
  1. 本文从规模经济的角度分析我国的大企业战略。

    This paper analyzes Chinese Large - scale Enterprise Strategy at the angle of economics of scale .

  2. 而我国由于在长期的计划经济体制下奉行大企业战略,大力扶持大中型企业的发展而对中小企业缺乏足够的认识,因而对于中小企业融资问题的研究缺乏现实的土壤。

    China , owing to the long-term big-enterprise strategy in the planning economy , supports the development of big enterprises only while neglect SMEs , so it lacks the basis for the research on the finance problems of SMEs .

  3. 按照Alistair的说法,每一个项目都是一个博弈游戏,是一个更大的企业战略层面的博弈的一部分。

    According to Alistair , every project is a game and that it fits into a larger game of corporate strategy .

  4. 本文的研究成果,希望能对GZ有限公司的战略规划和建设提供有效的参考和借鉴,并对国有大中型企业战略管理具有实用价值。

    The results of this paper can be a good reference for GZ Co. , Ltd strategic plan development . It will add strong practical value for large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises strategic management .

  5. 国外大企业的战略管理及对我国石油企业的启示

    Strategical Management in Foreign Enterprises and the Inspiration to Oil Enterprises in China

  6. 漯河市大企业发展战略研究

    The Study of Strategy in Luohe Large Enterprises

  7. 确定了国有大型建筑企业发展成为跨行业、跨国界的大企业的战略目标,和为实现目标制定的近期、远期各阶段发展规划。

    The strategic goal of this thesis may make state-owned key construction enterprises become larger , and make the rule of present and long-dated strategic program .

  8. 中国实施大企业大集团战略的特色

    The Feature of China Carrying out Big Enterprises and Big Group Strategy

  9. 新疆大企业大集团战略与中亚经济合作

    The Economic Cooperation between Large-Scaled Enterprises in Xinjiang and Central Asian Countries

  10. 产业集群具有积聚、竞争、合作和创新等优势,而使越来越多的国家都把产业集群作为推动产业升级,促进企业发展,拉动地方经济增长,解决大企业弊端的战略策略。

    Industrial cluster has advantages in aggregation , competition , cooperation and innovation . So more and more countries perceive industrial cluster as a strategic decision on promoting the upgrading of industries , the development of enterprises , the growth of local economy and resolving large enterprise disease .

  11. 小企业挑战大企业的机遇和战略

    Small Companies Challenging Big Companies : Opportunities and Strategies

  12. 近几年来,我国一批大型国有企业集团先后实施了资产一体化改革,实施大企业、大集团战略。

    In recent years , a series of large-scale state-owned enterprise groups have been implementing the reform of assets integration successively .

  13. 实施大企业、大集团战略,是我国国有经济战略调整与国有企业改革的重要内容。

    Implements the big enterprise , the big group strategy is our country state economy strategy adjustment and the state-owned enterprise reform is an important content .

  14. 最后,立足于国内外市场的经济大环境,从企业战略角度对管道物业改制与运作模式的具体进展情况进行展望。

    Finally in the economic environment of domestic and international market , alter system from enterprise strategic angle for pipeline property , look ahead the specific progress of pattern .

  15. 随着大量外资银行进入中国,城市性商业银行跨区域经营,竞争日益加强,股份制银行利润空间受到了冲击,单一的偏向大中型企业的经营战略迫切需要改变。

    With foreign banks enter into China and city commercial bank develops the cross-regional business , competition is increasingly strengthened , and also joint-stock banks profit is reducing , the single strategy preferring larger and medium-sized enterprises needs to be changed .

  16. 提出贯穿全文的三大理论:企业竞争战略理论、风险理论和委托代理理论,为本文的研究作理论铺垫。

    In this part , the author puts forward three theories : theory of enterprise competition strategy , of risks , and principal-agent , so that it can establish the solid foundation of this paper from the theoretical point of view .

  17. 论文还重点论述了企业管理机制的创新对公司市场营销战略顺利实施的保障作用,对大中型国有企业营销战略的实施具有很强的现实指导意义。

    The thesis emphasized to discuss the business enterprise management mechanism of excellent turn to the company market marketing guarantee function of the strategic smooth implement , easily understood , have the very strong actuality leading meaning to the strategic implement of big and medium-sized state-owned business enterprise marketing .

  18. 跨地区企业具有员工规模大、分布地区广、企业文化差异大、企业战略理解与执行不统一、服务标准不统一、培训资源不均衡等特点,这些对跨地区企业的培训提出了相应的要求。

    This study also examines that for those multi-regional enterprises , due to their huge scale , covering different areas , difference of corporate culture and standards , imbalance of training resource , distinctive attributes of the training system should be paid more attention .