
  • 网络tribute trade
  1. 明前期中国与东南亚国家的朝贡贸易

    Tribute Trade Relationship between Early Ming Dynasty of China and South-east Asia

  2. 明清时期把中国传统的朝贡贸易发展到了极点。

    Fourth , the tribute trade extremely developed .

  3. 中暹贸易主要分为两种形式:朝贡贸易与民间贸易。

    Sino-Siamese trade had two forms , tributary trade and civil trade .

  4. 清代朝鲜使团贸易制度述略&中朝朝贡贸易研究之一

    A Brief Review on the Trade System of Korean Mission in Qing Dynasty

  5. 明代朝贡贸易衰败的经济原因探析

    Economic Reasons for the Disintegration of the Tribute-trade System in the Ming Dynasty

  6. 朝贡贸易违背了等价交换原则;

    Secondly , the tribute-trade violates the principle of exchange of equal values ;

  7. 朝贡贸易作为一种官方贸易,古已有之。

    Tributary trade as a official trade , has existed since ancient time .

  8. 本文从历史学与国际关系学相结合的角度,客观评价了朝贡贸易制度的积极作用和不足之处。

    The author tries to objectively comment on its active and negative effects .

  9. 朝贡贸易是古代中国长期沿用的一种寓政治和经济为一体的特殊对外政策。

    : Tribute trade is a special diplomatic policy which including politics and economy .

  10. 朝贡贸易程序复杂费用高,使明政府在贸易中得不偿失。

    Third , the complicated trading procedure makes the Ming government suffer economic losses .

  11. 宋朝与交趾的朝贡贸易

    Tributary Trade Between Song Dynasty and Jiao Zhi

  12. 对外贸易完成由朝贡贸易到私人海外贸易的转型。

    The overseas trade completed from pays tribute the trade to personal ultramarine trade reforming .

  13. 其中一个阶段(从1071年至1126年)双方的外交往来十分频繁,但基本上是以进行朝贡贸易为主要内容。

    During the period from 1071 to 1126 , their diplomatic intercourse was tributary trade .

  14. 明朝时期,朝贡贸易构成中日关系的核心。

    In the Ming dynasty , tributary trade constituted the focus of the Sino Japanese relation .

  15. 朝贡贸易和市舶贸易极大地推动了两国的经济文化交流。

    Tributary trade and vessel trade promoted the economic and cultural exchange of two countries maximumly .

  16. 朝贡贸易制度论

    On Tribute - Trade System

  17. 而宋朝回赐更是优遇有加,又有不同形式的加赐、特赐,双方不断把朝贡贸易推向高潮。

    And Song returned more , and had different forms of grant specially . Both countrys unceasingly pushed tributary trade to climax .

  18. 传统朝贡贸易体系的崩溃和条约口岸贸易体系的逐渐形成开始将中国推上近代化的快车。

    The tributary trading system has collapsed and the treaty port trading system was established , which brought China into the beginning of modernization .

  19. 在私人海外贸易被禁止,只有朝贡贸易是合法的情况下,明朝主要设立了三处市舶司,目的是管理朝贡贸易。

    In the case of the prohibition of private overseas trade , only three Shi bo si were established to manage tribute payment trade .

  20. 中琉贸易的形式是多样的,有册封贸易,有朝贡贸易,还有私人贸易,并且出现了专门从事琉球贸易的福州商人,史称球商。

    There also appeared some Fuzhou merchants who specially engaged in the trade with Ryukyu . They were known in history as Ryukyu tradesmen .

  21. 因此,海外诸国朝贡贸易积极性大为减少,香药朝贡贸易也由繁盛渐趋衰落。

    Therefore , the enthusiasm of overseas countries ' tributary trade greatly reduced , and the perfume tributary trade also gradually declines from prosperity .

  22. 永乐时期,朝贡贸易最为发达,中日之间贸易极为频繁。

    The tribute trade was the most prosperous during the period of Yong Le , and from that time on it began to decline .

  23. 但1882年以前,朝鲜近代意义上的对外贸易主要还只是针对日本,和中国仍然只是保持着传统的朝贡贸易和边境的互市贸易。

    But before 1882 , the Korean modern Foreign Trade was only with Japan and with China just remains a tribute trade and border trade .

  24. 在朝贡贸易中,双方各取所需,促进了各自经济文化的发展,增进了传统友谊。

    During the trade Song and Gaoli could both get benefit , promote the development of their own economy and culture and improve the traditional friendship .

  25. 政治信任的变迁与儒家礼治理念以及朝贡贸易有关。

    The vicissitude of ' political trust ' is relevant to the ' philosophy of Confucianism ruled by rituals ' and the ' tribute trade ' .

  26. 中日朝贡贸易的建立是两国政治经济发展到一定阶段上双方外交政策的产物。

    This tribute trade was a production of the foreign policy which is based on the development in politics and economy both of China and Japan .

  27. 隆庆元年,漳州月港的开放标志着朝贡贸易体系解体,朝贡贸易也随着衰败,其解体的经济原因主要是贡品对国内经济发展价值不大;

    There are some economic reasons for the disintegration of the system : First , overseas tributes are not of big value to the domestic economic development ;

  28. 历史上游牧民族与农耕民族间在经济上互补关系的主要内容有朝贡贸易、互市贸易以及战争这种非正常的互补形式。

    In history , this complementary relation between the two included the tribute presenting trade , frontier trade , as well as war as an abnormal complementary form .

  29. 由于宋朝国内外形势的变化,两国的朝贡贸易发展经历了由盛及衰的三个阶段。

    Because of the change of Song domestic and international situations , two countries ' tributary trade went through , from the flourish to decline , three stages .

  30. 因此,传统的朝贡贸易也就完全占据了主导地位,而涉外法律的诸多内容都与朝贡有关。

    So the traditional tributary trade is completely occupied a dominant position , the foreign-related legal system in Ming Dynasty , most of them are related with the tribute .