
  • 网络Electronic advertising
  1. 技术人员利用ip网络,可以居中控制场地上的所有系统,包括计分牌、电子广告牌、照明和供暖系统。

    Using the IP network , the technicians can centrally control almost every system in the ground including the scoreboard , electronic advertising signs , lighting and heating .

  2. 两位经理都拿着花圈,甚至电子广告牌也加入进来。

    Both managers were carrying wreaths and even the electronic advertising boards were tuned in .

  3. 运输指挥中心老板DannyZamost说,这是公司第一次把比伯放在电子广告牌上。

    Command Transportation owner Danny Zamost said it 's the first time his company had put Bieber on its electronic billboard .

  4. 这里应该有个电子广告牌。

    Must have a bit electricity bill here .

  5. 已经有人提议将这个地方换上电子广告牌楼,目前有关威尼斯政府是否应该批准这一提议的争论仍在继续。

    The space has been suggested for electronic advertisements and controversy continues over whether the city will allow it .

  6. 在波士顿因安放电子广告牌引起全城恐慌的两名男子已被释放。

    Two men accused of placing electronic ads that caused the citywide scare around Boston have been released on bond .

  7. 谷歌正在努力获得更多电子广告以外的收入方式,而游戏产业为其提供了不小的机会。

    As Google seeks to diversify its revenue sources beyond digital ads , gaming presents a massive opportunity for the company .

  8. 这是货运代理运输指挥中心的杰作,他们曾使用电子广告牌创造了很多搞笑的效果,通常应用于体育行业。

    It 's the work of Command Transportation , a freight broker with an electronic billboard that creates some buzzy displays , routinely from the world of sports .

  9. 由慈善机构设计的这个电子广告牌是为更好地推广世界妇女教育。它只会给女性提供完整的广告内容,而男人只会被引导至相关内容的网站。

    Only women will be able to view the full message , which is for a charity promoting female education worldwide . Men will just be directed to its website .

  10. 有人提出理论说,要不了几年,广告商就能够用增强现实技术在显眼的地方放置漂浮在空中的电子广告,戴上特别的眼镜或隐形眼镜就能看见这种广告。

    It 's been theorized that in just a few years advertisers will be able to use augmented reality to float digital ads in prominent places that you would need special glasses or contacts to see .

  11. 这周,在伦敦牛津街的巴士站台上,一个神奇的电子广告牌将华丽地展现在公众面前。它就会播放40秒的广告,内容会根据观看者的性别出现差异。

    The electronic hoarding , to be unveiled on a bus stop in Londons Oxford Street this week , plays a 40-second advertisement with a different message depending on the gender of who is looking at it .

  12. 作为因为我是女孩活动的一部分,这个电子广告牌将试用两星期,用高清数码相机扫描大街上来来往往的购物者。

    As part of the charity 's ' Because I Am A Girl ' campaign ' , the advert - which will have a two-week trial - will use a high-definition camera to scan the multitude of shoppers in the busy street .

  13. 我国电子化广告的现状及发展研究

    The Actuality and Development Research of Electronic Advertisements in Our Country

  14. 电子网络广告的特点、发展前景及对策分析

    Characteristics , Prospects and Measures of Internet Advertisements

  15. 详细介绍了一个基于组件三层结构的电子分类广告系统。

    Electronic classified advertisement sys-tem is introduced in detail based on the component and the three-layer structure .

  16. 美国和英国的电子烟广告已经在电视(传统香烟广告的禁区)上播出。

    In America and Britain advertisements for e-cigarettes have appeared on television & forbidden territory for standard cigarettes .

  17. 主要内容包括:电子商情广告;电子选购和交易、电子交易凭证的交换;电子支付与结算以及售后的网上服务等。

    Main contents includes : electronic business advertising , Choose and electronic trading , electronic trade voucher exchange , Electronic payment and settlement and after-sales services such as online .

  18. 基于电子杂志广告最具特质的双向交互传播模式,受众的地位有了前所未有地提升,电子杂志广告必将成为一种主要的广告形式之一。

    Because of the bidirectional communication mode of E-journal advertisement , the status of the audience is upgraded , and it will surely become a main form of advertisement .

  19. 与此同时,商务软件公司Bazaarvoice也进入了这个行业,它2012年斥资4300万美元收购了电子商务网络广告公司LongboardMedia。

    Meawhile Bazaarvoice , a commerce software company , got into this business when it acquired Longboard Media , an on-site e-commerce advertising network for $ 43 million in 2012 .

  20. 电子商务网站广告投放切换模型及其鲁棒控制

    Switching Model for Scheduled Advertisements on E-commerce Website and Robust Control

  21. 一种优化的电子节目指南广告系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of an Optimized Electronic Program Guide Advertising System

  22. 基于流言模型的电子商务服务广告转发机制

    Rumor-Spreading Model of Service Advertisement Forwarding in Distributed E-Commerce

  23. 电子卷烟被广告称为无害的创新产品。

    Electronic cigarettes are advertised as a harmless innovation .

  24. 在线研讨会和电子新闻信广告对供货商来说,是其它两种有效的,流行的在线营销方案。

    Webinars and e-newsletter advertisements are two other effective and popular online marketing programs for industrial suppliers .

  25. 这新的工作将包含论坛,数据中心,电子商务和广告系统。

    This new network will combine forum , data center , e-commerce platform and Ad system together .

  26. 在线展会关注的是同一个主题,而电子新闻信广告通常关注的是个别产品。

    Webinars are usually single-topic focused and e-newsletter ads are typically centered on an individual product or offer .

  27. 电子时代的广告,要借助广告词、画面、氛围来塑造广告文化形象。

    Advertisement in the time of electron creats cultural image of advertisement by advertising word , picture and atmosphere .

  28. 该系统可以广泛地应用在装饰图案设计、电子贺卡、广告以及游戏、动画等领域。

    Potential applications of the system include design of decorative pattern , electronic card , advertisement , game and animation .

  29. 从商业应用角度,运用世代营销和生活形态行销的理论对电子游戏载体广告的受众的细分人群进行分析和定位。

    In the field of business application , the segmental consumers will be analyzed and defined by using theories of generation marketing and life style marketing .

  30. 但最令分析家门鼓舞的是它的电子商务和广告收入增长迅速,这一季度增长到6亿零9百万美元,增幅为95%,是公司收入的三分之一。

    But what encouraged analysts most was the rapid growth of its revenues from e-commerce and advertising , which grew by95 % in the quarter to $ 609m .