
  1. 第二部分:参与分配制度的一般考察。

    Part Two . The General Research of Participation in Distribution System .

  2. 论民事执行程序中参与分配制度的缺陷及其完善

    On Flaws and Perfects about the System of Participating Allocation in China

  3. 论我国民事执行参与分配制度的改革

    On the Reform of China 's Participation in Distribution System in Civil Execution

  4. 第二章是参与分配制度的内容。

    The Content of Participation in Distribution System .

  5. 在中国,参与分配制度的立法经历了从无到有、从粗到细的过程。

    In China , the distribution system in the legislative experience from scratch , from coarse to fine process .

  6. 民事强制执行程序中的参与分配制度是法学理论界和司法实务界争论的焦点之一。

    Civil Enforcement program participate in the distribution system is the legal theory and judicial practice focus of debate .

  7. 其中正文从三个部分对参与分配制度进行了论述:第一章:参与分配制度的概述。

    The text is divided into three chapters : Chapter One : The general research of participation in distribution system .

  8. 我国现行的参与分配制度,无论是在立法上还是在具体操作上都存在很多问题,因而应予改革。

    Participation in distribution system which is practiced in China has many disadvantages in legislation and manipulation , so it should be reformed .

  9. 参与分配制度贯彻了强制执行分配的平等主义,体现了法的公平价值。

    Participation in distribution system of China carries on the doc-trine of equality in distribution of execution and demonstrates the fair value of law .

  10. 首先,应实现参与分配制度的价值回归,使参与分配制度体现出公平前提下的效率优先性。

    First of all , should realize the value of the distribution system in return , so in a fair distribution system under the premise reflects the efficiency of priority .

  11. 根据现行参与分配制度的概念及适用条件,我国规定所有取得执行依据的公民或其他组织在符合参与分配条件时都可以平等受偿。

    According to existing participate in distribution system concept and applicable condition that our country sets all get execution according to citizen or other organizations in accordance with the participate in distribution conditions of equality can be satisfied .

  12. 从参与分配制度的独立价值出发,参与分配的申请人原则上应是已取得执行依据的债权人,未取得执行依据的债权人不宜列为申请人。

    According to its value , this article points out the creditors who have had title of execution are entitled to apply for participating distribution , on the controversy , those who haven 't should not be applicants .

  13. 对我国民事执行程序中的参与分配制度的反思就我国参与分配制度的条件设置、申请参与分配的债权人范围、被执行人适用主体及查封制度与执行分配原则的关系等问题进行反思。

    Distribution system to the conditions of participation in setting the scope of application for participation in distribution of the creditor , debtor and seal for the main distribution system and the implementation of the relationship between the reflection problems .

  14. 为克服平等主义和优先主义之固有缺陷,兼顾债权的平等性和个别执行程序的特点,我国参与分配制度应坚持折中原则。

    The defects of doctrine of equality or priority should be overcome . In order to make a compromise between the equality of debt and nature of particular procedure of execution , the doctrine of eclecticism should be persisted in the system of participating distribution .

  15. 而我国目前破产立法采取有限破产主义,决定了现行参与分配制度是在非法人的公民或者其他组织资不抵债时,为其多个债权人提供一条公平受偿的途径。

    At present , the limited subject of bankruptcy in China have determined that the system of participation in distribution is a channel to help many creditors realized their credits equally when the citizen or other organizations can not pay their debts with their all assets .

  16. 从定义、特征、程序、财产分配原则及与破产制度、执行竞合之间的关系五个方面对执行参与分配制度进行探讨,旨在对该制度进行整体和详尽的把握。

    Firstly , the author gives a brief account of allocation system from five angles , including definitions , characters , procedures , principles of property allocation & bankruptcy provisions , as well as concurrences of enforcement , in order to make an overall and detailed demonstration to this system .

  17. 健全生产要素按贡献参与分配的制度意味着什么?

    On significance of " perfecting the system of production elements participating in distribution according to contribution ";

  18. 其次,应当理顺参与分配与破产制度的关系,使两者形成既相互独立、又相互补充的有机整体。

    Secondly , we should rationalize the distribution and insolvency regimes in relation to the formation of only two distinct but complementary organic whole .

  19. 在资本收益率高的背景下,合作制的限制资本参与分配的原则受到了挑战,本文认为对一些合作社在明晰产权的前提下,引入资本参与分配机制的制度创新应予以肯定。

    Facing the contradiction between the return pursuit of capital and the allocation principle of cooperative system , which denies the capital-based distribution , we suggest that the capital-based allocation system should be introduced under the condition of a clearly defined property rights .