
  1. C、大流通物流仍然没有建立。

    C n whole circulating logistics has still not been established .

  2. 商务外语是我校迎接加入WTO的挑战,培养大流通人才的重要举措。

    Commercial English major is a challenge for our country to participate in WTO and an important step to train qualified personnel in the circumstance of fast circulation .

  3. 浅论开放式服务方式&大流通

    Discussion on the Opening Service Mode & the Great Circulation

  4. 高校图书馆大流通服务模式探讨

    Exploration on the " Great Circulation " Service Model of University Libraries

  5. 由大流通引发的对大学生素质教育的思考

    Thinking of Quality Education in Books Circulation

  6. 纽约的商品是国际大流通中的商业。

    The business in New York is also the business in the world marketing and distribution .

  7. 图书流通从早期的单一渠道正向着多渠道、少环节、大流通的格局发展。本文详细考察了现有的各种图书流通渠道,以试图寻求出更符合我国实际的、理想的图书流通渠道。

    The paper discusses about various books circulation channels , and try to look for the perfect one .

  8. ⑷初级产品和初级市场格局难以承受大流通的冲击。

    The setup of primary products and their markets can not bear shock of a great volume of circulation .

  9. 目前在我国构建新的以生态环境建设为主体的林业大流通战略势在必行。

    At present , the strategy of constructing great forestry circulation focused on ecological environment is imperative in our country .

  10. 但仅仅是进入到当地设立工厂还不够,还必须进入到当地大流通当中去。

    But was only accessible to the local factories is not enough , must also be entered into the local circulation .

  11. 随着高校图书馆的快速发展,越来越多的图书馆接受并实现了“大流通”管理模式。

    With rapid development of university library , more and more libraries have accepted and adopted the management mode of " Big Circulation " .

  12. 另外,随着世界各大流通企业争相进入中国,中国流通市场的竞争也越来越激烈,这都可能形成韩国企业在进入中国流通市场的障碍。

    And other hand , with the famous worldwide distribution enterprisess entering into China , the distribution market would be more and more competitive .

  13. 以集贸式的农副产品市场为主的原始市场形态是制约我国农副产品大流通的重要因素。

    Original market form consisting mainly of farm by-product market in the form of country fair is an important factor which restrains the circulation of farm by-products in China .

  14. 提出在当前为推动林业大流通快速发展,必须尽快建立起以生态环境建设为主体的林业大流通市场体系和有效的管理体制。

    The paper puts forward that we must establish the market system of forestry great circulation and efficient management mechanism as soon as possible , so as to promote the rapid development of forestry great circulation currently .

  15. 中国近代物流业是在外国贸易冲击下产生的,但是中国并没有利用这个机会大力发展物流业,以大流通促进商品经济的大发展。

    Development in China 's modern time is drove by impact of foreign trade , but we did not take advantage of this opportunity to develop logistics industry and promote the development of commodity economy with the help of circulation .

  16. 为了解决这些问题,我国大力发展农村流通网络,启动了万村千乡工程及新网工程,建设农产品、再生资源、农业生产资料和日用消费品四大流通网络。

    To address these issues , the rural distribution network was vigorously developed in China , Market Project of Thousands of Villages and Townships project was launched , and started New countryside modern circulation network engineering , including agricultural products , renewable resources , agricultural and consumer goods networks .

  17. 北宋大铜钱流通区域考

    TX the study on circulating area of big copper coin in North Song Dynasty

  18. 国有上市公司的股权结构显著特征是国有股一股独大以及流通股、非流通股人为分割。

    The ownership structure is characterized by state-owned shares dominating singly and artificially division between circulating shares and non-circulating ones .

  19. 其次,一种货币若想成为全球性货币,就必须可自由兑换,可以在深度大且流通性好的金融市场上交易。

    Second , for a currency to become global it must be freely convertible and traded in deep and liquid financial markets .

  20. 同时蓄热室内也采用了比较大的流通面积,降低了气体流速,减小了蓄热室阻力。

    Meanwhile , the regenerative chamber adopted a relatively large flow area , reducing the gas flow velocity and the regenerative chamber resistance .

  21. 蚕农面临小生产与大市场流通的矛盾十分突出,各经营主体间的关系协调越来越难。

    Silkworm raisers are confronted with much more prominent contradiction between the small production and large market circulation and it becomes harder and harder to coordinate the relationship among all operating entities .

  22. 摘要在体制转轨时期,以双轨制渐进改革的中国在证券市场上独创了“国有股一股独大的流通双轨制”产权形式。

    In the period of institutional transition , China created the form of property rights of " double-track circulation system with the state being the only big shareholder " in the course of double-track progressive reforms .

  23. 其中第一大股东为流通股时反映最为显著,国有股和法人股次之。

    The first major shareholders of tradable shares , reflected the most significant . The state-owned shares and legal person shares behind it .

  24. 其次,不利于企业构建科学的组织结构,成为企业提高运营效率和扩大再生产的绊脚石:还有,国有股一股独大并且不流通,使公司产权独立化成为形式;

    Secondly , the phenomenon goes against scientific organization of a corporation , makes corporation not bring up operation efficiency and enlarge reproduction .

  25. 发展武汉粮食大市场大流通的若干思考&兼论建立武汉粮食期货市场的条件与对策

    SOME THOUGHTS ABOUT DEVELOPING THE MAX-MARKET AND MAX-CIRCULATION OF CEREALS IN WUHAN & Discussion on the requirements and countermeasures of establishing cereal forward market in Wuhan

  26. 流通创新的理论和政策亟待寻求新的突破,以便大幅度提高流通效能和经济运行的总体质量。

    The policy and theory of circulatory innovation needs new breakthrough so as to improve the total quality of circulatory efficiency and economic operation to a greater extent .

  27. 实施差别化经济政策,推动产业转移,发展跨区域大交通大流通,形成新的区域经济增长极。

    We will implement different economic policies in different regions , speed up relocation of industries , develop trans-regional transportation and goods distribution networks , and create new regional economic growth poles .

  28. 通过讨论性平台,事件筛选为议题,通过意见性平台,议题升华为意见,通过更大范围的流通整合,议题和意见融汇为舆论。

    Through the discussion platform , events evolve to issues . Issues grow to opinions based on the opinion platform . Then issues and opinions turn into the public opinion after the large-scale mobilization and integration .

  29. 股权分置使得目前我国上市公司的股权结构具有股权集中度过高,国有股比重过大且不流通,流通股过于分散等特征。

    Equity division makes the equity structure of listed company in our country have character such as equity concentration degree is too high , the ratio of non-tradable state-owned share is over great and tradable share is over dispersed .

  30. 究其原因主要有两方面,一方面我国股权结构高度集中、一股独大、未流通股比重较高、严重的内部人控制现状严重影响着企业投资效率。

    There are two main reasons : one reason is that the serious influence to the efficiency of investment of companies caused by highly concentrated equity in China ," one dominant holder ", high weight of non-tradable shares , and the serious situation of insider control .