
  • Exhibitor;Exhibiting
  1. 上周,信息安全大会(RSAConference)的组织者在其参展商规则里加了一条新规,实际上就是禁止“展台宝贝”入场。该组织将于下个月在旧金山举办一场信息安全展会。

    Last week , the organizers of the RSA Conference , an information security event that will take place in San Francisco next month , added a new clause to its exhibitor rules and regulations .

  2. PV-Tech团队所拍摄的本集介绍视频展示了参观者和参展商对于今年这场盛会的反馈缩影。

    A snap-shot of visitor and exhibitor feed-back is highlighted in this introduction video from PV-Tech , to this year 's event .

  3. 金融服务专题展外国参展方数量增�2020年服贸会金融服务专题展有43家外国金融机构参展,今年的外国参展商数量增加了16家。

    The CIFTIS hosted 43 foreign financial institutions at the financial services exhibition in 2020 , and this year saw the addition of 16 more .

  4. 第五章通过设计调查问卷分别测量参展商对威海渔具展、主办方CHINAFISH以及主办地威海的忠诚度,由调查结果分析威海渔具展的合作各方在这一品牌会展中的作用。

    Chapter ⅴ measured the exhibitors ' loyalty of CGC EXPO , Weihai and CHINA FISH through the survey questionnaires . And analysis the function of cooperation parties in this brand exhibition by the result of the survey .

  5. 展会在巴黎北部世博园(ParcdesExpositions)的九个大展厅内举行,在为期五天的展览中,共有3194家参展商参会,吸引访客8.3万人。

    Spread over nine vast halls at the Parc des Expositions to the north of Paris , the show hosts 3194 exhibitors and attracts 83000 visitors over five days .

  6. 他在Basel的展览亭中接受采访说:它要传达的信息是希望、生命强于死亡、重生。此次参展的单位多达2100多家,争相展示最新商品,其中奢侈品参展商大大增加。

    " It is a message of hope , of life stronger than death , of rebirth ," he said in an interview in exposition booth in Basel , where more than 2,100 exhibitors are flaunting their latest wares amid a boom for the luxury goods sector .

  7. 许多参展商甚至打印出用中文写的宣传小册。

    Many exhibitors have even printed out pamphlets written in Chinese .

  8. 预定宾馆收费可见参展商手册。

    See the exhibitor manual for the charging reserved for hotel .

  9. 提供参展商参展证、观众登记手册;

    Providing for exhibitors the identification badge and viewer registration book .

  10. 参加欧洲贸展会:中国参展商应重新制定营销策略。

    Trade fairs : chinese exhibitors should re-think their marketing strategies .

  11. 今年的美食节吸引了超过600家参展商前来参展。

    This year 's festival has attracted more than 600 exhibitors .

  12. 能以独立参展商的身份出席了温哥华和平峰会。

    of being the sole exhibitor at the Vancouver Peace Summit .

  13. 尽管价格很高,外国参展商有信心,他们能吸引到买家。

    Foreign exhibitors are confident they can attract buyers despite the cost .

  14. 影响参展商参展决策行为的因素研究

    The Research on the Factors Influencing the Participation Decision-Making of the Exhibitors

  15. 美国厂家也是这次特色食品展销会的主要参展商。

    US producers also are a big part of the Fancy Food Show .

  16. 或许对参展商进行分类然后将他们以字母顺序排列是否会更好?

    Perhaps best to categorise exhibitors and then have them in alphabetical order ?

  17. 今年的参展商多种多样,很有意思。

    It was interesting to see the diversity of floor participants this year .

  18. 从参展商角度论成都市会展旅游发展

    On the Development of MICE Tourism in Chengdu from the Perspective of Exhibitors

  19. 航空邮件线路和邮资的说明以参展商自身的研究为基础。

    Description of airmail routes and rates are based on Exhibitor own research .

  20. 为国外参展商办理结关手续等等。

    Customs clearance for overseas exhibitors and so on .

  21. 这样的观念受到书展参展商的欢迎。

    Such an idea is welcomed by the vendors at the book fair .

  22. 提供《参观请柬》供参展商邀请客户使用;

    Providing Visit Invitations for exhibitors to invite customers ;

  23. 本次秋季广交会吸引了来自世界各地的参展商。

    The semi-annual event attracts world-class buyers and exhibitors from across the globe .

  24. 为主办单位及参展商提供货物代理服务及仓储服务。

    Provide goods transport agent service and storage service for sponsor unit and exhibitor .

  25. 535个参展商和150多个免费研讨会。

    Five hundred and thirty-five exhibitors and over one hundred and fifty free seminars .

  26. 提供参展商手册,详尽阐述解答有关参展事宜;

    Provide exhibitor manual to respond in details to the issues concerning the Exhibition ;

  27. 他们提供基本框架或预制房,其他工作由参展商完成。

    They provide basic shells or modules which the exhibitors can then complete themselves .

  28. 在这种背景下,忠诚参展商成为组展商关注的焦点。

    Against the background , the anchor exhibitors become the focus of organizers ' attention .

  29. 在线展会在工业行业中,对观众和参展商来说,都是胜者。

    Online events in the industrial sector are winners for both the audience and exhibitors .

  30. 所以我们不建议参展商运输或自带任何上述物品。

    So exhibitors are suggested not to transport or carry any of the said products .