
dài lǐ shāng
  • agent;commission agent;commission merchant;mercantile agent
  1. 我们在纽约的代理商经办在整个美国的销售。

    Our agent in New York deals with all US sales .

  2. 记住,房地产代理商是为房地产卖方服务的。

    Remember , the estate agent is working for the vendor .

  3. 广告标准管理局控告房地产代理商使用无耻的谎言。

    The Advertising Standards Authority accused estate agents of using blatant untruths

  4. 这家广告代理商每年销售额达14亿美元。

    The advertising agency rang up 1.4 billion dollars in yearly sales .

  5. 分红通告每年由总公司发送至地方代理商。

    Bonus notices were issued each year from head office to local agents

  6. 安妮选择了一家以专业人士为服务对象的高端代理商。

    Anne chose an upmarket agency aimed at professional people .

  7. 因为代理商把这些票都买断了,所以只能到别处买了。

    The tickets will be on sale from somewhere else because the agencies have bought them up .

  8. 根据经验来看,如果雇主要获得利润,那么其代理商必须卖出相当于其工资10倍的销售额。

    A good rule of thumb is that a broker must generate sales of ten times his salary if his employer is to make a profit

  9. 这批电视机将于明天送到代理商处。

    The TV sets will be consigned to the agent tomorrow .

  10. 我们在罗马的代理商负责我们在意大利的全部业务。

    Our agent in Rome deals with all our Italian business .

  11. 这是一家耍花样竭力投合公众心理的广告代理商。

    This is an advertising agency with all its jugglery of public sentiment .

  12. 代理商按市场价格给这车子定了价

    The agent priced the car at the right level for the market .

  13. 欢迎国内各省市经销商、代理商来电来涵

    Welcome home agents and franchisers to contact us !

  14. 你必须为代理商指派至少一个IP!

    You must assign at least one IP number for a reseller !

  15. 上周四,全美广告主联盟(TheAssociationofNationalAdvertisers)和美国广告代理商协会(AmericanAssociationofAdvertisingAgencies)发布了“最佳操守声明”,呼吁广告客户不要在盗版网站上发布广告。

    Some ad-industry groups are warning against placing advertisements on pirate sites .

  16. 本公司是中国最大的CAD平台软件四川代理商之一。

    The Company is China 's largest CAD software platform for one of the agents in Sichuan Province .

  17. 主在负责涡流EDDY品牌产品中国地区销售同推广和各地区代理商及经销商的发展。

    Star is in charge of the sales of EDDY , including promotion , developing agents and distributors .

  18. 基于OLAM的中间代理商CRM决策支持系统研究

    Research on CRM Decision Support System of Intermediate Agents Based on OLAM

  19. 俄联邦反垄断局针对的代理商之一MTS拒绝就此发表评论。

    MTS , one of the resellers targeted by FAS , declined a request for comment .

  20. ELITE引进创新的工程产品和优质服务理念,超越一般认为代理商只是作为用户和生产厂家的一个中介桥梁的传统概念。

    ELITE brings a fresh and innovative approach to engineering products & Services-acting much more than as liason between the clients and our valued principals .

  21. 基于ODS的代理商结算系统

    Agent Settlement System Based on ODS

  22. Adobe和IBM产品给保险提供者自动操作人员密集的流程的能力,当维护代理商及保险客户能够理解的基于纸张的范例时。

    Adobe and IBM products offer insurance providers the power to automate labor-intensive processes while maintaining the paper-based paradigm that agents and policyholders understand .

  23. 一家超级明星代理商例如伦敦的白立方(whitecube)或是纽约的高古轩(gagosian)帝国会适当地将这些价格翻倍。

    A superstar dealer such as white cube in London or the new york-centred Gagosian empire will multiply these prices appropriately .

  24. 在购买Sound公司生产的立体声音响时,我找不到任何一家愿以低于制造商建议零售价格销售的代理商,这是否构成限价呢?

    Shopping for a stereo loudspeaker made by Sound Corporation , I couldn 't find a dealer who would sell it for less than the manufacturer 's suggested retail price . Isn 't that price-fixing ?

  25. GRASSHOPPER同时还是许多欧洲知名的橱卫五金的东欧代理商。

    Moreover , GRASSHOPPER is also the agent of many famous cabinet and hardware companies in east Europe .

  26. 文章提出了采用ISP形式的虚拟企业构建方案&虚拟企业服务代理商(VirtualEnterpriseServiceAgent,VESA),并探讨了VESA的应用构建框架和处理业务。

    This paper presents an project of Virtual Enterprise constitution which is Virtual Enterprise Service Agent . The application framework of VESA and business processing are also presented .

  27. 公司诚征国内外电调、驱动器、仪器代理商和经销商,并承接OEM。

    Agents and distributors of the electric regulators , drives , and equipment home and abroad are wanted , and we accept OEM .

  28. 通用为旗下品牌土星和凯迪拉克(cadillac)更换了广告代理商,同时也变更了雪佛兰(chevrolet)的某些业务。

    GM has switched advertising agencies for the Saturn and Cadillac brands , as well as some of its Chevrolet business .

  29. 制造商须提供代理商有上述产品价目表,全用cif温州的价格。

    Manufacturer shall furnish Agent with the price lists of all of his products stated above , all in terms of CIF Wenzhou .

  30. 当您作为我们的用户使用CI提供的资讯和资料时,您(不包括CI及其代理商)事先应该仔细估量一下所有必要的服务和纠正成本。

    As the user of this or any information provided by CI , you ( and not CI or its agents ) assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing , repair or correction .