
jīn rónɡ shì chǎnɡ tǐ xì
  • money-market system;financial market mechanism
  1. 完善中部经济协调发展的金融市场体系;

    Perfecting the financial market system that midland economy develops in harmony ;

  2. 其中一个主要原因,是全球的金融市场体系日渐开放。

    One major reason was the increasingly open global financial market system .

  3. 论支持民营企业发展的金融市场体系

    Research on financial market supporting development of private businesses

  4. 当前我国金融市场体系存在着资金要素转化为投资的高效率和资源配置的低效率这样一对突出矛盾。

    At present , there exists a contradiction between high efficiency of capital investment transformation and low efficiency of resources allocation .

  5. 金融市场体系日趋完善,社会资金配置和使用效率稳步提高。

    The financial market system is being completed , and the distribution and utilization efficiency of social capital have increased steadily .

  6. 村镇银行的建立是对完善我国农村金融市场体系的有益尝试,它的设立是为了缓解当地农村信贷资金供给不足和信贷渠道不畅等方面的问题。

    The rural bank is established to complete the rural financial market , to alleviate the problem of insufficient supply of local rural financial market .

  7. 目前,上海已基本形成了多样化的金融市场体系架构和全方位的金融发展格局,在各方面都取得了较为显著的成绩,并被公认为国内金融业最发达的城市。

    Today , as the most developed domestic city in finance , Shanghai has formed a comprehensive nation-wide financial market system and overall developing financial structure .

  8. 但是,随着农村金融市场体系的建设及其改革的深化,现阶段农村信用社改革与发展中仍然存在着诸多问题。

    Still , with the further development and reform of rural financial system , the Rural Credit Unions at this stage are also facing many issues .

  9. 增强市场约束力量,需要严格的信息披露制度、发达的金融市场体系以及有限的金融安全网等制度安排。

    Strengthening the power of market discipline demands a series of system construction , including strict information exposure , advanced financial market and limited financial safety net .

  10. 银行间债券市场是我国利率市场的主体,是我国金融市场体系的一个重要组成部分。

    Inter-bank bond market is the main part of the interest rate market , and also it is an important part of the whole financial market system .

  11. 第三,着力培育多元化的金融市场体系,为银行业发展提供多元化的生存空间。

    Third , put strong emphasis to cultivate cultural diversity of systems of financial market , give more space to the development of cultural diversity Chinese banks .

  12. 因此,资本帐开放的成功应该具备起码的工具、制度与市场。如现代企业制度、适当的宏观经济政策、相应的金融市场体系等。

    Therefore , a successful openness need necessary implements , institution and market , such as modern enterprise system , appropriate macro-economic policy , financial market system , etc.

  13. 从近几年的实践来看,这种模式对于快速、平稳地建立起完善的、多元化的金融市场体系产生了积极的作用。

    Experience over the past few years has proved that this mode has played an active role in establishing perfect and disparate financial market system quickly and steadily .

  14. 开放式基金作为一种高级投资工具,以充分发达的金融市场体系为基础,其发展依赖于比较完善的内外部制度环境。

    Mutual fund is one of the advanced investment tools , which is based on developed capital market , while its development depends on comparatively perfect both inside and outside institutional environment .

  15. 黄金交易是国际金融市场体系中的一个重要组成部分。

    Now Shanghai has grown into an actual domestic financial center , as a result of China 's rapid economic expansion . Gold trade is an important part of international money market system .

  16. 这些结论的政策含义在于,(1)我国应建设多层次金融市场体系,形成一个有效率的金融资源配置机制。

    Based on the analysis , it is concluded that ( 1 ) China have to build a multi-level system of financial markets , and creating an efficient mechanism for allocation of financial resources .

  17. 而发展金融市场体系是上海国际金融中心建设的核心,其中又以发展素有经济晴雨表之称的证券市场最为重要。

    The development of financial market system is the key of Shanghai international financial center construction , and the securities market , which known as the " barometer of the economy ," is the core of them .

  18. 西方国家对货币政策的研究是依据其成熟的市场经济体制以及高度发展的金融市场体系的,市场化的货币政策操作发挥了很好的宏观调控的作用。

    In Western countries , the study of monetary policy is based upon ripe market economic system and developed financial market system , and the market-oriented monetary policy has reached a good effect in macro economic control .

  19. 证券市场是金融市场体系的重要组成部分,它具有筹资、产权复合与重组、资金导向与资源配置等功能,在国民经济发展中的作用越来越重要。

    AS a significant component of finance market system , the Securities Market plays a role in financing , mergence and acquisition and resource allocation , it becomes more and more significant in the development of national economy .

  20. 建立适应民营企业发展的金融市场体系,不仅可以帮助民营企业解决融资困难,更重要的是可以以此促进民营企业从家族化经营模式向社会化的现代企业制度的转变。

    The establishment of financial market system which suits the development of private businesses , can help the private businesses not only to solve the financing problems , but also to change household management mode into modern enterprises mode .

  21. 随着我国金融市场体系的不断完善,和国际金融市场的日渐接轨,我国的金融市场在我国经济发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用,甚至于推动我国经济的发展。

    With the constant improvement of Chinese financial market system and the approximation to the international financial , our financial market in the development of economy is playing a more and more important role , even promote Chinese economic development .

  22. 货币市场在整个金融市场体系中处于基础性地位,然而我国曾一度重视资本市场发展,对货币市场作用认识不足。

    The money market is in the basic position of the whole financial market system , but our country has paid attention to the capital market development for a time , and had insufficient understanding of the function of money market .

  23. 接着从三个方面论述了中国保险基金必然加快和更大规模地进入资本市场,这既是保险业摆脱困境的必然选择和唯一出路,更是中国金融市场体系得以完善的必然要求和客观规律。

    Then gives the reasons why we should quicken the speed of insurance fund entering into capital market , this is the only way of insurance industry breaking away from crisis , furthermore , this is the demand of perfecting China 's finance market .

  24. 这包括,进一步完善金融市场体系,提高金融服务实体经济效率;进一步完善资本市场,加快中小企业上市融资进程;二、加强公司治理。

    This includes , to further improve the financial market system , improve the efficiency of financial services to the real economy ; further improve the capital market to speed up the process of listing and financing for SMEs ; Second , to strengthen corporate governance .

  25. 包括加快完善港口集疏运体系,协调上海港同周边港口的建设,加强航运法律法规体系建设,加快高端航运人才培养与引进,加强信息体系建设,完善航运金融市场体系建设。

    Including improve transportation system , coordination of Shanghai port and the peripheral port construction , strengthening the shipping laws and regulations system construction , speeding up and introduce the high-end shipping talents , strengthening information system construction , improve the construction of the shipping financial market system .

  26. 因此,为了提高我国金融市场体系的运作效率,必须大力发展货币市场,规范发展资本市场,特别是疏通货币市场和资本市场之间的联通渠道,促进货币市场与资本市场的协调发展。

    In order to improve the efficiency in financial system , we should develop money market quickly and develop capital market regularly . And the most importance is that we should construct various channels between money market and capital market in order to develop money market and capital market correspondingly .

  27. 宏观经济政策效果,取决于诸多因素,比如健全的(金融)市场体系,明晰的产权。

    Macroeconomic policy effects depend on many factors , such as right ( financial ) market system and well - defined property rights .

  28. 中国投资基金的发展与社会经济结构、金融产品市场体系、制度建设以及专业人才培养等方面存在着非协同性。

    But there is lack of coordination in these aspects in China , for example , in social economic structure , marketing system of financial products , system construction and talent training .

  29. 历史证明:无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,完善的和功能健全、安全高效的金融要素市场体系,对一个国家或地区产业结构调整和经济转型能起到重要的推动作用。

    History has proved : whether developed countries or developing countries , a perfect , functional , efficient financial factor market had played as an important role in the readjustment of industrial structure and economy in a country or region .

  30. 第4章,完善我国金融机构市场退出体系的构想。

    Chapter four : Improvement about our country 's financial Industry exit system .