
chuán qī
  • Shipping date;sailing date
船期[chuán qī]
  1. 整个系统在Internet上用三层客户机/服务器框架发布和显示,用户可以从客户端发送订单、查询船期、访问数据库等,从而实现数据交换。

    On the client server , users can send order , query sailing date , access to databases , etc , to realize data interchange . Nowadays , Internet EDI is brewing and XML is explored .

  2. 提供专业、合理的船期和航班安排。

    Provide professional and rational sailing date and flight arrangement .

  3. 兹证实我方已经报给你方核桃仁20公吨,每公吨欧洲主要口岸CIF价2500美元,10月船期。

    We confirm having made you an offer for20 metric tons of walnut meat at USD2500 per M / T EMP for shipment in October .

  4. 我们专注于帮助中国重油M100买主可获得可靠快捷的供应,免除其对船期延误或运输中断之担心。

    We specialize in helping Chinese Mazut M100 buyers to purchase and receive reliable supplies of Mazut quickly and easily without worry , delay or disruption of shipments .

  5. 我们几天前收到了你的MYA-3285号合同的船期表。

    We received your shipping schedule of contract MYA-3285the other day .

  6. 请确认订货,并且传真一份船期。

    Please confirm the order and fax us a shipping schedule .

  7. 货物的装船日必须在信用证规定的最迟装船期之前。

    All documents must be presented within21days after the date of shipment .

  8. 我们所能做到的最早船期是下月。

    The best shipment we can make is next month .

  9. 中远集装箱运输有限公司第二章是关于船期表的法律性质。

    The second chapter discusses the legal features of liner service schedule .

  10. 船期如有延误可能会带来暂停装船。

    Any delay in shipment is likely to cause complications .

  11. 我们的服务是最可靠的,船期一向是最快捷的。

    Our service is most dependable and our shipment is always the quickest .

  12. 你能否告知我们最早船期吗?

    Will you please tell us the earliest possible date you can make shipment ?

  13. 我们得到通知说装船期不得不延至下月初。

    We have receive word that shipment to be put off till early next month .

  14. 新《合同法》要约承诺制度与班轮运输合同的成立&兼论船期表的法律性质

    Contract Law and the Formation of Contract of Liner Shipping ── Legal Character of Line Schedule

  15. 船期国表现自我评估表

    Flag State Performance Self-Assessment Form

  16. 中国营口外轮代理公司船期

    China Ocean Shipping Agency Yingkou

  17. 我们公司的特点就是:船期快,密,稳及价格低廉等。

    The characteristics of our company is : Sailing fast , dense , stable and low prices .

  18. 乙方应及时向甲方提供船期预报以及船公司截止接单日期。

    Party B shall provide Party A with forecast of shipping date and deadline of shipping company .

  19. 轮船船期可能因风暴而推延,船期如有延误可能会带来暂停装船。

    Ships may be delayed by storms ; Any delay in shipment is likely to cause complications .

  20. 由于我方顾客急需这批货物,希望贵方将装船期提前到8月。

    As our customer need the goods urgently , we hope you will advance shipment to august .

  21. 若进行退货是否会造成生产线的停工待料或误船期。

    If being going to return material , whether making production line stop work or missing shipping date .

  22. 我们希望产品能在七月前装运到港。请发给我们一份船期。

    We hope that the goods can be shipped before July and please send us the shipping schedule .

  23. 这是装船的最后期限。船期如有延误可能会带来暂停装船。

    This is the deadline of the loading period . Any delay in shipment is likely to cause complications .

  24. 列车因暴风而延误了。船期如有延误可能会带来暂停装船。

    The train be hold up by the storm . Any delay in shipment is likely to cause complications .

  25. 请劝说你方买主接受我方所报装船期,这是我方能获得的最早船期。

    Please advise your buyers to accept the quoted shipment time as it is really the earliest we can obtain .

  26. 并以船期数据和集装箱状态信息为例说明数据共享协调实现的方式。

    An example with sailing data and container status information is used to explain implementation pattern of data sharing coordination .

  27. 东方海外被公认为业内具有卓越船期准班率和良好安全记录的优秀承运商。

    OOCL is recognized in the industry as being a quality carrier with superior schedule integrity and an impeccable safety record .

  28. 集装箱船配载对确保船舶安全、货物安全以及保证船期有着重要影响。

    For safety of the vessel , cargo security and to ensure the schedules , CSP has an important impact on it .

  29. 班轮公司为使货主了解班轮航线,以便托运,一般都事先制定自己所经营航线的船期表。

    To make the consignor known about the line for shipment , liner company always make line schedule for next voyage in advance .

  30. 是的,我经常向寄货人和取货人发出电传,通知他们船期的更改及其他消息。

    Yes , I used to dispatch telex to shipper and the consignee to inform them change of our schedule and other information .