
  • 网络Flow Between Financial Institutions
  1. 美国检察官表示他们已查封涉案幌子公司在美国金融机构开设的往来银行账户上的680万美元。

    US prosecutors said they had seized $ 6.8m belonging to the alleged front companies held in correspondent bank accounts at US institutions .

  2. 尽管有广泛的新闻报道及与成员国和金融机构的书信往来,但这些呼吁被置若罔闻。

    But the appeal had generally fallen on deaf ears , despite broad press coverage and correspondence with Member Nations and financial institutions .

  3. 第三,金融机构间的业务往来、合作关系的建立需要以商业银行信用评级状况作为基础。

    Thirdly , the commercial bank credit rating is taken into consideration seriously during the business transaction and the buildup of cooperation relationship among the financial institutions .