
  • 网络mass media advertising
  1. 单一的传统大众媒体广告形式涅盘。

    A single traditional mass media advertising forms will disappear .

  2. 电影是一种文化产品,也是一种媒体,以电影为媒体的广告,在美国、欧洲、日本、南美等国家已成为与电视、报刊并重的大众媒体广告。在我国,电影广告方兴未艾。

    The film is a cultural product , is also a media and film media advertising in the United States , Europe , Japan , South America and other countries has become both with TV , newspapers and mass media advertising .

  3. 大众媒体广告存在性别角色定型是一种具有国际普遍性的现象。

    Gender stereotypes in advertisements is a universal phenomenon .

  4. 过去的研究,多为调查民众对传统大众媒体广告的态度,对于网路媒体的调查,国内尚相当缺乏。

    Also , the investigations would be further proceeded to inspect the influences of consumers attitudes from web and email advertisement upon brand image and purchase intention .

  5. 大众媒体药品广告管理现状分析及整治措施

    Status Quo and Coping Measures on Management of Mass Media Drug Advertisements

  6. 大众媒体,广告,和体育运动也是引起同化的力量。

    The mass media , advertising and sports are other forces for homogenization .

  7. 大众媒体和广告中宣言的陈旧的性别观念

    Sex stereotyping in the mass media and advertising

  8. 这样的现状使得长期依赖于传统大众媒体进行广告等宣传的旅游业不得不做出相应的调整。

    This situation compelled the tourism , which relied on the traditional popular media for drumbeating , to make relevant regulation .

  9. 现在,食品和药品管理委员会提高了对直接药品广告的限制,报纸、杂志、电视大众媒体的广告也将被检查。

    And now that the Food and Drug Administration has lifted its restrictions against direct advertising , the public too will be assaulted with ad campaigns in newspapers , magazines and television .

  10. 自独特而多变的网络世界成为一种行之有效的大众媒体后,广告这种传统的宣传手段也得以在一个全新而奇特的舞台上施展其作用。

    Since the unique and changing world of network became a kind of effective mass media , advertisement which has been a traditional way of publicizing can be put into good use in an entirely new and colorful space .

  11. 该公司积极地在大众媒体上大量做广告树立其在中国的品牌。

    The company has been particularly active in mass media advertising to establish its brand in the country .