
  • 网络From debt;Secondary liability
  1. 历史表明,从债务所致的资产泡沫中复苏是个漫长而又痛苦的过程,GDP增长大减速和失业高企的局面至少将持续十年。

    History suggests that recovery from a debt-fuelled asset bubble can be long and painful , with much lower GDP growth and higher unemployment for at least a decade .

  2. 无论是谁,若他拥有的CDS超过他所持有的基础债券价值,就能从债务违约中获利,由此产生明显的道德风险。

    Anyone who owns CDS in excess of the value of the bonds he owns benefits when the debt defaults , creating obvious moral hazard .

  3. 从债务到危机的质变需要诸多条件。

    Yet the qualitative change from debt to crisis needs various conditions .

  4. 英国经济从债务杠杆的飙升中获得最起码的好处了吗?

    Did the economy at least benefit from the run-up in leverage ?

  5. 其中,理论分析主要从债务契约理论与信息不对称理论出发。

    The theory mainly contains debt contract theory and the information asymmetry theory .

  6. 很难从债务出摆脱出来。

    It 's hard to get out of debt .

  7. 近几年来,类似基金已从债务国获得约10亿美元的偿款。

    Similar funds have won an estimated $ 1bn from debtor nations in recent years .

  8. 该部分从债务纠纷相关格式条款的形成、内容、争议和变化四个方面进行分析。

    This analysis include f formation , content , controversy and change of the standard terms .

  9. 夏尔马对于中国的前景尤其悲观,从债务的标准来看,中国的表现很糟。

    Sharma is particularly bearish about the prospects for China , which performs poorly on the metric of debt .

  10. 这就是尽管欧洲尚未完全从债务危机中复苏,但你将三分之二的资金投资于该地区的原因?

    Is that why two-thirds of your holdings are in Europe , which is still recovering from the debt crisis ?

  11. 周一在布鲁塞尔,各方就依靠欧盟新法规将欧洲从债务问题中挽救出来的努力展开了激烈辩论。

    Efforts to rescue Europe from its debt problems through new EU regulations were being fiercely debated in Brussels on Monday .

  12. 一战后,美国从债务国变为债权国,综合实力得到发展,尤其是经济实力。

    After the First World War , the United States from debtor to creditor , comprehensive strength development , especially economic strength .

  13. 在接下来的几年里,她帮助领导了将欧元从债务危机中拯救出来的努力,这场危机对欧盟多个成员国造成了损害。

    Over the following years , she helped lead efforts to save the euro from the debt crisis that hurt several European Union members .

  14. 通过一些技巧和改变消费行为,你可以从债务中走出来,并且集中你的精力于储蓄和投资上。

    With discipline and a change in spending patterns , you can get out of debt and concentrate your efforts on saving and investing .

  15. 从债务风险角度判断中国合理的财政赤字率的关键是看经济增长速度是否大于真实利率。

    Based on the government 's debt risk , the rational deficit ratio depends on whether the economic growth rate exceeds the real interest .

  16. 从债务契约的角度而言,为缓解债权债务各方的代理冲突,以谨慎性原则修正财务会计中的计量属性选择是必要的。

    In terms of debt contract , it is necessary to revise measurement attributes using prudence principle in order to reducing conflicts between creditor and debtor .

  17. 那样,这些国家将从债务可控的好均衡,缓慢转向债务近乎不可控的坏均衡。

    These countries would then be slowly shifted from a good equilibrium , with manageable debt , to a bad equilibrium , with close to unmanageable debt .

  18. 国内外对于资本结构这一角度出发的研究较少,尤其是从债务结构和财务杠杆的利用程度这两方面。

    The study about this field is few at home and abroad , especially from the point of the debt structure and utilization level of financial leverage .

  19. 据此,笔者从债务制度供给、债务需要约束和地方债务管理三方面提出了防范地方政府债务风险的政策建议。

    Therefore , the author promotes some policy advice about debt system supply , debt demand restriction and local debts management to prevent the local government debts risk .

  20. 与把央行票据性质定位为中央银行债券的传统角度不同,本文从债务置换工具的视角重新阐释了央行票据的性质。

    Unlike the former view that the character of Central Bank Bill is bond issued by Central Bank , this paper afresh explains its character from debt replacement instrument .

  21. 这篇专栏文章发表的时候,我已身在法国度假,美国可能最终已从债务违约的深渊逃离。

    By the time this column is published I will be on holiday in France , and the US might finally have stepped back from the abyss of debt default .

  22. 本文将从债务结构的另一个角度,即是否为负息债务出发进行研究,有一定的创新。2、资本结构本身具有行业特征,这已经是国内外理论界的共识。

    This paper studies from another angle of the debt structure , that is , study from whether interest-bearing debt or not , it has certain degree of innovation . 2 .

  23. 从债务期限的角度来看,国有上市公司的短期债务未能发挥破产威胁效应,而非国有上市公司的短期债务却能够发挥破产威胁效应。

    From the perspective of debt maturity , short-term debt of state-owned listed companies fails to give play to effect of bankruptcy threat , while short-term debt of non-state-owned listed does .

  24. 实证中主要采用因子分析和多元线性回归的方法,从债务融资结构的角度出发,将债务融资结构分为债务总体结构、债务期限结构和债务类型结构三部分,分别研究其对企业绩效的影响。

    Then , According to using factor analysis and multiple linear regression method , this paper will research on how the different debt overall structure , debt maturity structure , debt category structure influencing on the corporate performance .

  25. 通过利用2007-2009年我国深、沪两市A股上市公司数据,从债务融资的角度来考察了会计稳健性的经济后果,分析了会计稳健性与我国上市公司债务成本的关系。

    Based on the data of A-share companies listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges between 2007 and 2009 , this article tests the economic consequences of accounting conservatism and analyzes the relationship between accounting conservatism and cost of debt .

  26. 文章从债务契约的主要的约束力因素出发,考虑了整体债务水平和债务期限对会计稳健性的影响,并对两者之间的关系进行了实证研究。

    This article is mainly about how the amount and maturity of debt affects the conservatism from the perspective of debt contract binding factors . At the same time , the relationship is empirical studied in the special institutional background of China .

  27. 本文从债务的总体规模、债务的期限长短、债务的来源三个部分研究债务融资与公司业绩的关系。

    In the paper , we will divide into three parts to analyze the relationship of debt financing and performance of the company , including the overall size of the debt , the length of the duration of the debt , the source of the debt .

  28. 根据本文对债务融资结构的划分,从债务整体水平与财务绩效的关系、债务期限结构与财务绩效的关系和债务类型结构与财务绩效的关系三个方面回顾了国内外实证研究成果。

    According to the classification of debt financing structure , this paper reviews empirical researches from three aspects : the relationship between debt level and financial performance , the relationship between debt maturity structure and financial performance , and the relationship between debt type structure and financial performance .

  29. 英国国债做市商协会(Gilt-EdgedMarketMakersAssociation)拥有直接从英国债务管理办公室(DMO)购买证券的排他性权力。该协会的诸多大型成员银行都位于往来奥运场馆的交通线上,其中很多银行都安排员工奥运期间在家里工作。

    With many of the largest banks - which make up the elite Gilt-Edged Market Makers Association exclusively allowed to buy securities directly from the Debt Management Office - dotted along the transport routes to and from the main Olympic site , many employers are making arrangements for staff to work from home .

  30. 第二部分为从连带债务到连带责任。

    The second part deals with the joint obligation and the joint responsibility .