- 名From property rights;accessory real right, secondary right in rem

Discrimination Theory of the Real Right and the Creditor 's Rights
New Opinion on Legal Interest of Larceny : Review from Real Right
System of Registry of Maritime Lien
The Discrimination Between Substantive Claim and Procedural Claim : From the Perspective of Claim of Property Confirmation
The Suggestions about Drawing up and Implementation of Regulatory Detailed Planning Perfected under the Angle of Property Right
The Value of the Legal Doctrine of Real Right Criticism on Several Points of " Legal Truth " Doctrine
Seeing from the property law system , the content of property law is not complete without pawn right system .
Analyzes the nature of real right for security of priority from the two aspects of real rights and security ;
We should search the independent value of right of real claim in the partition and character of the real right .
Mainly from the legal effect of changes in property and debt claims on the legal effect analyzed in two ways .
First , we analysis the legal attribute of virtual property in the view of Property Law , Obligation Law and Intellectual Property Law .
Moral Legalization in " General Rule of the Civil Law " Civil Liabilities Provided by the General Principles of Civil Law : From the Real Rights Act to Civil Code
From the perspective of the value of property theory and practice acts , acts of property rights theory analysis is a new attempt , and perhaps a less successful attempt .
Therefore , this article attempts to the human dimensions of property rights , property rights legislation from humanity and the human review of the existing property law such as this discussion .
Then , it discusses the theoretical advantages of the real rights of natural resources and its potential status in the system of the real rights based on the ecological trends of the real rights .
On the Characteristics of Proper Right & Take the distinction between proper right and obligation right as the view angle ; The Discrimination Between Substantive Claim and Procedural Claim : From the Perspective of Claim of Property Confirmation
The collection of land ownership can of course destroy the contracted management of land , therefore , from the point of view of the real right theory , the contracted management of land shall be the acquisition for independence .
This article introduces the signification of academic background , constructional key points and independent and abstract principles from concept of contract and makes a discussion about the advanced regulation of title to assets contract under condition of adopting behavior of the law .
This paper queries the validity of Chinese traditional proprietorship doctrine on the basis of analyzing the theory of abroad ownership and proprietorship doctrine and puts forward that legal interest of larceny should be possession of property itself in terms of real right protection .
About the validity of the collective agreement , I attempt to discuss from the aspects of real right validity , obligatory right validity and organization validity , on the foundation of the comparison among the varied theories from Britain , Germany and Taiwan .
Form the point of real rights , the paper tried to answer which characteristics with which fisheries right should be provided in its trend of real right , and put forward fisheries right have both double characteristics of usufruct and real rights of license in China .
Modern Urban Real Estate In Property Law
About the impact of the draft Law of Real Right on the ship registry system
Exchanging Land for Social Security Basing on " Right over the Property of Another ": An analysis of sociology of law
This part analyzes the differences between the exercised subject and compensation scope in accordance with the provisions of the Property Law .
Funded debt is part of company capital system and credit investment in modern society has access to means to become independent of the real right property forms .
The focus of the case one of the real applicability of goodwill made to analyze the system for the definition and elements of the focus from the provisions of the Property Law , a case analysis of whether the sale of housing constitute a bona fide acquisition .
From Classical Real Property to the Modern One
From Possession to Real Right Economic Analysis of Law and Innovation of Real Law in China
Some Problems of Real Right of Ship According to the Suggestion of Real Law Draft of China