
  • 网络financial strength
  1. 美国和欧洲的货币市场显示,投资者对银行的金融实力再度表现担忧,关键信心指数几乎回到了贝尔斯登(BearStearns)崩盘之前的水平。

    Money markets in the US and Europe are signalling renewed fears about the financial strength of banks , with key confidence barometers almost returning to the levels that preceded the collapse of Bear Stearns .

  2. 具有讽刺意味的是,新兴经济体当前的金融实力恰恰反射出了美国经济的疲弱。

    Ironically , today 's financial strength in emerging economies is a mirror image of US weakness .

  3. 第一次世界大战之后,英国的金融实力不断下降。

    British financial power had been waning since the First World War .

  4. 19世纪80年代外国在华银行金融实力的扩张

    Expansion of Finance Network and Strength of Foreign Banks in China after the 1880s

  5. 权力不仅仅在于军事或金融实力;合理性也很重要。

    Power is about more than just military or financial muscle ; legitimacy is important too .

  6. 在经济全球化的推动下,国家间经济实力竞争逐渐演变为金融实力的角逐。

    With the economic globalization , the competition between countries economic strength gradually evolved into financial strength competition .

  7. 中资银行在经过了多年的高速发展后,金融实力日趋增强。

    After years of rapid development , Chinese banks ' financial strength has been more and more powerful .

  8. 因此银行必须将重建金融实力(以及贷款能力),置于向员工和股东发放无根据的巨额薪资之前。

    So banks must put rebuilding their financial strength and lending capacity ahead of large , unwarranted payouts to staff and shareholders .

  9. 对于一家银行而言,资金水平衡量的是它的金融实力,它尤其可以用来衡量当发生严重损失时,一家银行有多少资金可拿来用作缓冲。

    Capital levels measure a bank 's financial strength , essentially gauging how much of a cushion it has to absorb major losses .

  10. 英国企图借助美国的金融实力,恢复由其主导的世界经济传统秩序;

    The U.K. attempted to come back the traditional order of world economy led by itself through having the aid of American finance strength .

  11. 在债权人与债务人之间由来已久的战争中,弱小主权借款国和扩张过度的银行往往会战胜金融实力强大的债权人。

    In the age-old battle between creditors and debtors , weak sovereign borrowers and overstretched banks more often than not triumph over financially strong creditors .

  12. “中国显然是在利用其金融实力扩大势力范围,”一位为中国企业提供咨询的驻北京律师表示。

    " China is obviously using its financial muscle to expand its sphere of influence , " said a Beijing-based lawyer who advises Chinese companies .

  13. 本文认为:19世纪80年代是外国在华银行金融实力的扩张期,这一时期最主要的特征是金融网的扩张;

    Abstract This article holds that the 1880s is a period of time when foreign banks expanded their strength in China by means of spreading their finance network .

  14. 从储备货币地位的决定因素这个意义上来说,影响经济主导地位的不仅是经济体的规模,也包括其贸易和对外金融实力。

    Economic dominance , in the sense of the factors that determine reserve currency status , is affected not just by the size of an economy but by its trade and external financial strength .

  15. 外汇储备是国际储备的一部分,反映了一国调节国际收支和稳定货币汇率的能力,是一国在国际竞争中地位的重要标志和金融实力的重要体现。

    Foreign exchange reserves are part of international reserves , which reflect the adjustment balance of payments and the stability in currency exchange rates , and it is an significant indicator of the status of an important manifestation of financial strength .

  16. 本次交易对于中石化来说很重要。作为中国国有企业,该公司正在海外寻找机会展示其金融实力,争夺那些因为经济衰退而引发的一连串企业重组所带入市场的资产。

    The deal is important for Sinopec , which is among the state-owned companies that have been looking for ways to flex financial muscle overseas , competing for assets that have been coming on to the market through the string of restructurings brought about by the economic downturn .

  17. 通过金本位制的确立,日本不仅顺应了世界资本主义由自由资本主义向垄断资本主义过渡的发展趋势,提高了在欧美世界的信用度,而且,还增强了日本向亚洲各国进行殖民扩张的金融实力。

    After establishment of gold standard system , Japan not only conformed to the transition trend from laissez-fair capitalism to monopoly capitalism , but also raised Japanese credit degree in Europe and America , at the same time , Japan also enhanced financial force to expand colony in Asia .

  18. 庞大的外汇储备,表明我国经济地位的提高,抵御国际金融风险实力的增强。

    A huge foreign exchange reserve indicates the rising of China 's economy status and enhanced strength in withstanding international risks .

  19. 而且,稳定抵押担保证券价值将增强金融机构实力,增加能够进一步刺激经济的信贷流。

    And stabilising the values of mortgage-backed securities would strengthen financial institutions , increasing credit flows that would further stimulate the economy .

  20. 在解决了上世纪80年代和90年代的危机之后,许多新兴市场实施了关键的改革、奉行审慎的宏观经济政策、强化银行业及金融机构实力,并累积了大量央行储备。

    After the resolution of the crises of the 1980s and 1990s , many emerging markets implemented key reforms , pursued prudent macroeconomic policies , strengthened banking and financial institutions and built up significant central bank reserves .

  21. 我们的金融服务的实力是举世闻名的。

    The strength of our financial services sector is well-known .

  22. 人民币国际化将显著改变全球金融与经济实力对比。

    Renminbi internationalisation will bring a significant change in the balance of global finance and economic power .

  23. 中国的金融和经济实力是成功的关键先决条件之一,这对任何人都不是什么秘密。

    It is not a secret to anyone that China 's financial and economic might is a key precondition for success .

  24. 二是金融体系的实力,亚洲金融机构基本上没有染指复杂的信贷衍生品,这些衍生品重创了许多西方银行。

    A second is the strength of the financial system , which largely avoided the flirtation with complex credit derivatives that has afflicted many Western banks .

  25. 为了改进金融机构的实力和效率,我们已经对一些弱小金融机构进行了干预,同时也极大地巩固了一批金融机构

    " To improve the strength and efficiency of financial institution , we have intervened in weak financial institutions and significantly consolidated a number of financial institutions "

  26. 它拥有优越的通讯基础设施,在技术、人员、和金融机构方面实力雄厚,具备有利于商业经营的税收环境和管理环境。

    It has superior infrastructure in telecommunications and critical mass in skills , people and financial institutions , as well as a business friendly tax and regulatory environment .

  27. 然而,尽管巴黎、法兰克福和米兰仍将是本国经济的中枢,但在欧盟,只有伦敦切实具备作为全球金融中心的实力。

    However , while Paris , Frankfurt and Milan will remain pivotal for their domestic economies , only London has critical mass as a eu-located global financial centre .

  28. 区域金融中心是实力型、开放型的;思路是宁波建成现代化国际港口城市定位的深化;

    The regional financial centre which will be powerful , open and wide in radiative functions , is considered as a goal over that of building Ningbo into a modern international port city .

  29. 多尔西发现,他的新项目意味着,在小型方形加密器的帮助下,手机可以让用户得到力量,改变金融体系的实力平衡。

    With his new project , Mr Dorsey is finding that the phone can empower users , with the help of a small square dongle , to change the balance of power in the financial system .

  30. 罗杰斯表示,英镑的两大支柱一直是北海石油和英国金融服务业的实力,尤其是伦敦金融城(CityOfLondon)的角色。

    Mr Rogers says the two main pillars of support for sterling have been North Sea oil and the strength of the UK financial services sector , in particular , the City of London 's role .