
  • 网络TV Media;LCD
  1. 因而,对于如何更好的整合电视媒体的数字资产,构建基于数字资产管理(DAM,DigitalAssetManagement)的理论、运营模式及评价方法等,便成为当务之急。

    Thus it is very pressing for us integrating digital asset of TV media better , establishing the theory of digital asset management ( DAM ), setting up operation modes and evaluation methods , etc. .

  2. 加入WTO使我国的电视媒体产业面临着巨大的压力,尽快与世界接轨成为一个现实而紧迫的课题。

    The accession to the WTO makes the TV media industry of our country face enormous pressure . Integrating with the world more quickly has become a realistic and urgent subject .

  3. 多达4家美国电视媒体排期邀请他上节目接受采访。

    He is lined up for no less than four US television interviews .

  4. 总部位于香港的壹传媒(NextMedia)表示,已同意以175亿新台币(合6.01亿美元)将其在台湾的印刷和电视媒体业务出售给一批当地商人。

    Next Media has agreed to sell its Taiwanese print and television media outlets to a group of local businessmen for NT $ 17.5bn ( $ 601m ), according to the Hong Kong-based group .

  5. 电视媒体构建TIS的基本设想

    Basic Conceiving on TV Media Constructing TIS

  6. 随着中国加入WTO,传媒市场在某种程度上不断开放,一个新的重要的问题摆在人们面前:电视媒体如何在网络时代继续生存?

    With China 's entrance to WTO and the increasing openness of media market , people are now confronted with a new challenge : in the Internet Age , how will TV survival ?

  7. 特别是加入WTO后,社会各个行业、产业都迎来了崭新的机遇和挑战,这也为体育赛事、电视媒体的产业化、市场化发展,带来了深远的影响。

    Especially after joining in the WTO , there is new opportunity and challenge . These give great effects on the developments of sporting competitions , the industrialization and marketing , so does Beijing .

  8. 而放眼我所在的电视媒体,在经历了三次变革浪潮之后,原先不可撼动的地位几乎已经让网络、移动电视、户外LED等新兴视频媒介冲击的支离破碎。

    And I look in the TV media , experienced three reforms tide , originally reigns status has almost let network , mobile TV , video and other emerging outdoor LED the impact of media fragmentation .

  9. 因此本文选定3G时代电视媒体的应对策略作为研究课题,希望能给传统电视媒体的研究带来一些启发。

    So , the article selected the survival strategies of the traditional TV media as the research topic . I hope to give the research of traditional TV media some inspires .

  10. 本文以CCTV的探索为研究对象,首先分析了媒体进行绿色化经营的不同要求层次,界定了电视媒体绿色化经营和绿色收视率内涵;

    This paper researched on the exploration and practice of CCTV , firstly analyzed the requirement-hierarchy of TV media 's green operation , and then proposed the definition of green operation and green rating of TV media .

  11. 卡内基莫斯科中心的玛莎•里普曼(MashaLipman)评论道,俄罗斯电视媒体上泛滥的多是安全、非政治性内容。

    The general trend , says Masha Lipman of the Carnegie Moscow Centre , is to safe , non-political subjects .

  12. 二十一世纪以来,中国电视媒体竞争激烈。

    Since21th century , Chinese television medium competitions are very vehemence .

  13. 电视媒体,缘何一路强势?

    TV media , why is it strong all the way ?

  14. 电视媒体网络在线调查差异性研究

    Research on the Difference of Internet Investigation of TV Media

  15. 电视媒体产业化促使了电视媒体间的激烈竞争。

    Industrialization of the television media promotes the competition among the media .

  16. 电视媒体在网络时代的话语权

    Research on the Tv 's Say of the Internet Age

  17. 随着信息技术的大力发展,社会文明的不断进步,电视媒体作为公共信息传播的重要手段持续增强,成为影响国家和社会发展的重要力量。

    With development of the social civilization and information technology .

  18. 新形势下中国电视媒体的责任与使命

    Responsibility and Mission of China TV Media under New Situation

  19. 我们将拥有价值上亿的电视媒体资源!

    We have TV media resource that are worth billions !

  20. 浅议电视媒体核心竞争力之内涵

    Discuss the intension of the core competence of TV media

  21. 与此同时,电视媒体的自我优越感尚未摆脱。

    Meanwhile , the TV media have not yet out of self-superiority .

  22. 浅谈我国电视媒体中人声字幕的运用

    On the Application of Human Voice Subtitles in the Media of TV

  23. 电视媒体与我国体育的互动关系研究

    A Study on the Mutual-exchanged Relationship between the Television Media and Sports

  24. 电视媒体如今存在的问题就是面对企业化经营转变的时候过于急功近利,有时候不能按照媒体自身的发展规律办事。

    TV media is now facing a problem when too profit-oriented enterprise management .

  25. 中国电视媒体广告经营的现状、问题及对策

    The Conditions , Problems and Strategies for Advertising Operation in Chinese TV Medium

  26. 第一章分析了目前地方电视媒体的生存环境。

    Chapter one analyzes the survival environment of local television stations at present .

  27. 我国电视媒体产业改革研究

    Research on TV Media Industry Reform of Our Country

  28. 具有双边市场特征的电视媒体平台竞争模型

    The Model of Television Media Platform Competition with the Characteristic of Two-sided Markets

  29. 中国电视媒体功能失衡与对策研究

    The Unbalance of the Functions of the Chinese TV Media and the Countermeasures

  30. 我们都知道,电视媒体已经成为我们生活的一部分。

    We all know that television media has become part of our lives .