
chuán bó liú zhì quán
  • maritime lien
  1. 第二十五条船舶优先权先于船舶留置权受偿,船舶抵押权后于船舶留置权受偿。

    Article 25 A maritime lien shall have priority over a possessory lien , and a possessory lien shall have priority over ship mortgage .

  2. 并指出,以保险制度来解决船舶优先权与船舶留置权的问题是不现实的。同时,笔者还以为,在多个未经登记的船舶抵押权并存时,应是按债权比例同时受偿。

    The conclusion is drawn as follows : it is impractical to limit the priority of maritime lien and possessive lien of ships with the adoption of insurance system .

  3. 论海商法中的船舶留置权

    Some Views on the Possessory Lien on Vessel in Maritime Law

  4. 船舶留置权在船舶担保物权中的优先顺序

    Priority order of possessory lien on vessel in the ships security interests

  5. 论我国船舶留置权的概念

    On the Concept of Lien on Ships in China

  6. 第四部分是关于船舶留置权中的问题。

    The fourth part is about possessory lien .

  7. 浅议船舶留置权

    On the Possessory liens on ships

  8. 第四章主要论述了船舶留置权人丧失对船舶的占有的情况。

    The fourth chapter mainly discusses the case when the obligee lost his posses of ship .

  9. 船舶留置权,是指以船舶为客体的留置权,它是民法上的留置权在海商法上的具体运用和发展。

    The possessory lien , which refers to the lien on the ship , is of the development and application in the maritime lien on civil law .

  10. 第一章较为详细地论述了一般留置权的概念、成立消灭条件、特征,是整篇论文的理论基础,为随后对船舶留置权的研究作了铺垫。

    Chapter ⅰ dwells upon the concept and characteristics of traditional possessory lien , which is the academic basis for the subsequent study on the possessory lien on vessel .

  11. 我国民法上对留置权的规定较为详细,但在船舶留置权方面,由于《海商法》自身的特殊性,使其与民法上的留置权存在一定差异。

    Possessory liens under civil laws have detailed provisions , while in the aspect of possessory liens on ships , which are different from the former because of the particularity of maritime law .

  12. 对船舶附属物留置权

    Lien on the accessories for the vessel

  13. 然后,对出租人作为所有权人所面临的船舶优先权、留置权、船舶油污损害赔偿责任这些特殊风险进行了分析。

    Chapter Four analyses risks undertaken by the lesser , namely , Maritime Liens , Possessory Liens , and Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage .

  14. 特殊风险包括船舶优先权风险、船舶留置权风险、船舶油污损害风险和沉船强制打捞清除风险。

    Special risks contain the risk of maritime lien , the risk of ship lien , the risk of oil pollution damage from ships and the risk of forced salvage and wreck removal .

  15. 本文对船舶抵押权、船舶优先权及留置权、船舶碰撞、海事赔偿责任限制、共同海损等制度的产生及发展过程进行了详细的分析。

    This paper meticulously analyse the generation and development of the system of maritime mortgage , Maritime priority , Maritime lien ,, ship collision , general average and so on .

  16. 船舶抵押权也不同于船舶优先权和船舶留置权。

    Ship mortgage is also different from the ship preferred maritime lien and possessory lien .

  17. 同时,船舶担保物权包括船舶抵押权、船舶优先权、船舶留置权三种,它们也各有各的特点。

    At the same time , security right on ships includes mortgage of ships , maritime liens and possessory liens on ships . Each has its own characteristics too .