
  • 网络Film marketing;Movie Marketing
  1. 重点侧重于旅游区网站的建设、微博营销平台的推广及微电影营销时代的来临等方面展开阐述。5、体验营销。

    Key focus on the construction of tourist site , Microblogging Marketing platform promotion and the coming of the era for Micro movie marketing . 5 、 the experience marketing .

  2. 第三,以中小成本电影《小时代》系列为案例,分析电影营销是如何运用大数据获得了成功,从市场定位、新媒体营销、整合营销、和排片率来归纳总结。

    Third , to small and medium-budget films " Tiny Times " series as a case analysis movie marketing is how to use big data to make success , from market positioning , new media marketing , integrated marketing , and exclusive piece rate to summarize .

  3. 提出全文的观点与对中国电影营销前景的展望。

    View full of the proposed China film marketing prospects with a prospect .

  4. 但我国的电影营销目前仍处于较低水平,有着各式各样的问题存在。

    However , China ' sfilm marketing is still at a low level with a variety of problems .

  5. 精准、分众与互动&数字技术背景下的电影营销以职场营销作为产寿险互动平台的探讨

    Film Marketing with Digital Technology A Probe into " Workplace Marketing " as the Interactive Platform in Property and Life Insurances

  6. 本文通过对电影营销的概念、现状、功能及出现的问题的阐述,寻求中国电影营销新出路。

    Based on the concept of film marketing , status , function and the problems presented by the China Film Marketing seek a new way out .

  7. 《星球大战》系列影片的营销思想则主要分析受众、媒介和市场三个方面。电影营销中受众作为商品、释码者和差异性个体的三重身份为电影营销提供了新的思路和方法。

    The audience in film marketing , as a commodity , decoder and different individual , the triple identity provides the new ideas and methods for films marketing .

  8. 目前能够搜集到的关于中国电影营销的资料也是五花八门,众说纷纭,没有形成一种可以借鉴的适合中国电影发展的通用模式。

    Now collect about Chinese film marketing material is multifarious , twittering , no form a kind of suitable for Chinese film can draw lessons from the development of the general pattern .

  9. 本研究分析了革命战争影片和英雄模范人物题材影片两个主旋律影片类型,围绕他们在营销城市形象中的特点,分别加以阐释,以期在比较中发现城市形象电影营销的机会和价值。

    This study analyzes the film types with themes of the Revolutionary-War Films and Hero-Models Films . According to their characteristics in the city image marketing , the study is to explain them respectively , with expect to find some opportunities by comparison .

  10. 这种办法常被用作电影的营销策略,也有明星情侣用它来做宣传。

    It is often employed as a marketing5 ploy4 for films and major celebrity6 couples .

  11. 中国电影整合营销策略研究

    Research About Integrated Marketing Strategy for Chinese Movie

  12. 当前,我国微博经济正处于发展阶段,电影微博营销也逐渐显示出了强健的生命力。

    Chinese micro-blogging economy is in the development stage currently , and movie micro-blogging marketing gradually shows a great vitality .

  13. 唐伟表示,考虑到营销开支巨大,中资在好莱坞扮演越来越大的角色很可能导致电影的营销方式发生变化。

    China 's growing role in Hollywood is likely to result in changes in the way films are marketed , given the expense involved , said Mr Tang .

  14. 文章通过对中美两国电影文化营销的发展状况及策略分析,总结出美国电影文化营销的特点与经验,并在此基础上,提出中国电影发展的比较优势,以及文化营销的发展策略。

    The article tried to conclude the characteristics and experience in American movie culture on the basis of analysis about developing situation in Chinese and American movie marketing and the contrasts directed against specific case .

  15. 针对这种现状,文章通过对中国电影当前营销现状的分析,提出运用整合营销的理念,构建适合本国国情的电影整合营销模式。

    For such situation , the author , based on the analysis of the present marketing for Chinese movies , proposes that we should use the idea of integrated marketing to create the integrated marketing model which is suitable to Chinese condition .

  16. 最后,通过介绍当前国内外电影发行、营销中的一些有价值的案例,为相关从业者提供一些可资借鉴的发展策略和有效路径。

    Finally , through introducing some valuable film distribution cases from both abroad and local , provides some useful references for related practitioners .

  17. 章节间的结构逻辑是从电影生产到营销,再到应对受众需求的电影产业实践运作顺序。

    The logic structure is from film production to marketing , and then to the operation sequence of practice of film industry in coping with the demand of the audience .

  18. 其中,营销趋向下的电影作为城市营销的途径之一,也是近些年对城市和电影空间之间进行商业性互动的积极尝试。

    Marketing film is one of the ways of city marketing approach , and also is the actively trying of commercial interaction between the city and the film refer to foreign modes of operation .

  19. 如今好莱坞已经基本上摸清如何让它们的顶级大制作影片获得在中国的放映许可,但电影公司的营销人员又要应对另一个谜题:怎样才是吸引中国电影消费者的最佳方式?

    Now that Hollywood has mostly figured out how to get its biggest movies approved for release in China , studio marketers here are grappling with a new puzzle : What is the best way to woo China 's ticket buyers ?

  20. 同时,新技术环境的出现也为后电影产品的营销提供了新的机遇:互联网与移动互联网为其提供了新的传播平台;数字化的技术为相关产业的联动扫清了介质障碍。

    At the same time , the new technology also provided a new chance for the post-film to marketing its products : Internet and Mobile Internet created a platform for communication and digital technology removed the media barriers between film industry and other correlative industries .

  21. 中国艺术电影的市场与营销策略研究

    A Research on China 's Domestic Art Films Market and Marketing Strategies

  22. 中国电影市场的整合营销

    The Integration Marketing of Chinese Movie Market

  23. 与美国相比,中国电影产品的许多营销观念还处在初级阶段,存在电影产业基础薄弱、产业机制不够完善等障碍。

    Compared with the United States , many marketing concepts of chinese film product are still in the foundation stage , and there are obstacles of a weak film industry foundation , imperfect industrial system and so on .

  24. 中国电影市场不能缺少营销策略,要提高电影质量,完善电影营销策略,它不仅是中国电影产业化的必然要求,也是中国电影参与国际市场竞争的自强之举。

    The Chinese film market cannot lack marketing strategy , to improve the quality , perfect film movie marketing strategy , which is not only the Chinese film industrialization is the inevitable requirement of Chinese movie , and participate in global market competition of self-improvement .

  25. 不过当微博知名大V“电影票房”发出“停止这种电影营销行为”的微博时,网友们开始审视该票房的真实性。

    Internet users began to speculate on the authenticity of box office earnings , with renowned Sina Weibo user dianyingpiaofang , calling to " stop films from paying the price of these actions . "

  26. 然后以动画电影产业链的顺序依次分析动画电影的票房营销、电影频道播放盈利、影像制品盈利、新媒体播出盈利和玩具、舞台剧等衍生品盈利几种模式,其中以票房和衍生品为主要分析对象。

    And then analyzes every part of industry chain : box office marketing , movie channel broadcast profit , dvd vcd products profit , new media broadcast profits and other derivatives profit modes as toys and stage plays , in which the box office and derivatives is main analysis object .

  27. 由于新媒体时代社交网络平台的快速发展,使微电影在网络平台上的热度不断升温,给电影的网络营销带来了契机。

    Due to the rapid development of new media era social networking platform makes heat micro film on the network continues to heat up , brings the opportunity to the movie network marketing .

  28. 被称之为电影王国的美国好莱坞,已经建立起完整而成熟的电影产品营销体系,并在实践中不断充实完善,取得了巨大的成功。

    Hollywood , called the " movie kingdom ", has established a complete and mature film product marketing system , which is continuously enriched and perfected in practice and achieved great success .

  29. 目前我国电影产业处于起步阶段,并不具有真正意义上的电影品牌和营销,这在很大程度上分流了消费群体,这对电影产业的良性发展是不利的。

    At present the film industry in the initial stage , does not have a real movie brand and marketing , to a great extent , the shunt the consumer groups in the film industry development is adverse .

  30. 相对于一般产品,电影这种文化产品具有五个特殊的商业特性,这些特性对电影产品的营销具有重要意义。

    Compared with general products , the cultural product , film , has five special commercial features which are significant to the marketing of the film products .