
  • 网络E-government Outsourcing
  1. 而电子政务外包在降低成本、提高行政效率以及推进政府改革等方面都有积极的意义。

    E-government outsourcing has some positive effects in some respects . Such as : to reduce costs , to improve administrative efficiency , to impel government reform .

  2. 摘要政府实施电子政务服务外包方式是支撑其可持续性发展的重要手段。

    The E-government service outsourcing is an important means for government to support its sustainable development .

  3. 政府视角下的电子政务服务外包影响因素分析&以成都市为例

    Analysis of the Factors Influencing the E-government Services Outsourcing : the View from Government & A Case Study of Chengdu

  4. 由于电子政务服务外包是一项创新型的管理模式,如何正确运用、发挥其积极作用是研究与应用这种模式的核心。

    Since e-government services out-sourcing in a new managment model , how to apply it correctly and take full advantages of it are the core of this model .