
  • 网络reference group
  1. 奢侈品牌与大众品牌:购买决策中参照群体影响差异研究

    Luxury Brand and Mass-market Brand : Differences in Reference Group Influence

  2. 基于消费者相互作用对新产品的扩散过程与参照群体的分析

    The Analysis on Diffusion of New Products and Reference Group Based on Consumer Interaction

  3. 以中系蚕品种芙蓉、菁松及其杂交后代为参照群体,对3个杂交分离系进行AFLP分析,获得了617个AFLP分子标记。

    Their DNA polymorphisms were analyzed with AFLP , with the Chinese silkworm strains " Furong " and " Jingsong " and their cross offsprings as the control , and 617 AFLP molecular markers were obtained .

  4. 相对剥夺感是现在中国社会普遍存在的心理现象,是个人或群体通过与参照群体比较而产生的一种自身需求得不到满足的主观感受。

    Relative deprivation is a common psychological phenomenon in the Chinese society .

  5. 奢侈与大众:参照群体影响下的自我-品牌联系

    A Comparison of Luxury Brand and Mass-market Brand : An Influence of Reference Groups on Self-Brand Connection

  6. 然后参考相关研究设计炫耀性消费行为和参照群体影响的初步测量量表。

    After that , measuring scales about CCB and reference group influence were designed based on some related researches .

  7. 由对参照群体的研究过渡到到对消费者观察倾向的研究,为消费者行为研究提供了一个新的角度。

    From studying reference group to consumers ' propensity to observe , provides a new perspective for consumer behavior research .

  8. 参照群体下流动儿童的身份意识及成因关于流星、流星体或由流星、流星体组成。

    Identity Consciousness in Reference Group and Its Cause of Formation ; pertaining to or consisting of meteors or meteoroids .

  9. 但是,对参照群体评价高的公众在对待信息分化的态度上相对要消极,尽管他们有着更强烈的信息意识。

    Among them , the public divides to the information the attitude inside information consciousness has the most strong and hermeneutic dint .

  10. 中国消费者炫耀性购买行为的特征与形成机理&基于参照群体视角的探索性实证研究

    The Traits and Mechanism of Chinese Consumers ' Conspicuous Purchase Behavior & An Empirical Research Based on the Perspective of Reference Group

  11. 群体的价值取向影响了聋人世界观的正确形成;参照群体的力量又不断壮大聋人的犯罪队伍。

    The value preference of the peer always influences the moral growth of the deaf and the peer references strengthen the team of delinquency .

  12. 儿童自觉或不自觉地把家庭作为一个参照群体来认同,从而把家庭道德规范变成自己的生活准则。

    Children , consciously or unconsciously , identify the family as a reference group , so internalize the family norms as part of their own .

  13. 了解和把握消费者的相互影响在新产品的扩散过程和参照群体的地位是成功营销战略的一个重要因素。

    To understand the role of consumer behavior on the diffusion of new products and reference group is an important factor for a successful marketing strategy .

  14. 同时在研究设计中特意将参照群体区分为朋友和父母两类,以便就对这两组参照群体的影响做差异研究。

    In our research , we also divide reference groups into two kinds : friends and parents , to see if any difference between the two groups .

  15. 这些农民工群体特征变量的影响到其比较参照群体的选择,使得农民工群体比较参照群体在城市化与工业化进程中,逐渐由基于乡村的比较群体转变为城市相关群体。

    These migrant workers ' characteristics variable affect the choice of their comparative reference group , from a village reference group turn to a city reference group .

  16. 其次,本文从宏微观角度多层面探讨了影响大学生消费行为的因素,个体差异、家庭、参照群体的影响等都从不同层次影响了大学生消费行为的各个维度。

    Secondly , the paper discussed the impact factors of college students ' consumer behavior from micro-macro perspective , such as individual differences , reference groups , families .

  17. 目前参照群体对消费者感知价值和购买意愿的影响在研究领域中日益受到重视,同时这个问题也引起了企业界的广泛关注。

    The research about the influence of the reference group on the consumer 's perceived value and buying willingness has been an increasingly hot issue in the research field .

  18. 第二,城市老年人横向相对剥夺感来源于横向比较,并受教育水平、单位性质、月收入以及参照群体的影响。

    Secondly , horizontal relative sense of deprivation of the urban elderly comes from the horizontal comparison , and is influenced by educational level , the nature of units and the monthly income .

  19. 对农民工群体状态的改善不能仅仅是对其自身状态的一个绝对改善,还应该快于农民工群体比较参照群体演变的速度,要强于由核心比较参照群体演变引致的相对剥夺感的增加程度。

    The improvement of the status of the group not only an absolute improvement , but also should stronger than the improvement of the relative deprivation , which caused by the change of their comparative reference group .

  20. 农民价值失衡的诱因主要包括参照群体的选择、个体生活状况的社会变迁和个体持有的公平理念三个方面。

    Three reasons to the peasant 's imbalance of value could be attributed , which are : the reference groups chosen , the changing of the individual life condition , the conception of justice the individual holds .

  21. 城市新移民的社会适应就是指这一群体以具备现代性特征的市民为参照群体,通过不断调整自己的身心状态,从而使个体或群体与城市环境相协调的状态。

    The urban adaptability of the new city immigration refers to those who compared to modern citizens , adjusted their physical and psychological conditions continuously , so that individuals or groups can live in the city in harmony .

  22. 。同时引用了国内学者有关小尾寒羊、滩羊、湖羊、同羊及长江三角洲白山羊(参照群体)共计377个个体的相同资料进行群体遗传关系分析。

    The same data of Small-Tailed Han sheep , Tan sheep , Hu sheep , Tong sheep and Yangtse River Delta White goat ( the referenced population ), which summed up 377 individuals , were cited to further analyze their genetic relationships .

  23. 但是农民工在城市中的冲突现状却没有改善,违法犯罪、与市民的摩擦冲突事件反而越来越多,这与农民工群体参照群体的改变密切相关。

    But those policies did not change the conflict situation of migrant workers in the city , who make more criminal friction and clashes with the urban public . This circumstance is closely related to the change of the reference group of migrant workers .

  24. 自我参照与群体参照研究是近年来社会认知、社会性发展研究的热点问题。

    The study of self-reference and group-reference is a hot issues in the field of the social cognition , social development studies in the recent years .

  25. 第四,借鉴群体参照理论,引导大学生正确选择参照群体。

    Fourth , we should learn from the reference to group theory and guide students to a correct choice of the reference group .