
  • 【经】bulk commodity
  1. 欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)已表示,预计下个月将上调利率,为高涨的大宗商品价格降温。

    The European Central Bank has signaled it expects to start raising interest rates next month , in a bid to cool rising commodity prices .

  2. 但随着大宗商品价格飙升,批评美联储(FederalReserve)的零利率已成为美国人茶余饭后的新话题。

    Criticizing the Federal Reserve 's zero-interest-rate policy is the new national pastime , thanks to a surge in commodity prices .

  3. 因为,尽管大宗商品占出口的60%,内需却占到国内生产总值(GDP)的三分之二左右。

    For although commodities make up 60 per cent of exports , domestic demand accounts for about two-thirds of gross domestic product .

  4. 伦敦的CapitalEconomics指出,自3月初发达股市走势转好以来,对经济恢复增长最敏感的工业大宗商品表现最为出色。

    London 's Capital Economics points out that , since developed equities turned in early March , it is industrial commodities , most sensitive to resuming economic growth , that have done best .

  5. 总部位于香港的大宗商品交易商来宝集团(Noble)本周加大赌注,发行了转换溢价为65%的7年期债券。

    Noble , the Hong Kong-based commodities trader , upped the ante this week by issuing seven-year bonds with a 65 per cent premium .

  6. 花旗集团(Citigroup)大宗商品分析师、最早报告这一局面变化的埃里克G李(EricGLee)表示:美国正在大步走向能源独立。

    The US is taking strides towards energy independence , said Eric G Lee , a commodities analyst at Citigroup who first reported the shift .

  7. imf还表示,各国央行需要小心,不要对大宗商品价格大幅波动引起的通胀上升反应过度。

    The IMF also said that central banks should take care not to overreact to jumps in inflation caused by large swings in commodity prices .

  8. 这种大宗商品价格冲击令全球需求缩减约3%,并成为大萧条(greatrecession)和股价暴跌的罪魁祸首,超出了很多人的想象。

    This commodity price shock subtracted about 3 per cent from global demand , and was more responsible for the great recession , and the precipitous decline in equities , than many people have realised .

  9. 上述数据显示,美联储(fed)可能不会那么热衷于大幅降息,同时美元汇率有所反弹,这一因素应该会导致大宗商品市场走弱。

    The data suggested that the Federal Reserve may not be so keen to cut US interest rates aggressively , and the dollar rallied a factor that should weaken commodity markets .

  10. 在IMF警告大宗商品价格将进一步上涨之际,关键原材料成本的上升,已引发人们对新兴国家通胀抬头的担忧。

    The warning of further commodity price increases comes as the increase in the cost of key raw materials triggers concerns about an inflationary spike in emerging nations .

  11. 麦格理(Macquarie)驻上海的大宗商品分析师格雷姆•特雷恩(GraemeTrain)指出,中国钢铁行业产能过剩,库存很大。

    Graeme Train , commodities analyst at Macquarie in Shanghai , pointed out that inventories were high in China 's overbuilt steel sector .

  12. 特别是,IMF是为数不多的押注本次衰退只是大宗商品超级周期中的一个停顿而非终点的官方机构之一。

    In particular , it was among the few official institutions to bet that the downturn was a mere pause in the commodities super-cycle , rather than its end .

  13. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)驻伦敦的农业大宗商品销售总监史蒂夫杰西(SteveJesse)表示,食品公司态度上的主要转变发生在过去6-9个月内。

    Steve Jesse , director of agricultural commodity sales at Barclays Capital in London , says the main shift in attitudes has happened over the past six to nine months .

  14. 麦格理(Macquarie)高级大宗商品分析师科林汉密尔顿(colinhamilton)表示:我们听说有削减奖金的事情,尤其是在铁矿石业。

    We are hearing of bonuses being cut , particularly in iron ore , says Colin Hamilton , senior commodities analyst at Macquarie .

  15. 上世纪60年代初,一位大宗商品大亨获取了大量贷款,担保品是大量色拉油,置于美国运通(AmericanExpress)位于新泽西州巴约纳的仓库中。

    In the early 1960s , a commodities mogul was taking out big loans secured by what he claimed were giant inventories of salad oil stored in warehouses owned by American Express ( AXP ) in Bayonne , New Jersey .

  16. 从数据来看,维多是世界最大的私营公司,排在另两家大宗商品贸易公司嘉吉(Cargill)和科氏工业(KochIndustries)前面。

    That would make Vitol the biggest private company in the world by sales , ahead of commodities industry peers such as Cargill and Koch industries .

  17. 新加坡证交所与芝加哥期货交易所组建了一家对等持股的合资公司,将大宗商品期货在新加坡的联合亚洲衍生品交易所(jade)上市,目的是进入零散但增长迅速的衍生品市场。

    The SGX has a 50-50 joint venture with the CBOT to list commodity futures on a Singapore-based platform called Jade , which aims to tap the fragmented but fast-growing derivatives market .

  18. 澳新银行(ANZ)高级大宗商品策略师珀尔文(MarkPervan)表示,智利之于铜相当于中东之于石油。

    ' Chile is to copper what the Middle East is to oil , 'says ANZ senior commodity strategist Mark Pervan .

  19. 中国大部分“高科技”出口品实际上都是低利润率的大宗商品,比如个人电脑和DVD播放机等,它们由进口的零件组装而成,这些零件占据了大部分的产品价值。

    The bulk of China 's high-tech exports are actually low-margin commodity products such as personal computers and DVD players , assembled from imported components that account for most of their value .

  20. 嘉能可(glencore,全球顶级大宗商品和矿业贸易商)和来宝集团这两大贸易公司的农业部门,也因此而名利俱损。

    The agricultural divisions of two big trading firms , Glencore and noble group , were caught with their trousers down and lost money .

  21. 去年5月,大宗商品交易商嘉能可(Glencore)通过首次公开发行筹资100亿美元,此次交通银行定向增发是自那以来规模最大的一起融资行动。

    It was the single biggest capital raising since the $ 10bn initial public offering by Glencore , the commodities trader , last May .

  22. 房地产投资直接占中国GDP大约13%,因此该行业若发生崩盘,将会产生冲击波,不仅影响中国,还将殃及大宗商品出口国&这些国家依赖中国建筑业实现自身增长。

    Real estate investment directly accounts for about 13 per cent of GDP so a collapse in the sector would have repercussions , not just in China but for commodity-exporting countries that rely on Chinese construction for their own growth .

  23. ozminerals数月来一直在努力出售资产、削减成本、筹措大宗商品资金和为其债务进行再融资,以便安抚那些威胁将把其纳入破产管理的金融家。

    Oz minerals has for months been struggling to sell assets , cut costs , raise commodity funding and refinance its debt to appease financiers who have threatened to place oz minerals into administration .

  24. 《金融时报》解释称,这种风险在场外交易市场尤其普遍,而交易所开放式指数基金(ETF)、外汇期权和多种大宗商品衍生品的通常进行场外交易。

    The FT explains that this risk is particularly prevalent in over the counter markets , where ETFs , foreign exchange options and a number of commodity derivatives trade .

  25. imf表示,美元贬值加上短期实际利率下跌,“通过一些渠道推高了大宗商品价格,例如提高了大宗商品作为另类资产的吸引力。”

    The IMF said that the constellation of dollar depreciation and falling short-term real interest rates " has pushed up commodity prices through a number of channels , including by enhancing the attractiveness of commodities as an alternative asset . "

  26. 过去两年,中国投资公司(CIC)的投资重点,从对包括百仕通(Blackstone)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)在内的金融公司的美元投资,转向投资于大宗商品企业以及包括房地产在内的硬资产。

    In the past two years , CIC has shifted its emphasis from dollar investments in financial firms , including Blackstone and Morgan Stanley , to investments in commodities groups and hard assets including real estate .

  27. 全球大宗商品航运成本基准指数波罗的海干散货运价指数(bdi)已跌至4个月前水平的四分之一。

    The Baltic Dry Index ( BDI ) , the global benchmark for the cost of shipping commodities , has slumped to a quarter of its level four months ago .

  28. 对澳大利亚、拉丁美洲和非洲等大宗商品出口者来说,中国增长大幅放缓是很糟糕的消息,汇丰(HSBC)亚洲经济研究联席主管范力民(FredericNeumann)表示。

    For commodity exporters in places like Australia , Latin America and Africa , much slower Chinese growth is very bad news , said Frederic Neumann , co-head of Asian economic research at HSBC .

  29. 正如右边GMO图所示,一个世纪以来包含33种大宗商品(石油除外)的指数年降幅为1.2%。

    Over the course of a century , an index of 33 commodities other than oil dropped at a 1.2 % annual clip , as displayed in the GMO chart at right .

  30. bis在其报告中指出,不断上涨的食品、能源和其他大宗商品价格,凸显了世界各国央行开始提高利率的必要性,加息速度或许应该比当初减息的速度还要快。

    Rising food , energy and other commodity prices underscored the need for central banks around the world to begin raising interest rates , perhaps even more rapidly than they brought them down , said the bis in its report .