
  • 网络Participating in Culture;participatory culture;participation culture;participant culture
  1. 里昂证券研究部负责人布拉德利(EdmundBradley)说,这其实是我们的重头戏,我们的客户显然很想听到那些曾参与文化塑造的了不起的人们说话,这些人可以带来一些别具一格、值得回味的东西。

    ' It 's really our flagship event , ' says Edmund Bradley , CLSA 's group head of research . ' Our clients are obviously interested in hearing from remarkable people who 've had a role in shaping culture ─ people who can offer something unique and memorable . '

  2. 自我身份意识的确认,是汉语写作能否参与文化大语境交流并获得文化认同的关键。

    Self-awareness is most important for Chinese writers involve themselves in the globalization context .

  3. 在农村创造良好的政治参与文化氛围,提高苏南农村经济能人的文化素质和政治素质;

    To create good cultural atmosphere and improve the qualities of the Economic Able Persons ;

  4. 她的工作一般为致力公共空间艺术,参与文化项目,策展以及出版。

    Her works consist of art in urban space , participatory projects , curatorships and publications .

  5. 完善文化产业政策,鼓励社会力量参与文化事业建设。

    We will improve policies for industries related to culture and encourage non-government sectors to participate in cultural undertakings .

  6. 公共图书馆参与文化旅游和旅游文化建设将是一个颇具发展潜力和广阔前景的新领域。

    Public library participating in the construction of the cultural tourism and the tourist culture will be a new field which has potential development and wide foreground .

  7. 要充分利用载体,规范文化行为,设计文化情境,引导学生自觉地参与文化创造活动。

    And we should make the best of media to standardize behavior of normative culture , design cultural situations and lead students to participate in creative activities .

  8. 由于离散者游移于多种文化之间,故而拥有更宽阔和多元的视角,得以重新参与文化的改造与传承。

    Since the diaspora are always shifting between cultures , they enjoy a wider and multiple perspectives , which help them to participate in the reforming and inheriting of human cultures .

  9. 根据课程标准的精神,九年义务教育美术课程的学习是一种文化学习,学生通过美术学习可以参与文化的传承与交流。

    According to the spirit of curriculum standards , nine-year compulsory courses is a fine arts cultural studies , students learn through art and cultural heritage to participate in the exchange .

  10. 事实上,它重点强调了公有领域的保护,规定人人有权享受科学进步带来的好处和参与文化生活。

    It , in fact , prioritized the protection of public domain by stating that everyone had the right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and take part in cultural life .

  11. 全球文化的交融、强弱势文化的对抗,在参与文化全球化的过程中,中国文化认同的构建和国家文化安全面临着全面的挑战,中国文化认同、国家文化安全与国家安全成为突出的时代课题。

    World of cultures , strong against the weak culture , the construction of Chinese cultural identity and national cultural safety are facing comprehensive challenges when participating in the process of cultural globalization .

  12. 宏观政策与微观期待失衡使参与文化赞助的主体(企业、个人、文化事业单位、文化赞助中介机构)无法在政策、法律法规的框架下获得合理、有效的利益诉求。

    The imbalance between macroeconomic policies and microscopic expectation which make the body of the cultural sponsorship ( business , personal , cultural institutions , cultural sponsorship agency ) can not gain the reasonable and effective interests .

  13. 在男校里,男生们可以有更多的机会参与文化和艺术活动,帮助他们发展情感表现力。他们不用强迫自己遵守男生代码,隐藏内心的感情表现得像个真正的男人。

    Boys at single sex schools were said to be more likely to get involved in cultural and artistic activities that helped develop their emotional expressiveness , rather than feeling they had to conform to the boy code of hiding their emotions to be a real man .

  14. 再次,教师要通过转变传统的教学方式和公平对待每一个学生等方式改善师生关系。最后,调动X高中学生参与校园文化建设的积极性。

    Again , teachers improve the relations between teachers and students by changing the traditional teaching mode and treat every students fairly ; Finally , arousing students ' enthusiasm to construct the campus culture .

  15. 鉴于此,本文对Web2.0环境下兴起的参与式文化和群体智慧进行了深入分析,得出了对促进在线实践社群发展的有益启示。

    Therefore , the paper makes an in-depth analysis for the participatory culture and collective intelligence , and then draws some useful insights for the development of online communities of practice .

  16. 高校图书馆如何参与校园文化建设

    How to Involve College Library in the Building of Campus Culture

  17. 体育运动中的仿生③农村参与体育文化建设积极性高。

    The village participates athletics and culture construction with high aggression .

  18. 教堂正决定参与流行文化。

    The churches are determined to engage with popular culture .

  19. 参与式文化的培育和发展需要多方面社会力量的配合。

    Cultivating participatory culture needs supports from various social forces .

  20. 公共图书馆如何参与社区文化建设的思考

    Thoughts on How Public Library Should Participate in the Construction of Community Culture

  21. 企业参与校园文化活动的利弊分析与管理控制

    Pros and Cons of Enterprise Involvement in Campus Culture and Its Management Control

  22. 大学生参与校园文化活动的心理动因

    On the Psychological Motives of College Students ' Participation in Campus Cultural Activities

  23. 民营资本参与公共文化服务&以江苏省南通市为例

    Private Capital Participating in Public Culture Service : Nantong , Jiangsu as an Example

  24. 思古源于抚今,优秀的历史文学总是以自己特有的方式参与当下文化重建。

    Outstanding historical literature usually participates in cultural rebuilding in its own peculiar way .

  25. 乡村聚落中的公共空间是农民参与乡村文化建设的重要场所。

    Rural public spaces are important sites for villagers to conduct their local culture .

  26. 鼓励社会力量、社会资本参与公共文化服务体系建设,培育文化非营利组织。

    Encourage social forces and capital investment in cultural services . Cultivate nonprofit organizations .

  27. 积极发展文化事业和文化产业,参与世界文化市场的角逐与竞争;

    Positive development culture business with culture industry , participating competition of the world cultural market ;

  28. 云南档案藏所参与民族文化大省建设,还有很大潜力可以发掘。

    There are great potentials to be tapped of the archival repositories located in the province .

  29. 共青团参与企业文化建设的优势和对策研究

    The Study of the Superiority and Countermeasures in Communist Youth League and Building of Enterprise Culture

  30. 如今在中国,合唱已成为被广大群众所喜爱并且积极参与的文化活动之一。

    Chorus has been one of the cultural activities which people love and participate nowadays in China .