EFSF)的总体贷款能力将提高到7000亿欧元。

    The combined lending ceiling of the ESM and the European Financial Stability Facility will be raised to € 700bn .

  12. 根据方案,欧洲救助基金&欧洲金融稳定基金(EuropeanFinancialStabilityFacility,以下简称EFSF)将通过巧妙的金融工程安排实现扩容,规模将从4400亿欧元扩至约1万亿欧元。

    The European bailout fund , the European financial stability facility , is set to get larger in the plan thanks to some clever financial engineering , going from 440 billion euros to around 1 trillion euros .

  13. 作为一家银行,欧洲金融稳定安排(efsf)能够在一场再融资危机中使用欧洲央行的流动性。

    As a bank , the European financial stability facility would be able to access ECB liquidity in a refinancing crisis .

  14. 后市交易时段,因为有报道称,美国将愿意通过增加对国际货币基金组织(imf)的投入,来支持扩大欧洲金融稳定基金,市场出现了进一步上涨。

    Further gains came late in the day on reports that the US would be willing to back a bigger European financial stability fund through increased commitments to the International Monetary Fund .

  15. 国际货币基金组织(imf)表示,欧洲各银行的资产负债表在未来18个月急剧收缩,可能危及欧洲乃至更大范围的金融稳定和经济增长。

    A drastic contraction of European bank balance sheets over the next 18 months could jeopardise financial stability and economic growth in Europe and beyond , according to the International Monetary Fund .

  16. 本文作者分别是美国联邦存款保险公司(fdic)主席和英国央行负责金融稳定事务的副行长

    The writers are chairman of the FDIC and deputy governor for financial stability at the Bank of England , respectively

  17. 约翰逊(Johnson)主席、委员会资深共和党成员谢尔比(Shelby)及各位成员,感谢你们今天邀请我代表金融稳定监管委员会(FinancialStabilityOversightCouncil)[以下简称委员会]前来作证。

    Chairman Johnson , Ranking Member Shelby , and members of the Committee , thank you for inviting me to testify today on behalf of the Financial Stability Oversight Council ( the " Council ") .

  18. 金融稳定论坛和其他任何审视这场信贷危机的国际机构面临的问题是,对贝尔斯登(BearStearns)适用的政策或许并不适用于瑞银(UBS)或德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)。

    The problem for the FSF or any other international body examining the credit crisis is that a policy that might be right for Bear Stearns might not apply to UBS or Deutsche Bank .

  19. 金融稳定论坛在意大利银行马里奥.德拉基(MarioDraghi)的得力领导下,已开始着手处理这些问题。

    The Financial Stability Forum ( FSF ), ably chaired by Mario Draghi of the Bank of Italy , has started to tackle these issues .

  20. 本文采用Logit回归方法对61个国家1980~2002年间存款保险制度对金融稳定的影响关系进行了实证分析。

    This paper adopts logit regression and data from 61 countries from 1980 to 2002 to empirically investigate the relation between the deposit insurance system and financial stability .

  21. 这强有力地提醒了人们,金融稳定的问题在上周世界经济论坛(wef)的议程中占据了多么重要的主导地位。

    It is a potent reminder of how issues about financial stability dominated the agenda at the world economic forum last week .

  22. 修订后的欧洲金融稳定机制(EFSF)可以代替欧洲中央银行(ECB)购买希腊的债券,但很快便会碰到与芬兰要求希腊提供债券抵押同样的问题。

    The revamped EFSF may then be able to take up the bond-buying task from the ECB and a problem may be found to the problem of Finland 's demand for collateral .

  23. 因此,金融稳定理事会(FSB)在2009年10月就曾提出《降低系统重要性金融机构道德风险的工作计划》,确立了应对金融机构大而不倒问题的总体框架。

    Hence FSB puts forward Plan of reducing the moral hazard of the Systemically Important Financial Institutions and establishes a framework against " too big to fail " .

  24. 几年前金融稳定委员会(fsb)成立时,它宣称自己的目标之一是对日益迫近的金融问题开发出更好的“预警”系统。

    When the Financial Stability Board was established a couple of years ago , it declared that one of its goals was to produce better " early warning " systems of looming financial trouble spots .

  25. 此后,本文利用PVAR方法实证检验了汇率波动通过国际收支、资本流动以及资产价格波动渠道对金融稳定的影响。

    Thereafter we use panel-VAR method to test that exchange rate fluctuation affects financial stability by means of international trade , capital flow and asset price .

  26. 在温考特基金会(wincott)的最近一次演讲中,英国央行(boe)金融稳定事务执行董事安德鲁霍尔丹(andrewhaldane)指出,有限责任、过度负债、债务的税收优惠和政府担保会造成激励倒错。

    In a recent Wincott lecture , Andrew Haldane , executive director of the Bank of England for financial stability , pointed to the perverse incentives caused by limited liability , excessive gearing , the tax benefits for debt , and government insurance .

  27. 主权财富基金、宏观经济政策协调与金融稳定

    Sovereign Wealth Funds , Macroeconomic Policy Coordination and Financial Stability

  28. 全球经济失衡、主权财富基金与金融稳定

    Global Economic Imbalance , Sovereign Wealth Funds and Financial Stability

  29. 经济虚拟化下金融稳定与虚拟经济管理&基于次贷危机的启示

    The fictitious economy developing financial stability and fictitious economy management

  30. 区域金融稳定报告框架的探讨

    Study on the Framework of the Regional Financial Stability Report