
jīn rónɡ zhì xù
  • financial order
  1. 很多美国官员似乎担心,这家新的信贷机构会削弱世界银行和国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)的地位。它们是美国在二战后建立的全球金融秩序的两大支柱。

    Many American officials appear concerned that the new lender will undermine the World Bank and also the International Monetary Fund , two pillars of the global financial order established by the United States after World War II .

  2. 然而,更重要的是,如果人民币加入SDR货币篮子,它意味着全球金融秩序的改变。

    Of greater significance , however , is the change implied in the global financial order were the renminbi to join the SDR basket .

  3. 三是深入整顿金融秩序。

    Third , the financial order needs to be thoroughly rectified .

  4. 世纪之交的国际金融秩序改革

    Reform in International Financial Order at the turn of the Century

  5. 降低过热的期货市场,恢复金融秩序

    Cool down the over-heated future market and restore financial order

  6. 这样才能有效地维护国际金融秩序。

    Only by doing so can we effectively maintain the international financial order .

  7. 有效的银行监管是稳定金融秩序,促进经济发展的必要保证。

    Effective banking supervision can solidity financial system and boost the development of economy .

  8. 美国次贷危机的成因及其对国际金融秩序的影响

    Origin of the US Subprime Mortgage Crisis and Its Influence on International Financial Order

  9. 不正当的关联交易会带来巨大的危害,严重影响金融秩序。

    Improper intra-group transactions bring enormous harm , which will destroy the financial order seriously .

  10. 现在北京想要在重塑世界金融秩序方面发挥积极作用。

    Beijing now wants to play an active role in reshaping the world monetary order .

  11. 金融秩序走向规范。同业竞争日趋激烈。

    The financial order has become standard , and the horizontal competition has become furious increasingly .

  12. 四是依法规范和维护金融秩序。

    Fourth , we should standardize and safeguard the financial order in accordance with the law .

  13. 第四,运用法律手段对农村金融秩序进行重构,繁荣农村金融市场。

    Fourth , reconstruct rural financial order and prosper rural financial markets by using legal means .

  14. 二则不利于建立公平、公正与稳定金融秩序。

    Secondly , it is bad for establishing a fair , just and stable financial order .

  15. 同时,其行为本身也严重扰乱破坏正常的金融秩序,危害金融安全。

    At the same time , the act itself disrupt the destruction of normal financial seriously .

  16. 央行强调说,这种谣言会影响人民币的正常流通,危害金融秩序。

    The central bank said the rumors could affect the normal circulation of the Renminbi and jeopardize financial security .

  17. 为了维护金融秩序的稳定,促进金融业的发展,金融监管在监管技术、监管经验、监管模式、监管机制及国际协调等方面都出现了一些新的发展趋势。

    For the stability and development of financial industry , there has emerged some new trends in financial regulation .

  18. 世界各国领导人齐聚巴黎和华盛顿,急切地想从混乱中建立起新的金融秩序。

    World leaders huddled in Paris and Washington , desperate to construct a new financial order out of the chaos .

  19. 以及经济过热时期金融秩序混乱是主要原因。

    From the aspect of macro-economy , the planed economy and disorder of " overheat period " are key reasons .

  20. 然而在改革发展的过程中,不少民间金融秩序潜在的问题浮出水面。

    However , in the process of reform and development , a lot of potential problems about private financial risk surfaced .

  21. 这样做可以在维护投资者利益和维持金融秩序稳定的同时又保证资源有效利用。

    This would safeguard the interests of investors and in order to maintain financial stability while ensuring efficient use of resources .

  22. 银行,作为社会生活中经济发展的产物,在金融秩序中扮演着重要的角色。

    As the product of social life and economic development , bank , playing an important role in the financial order .

  23. 中国方面则辩称,它并不是要取代现有的金融秩序,而是要改善现有秩序。

    For its part , China argues that it is not trying to replace the existing financial order but to improve it .

  24. 上述行为提高了银行业的经营成本,增加了银行的风险,扰乱了正常的金融秩序。

    The above behaviors increase the operating costs and risks facing theof banks and disrupt the normal order in the financial industry .

  25. 自二战结束后,国际货币基金组织在维护世界金融秩序中作出了突出的贡献。

    Since the end of the World War II , IMF has contributed a lot in the preservation of the global financial order .

  26. 这对商业银行经营的安全性、稳健性和整个金融秩序的稳定带来了巨大的危害。

    The security , stability and the entire financial order , which manages to the commercial bank have stably brought the huge harm .

  27. 因此,能否快速有效的对印鉴真伪进行鉴别关系到国家的金融秩序。

    Therefore , developing a fast and effective way to verify the authenticity of seal imprints can safeguard the financial order of our country .

  28. 所有这些可能意味着,全球资本流动的方向以及当前国际金融秩序将发生重大变化。

    All this could represent a major change in the direction of global capital flows , and in the established order of global finance .

  29. 《反洗钱法》的颁布实施对于预防洗钱活动,维护金融秩序,遏制洗钱犯罪及其相关犯罪,发挥了非常重要的作用。

    The release and implementation of Anti-money Laundering Law plays a vital role in maintaining financial order and checking money laundering and related crimes .

  30. 在不得已的情况下,美国必须决定,如何在不破坏自由市场原则的情况下把中国融入业已存在的金融秩序之中。

    In the last resort , the US must decide how to integrate China into the pre-existing financial order without sullying free market principles .