
  • 网络media value
  1. 和谐社会构建中的大众传媒价值追求

    The Mass media Value Pursue in Construction harmonious society

  2. 传媒价值的分割

    The Segmentation of Media Value

  3. 文化比较视野中的传媒价值取向

    Media 's Value Orientation in the Vision of Cultural Comparison

  4. 传媒价值的分割可以价值决定为依据,也可以斯密的三分法为依据。

    The segmentation of media value can be performed under the guidance of value determination and the trichotomy of Smith as well .

  5. 其结果是,内容管理所获利润的增长速度,将超过传媒价值链上其它任何环节。

    As a result , the money made by managing content will grow faster than profits in any other part of the media value chain .

  6. 传媒价值网作用于传媒融合的动态过程包括四大方面,即网络信任与价值拓展、高效沟通与信息互动、利益交换与多方互惠、关系治理与界面规则。

    The dynamic process includes network trust and value expansion , effective communication and information interaction , exchange of interests and mutual reciprocity , relationship governance and interface rules .

  7. 电视传媒产业价值链结构与发展研究

    The Structure and Development Study of TV Industry Value Chain

  8. 体育传媒的价值效益浅论

    Analysis on the Values of Sports Media

  9. 只有遵循传媒广告价值的潜在规律,高速公路传媒才能持久地良好发展。

    Only by following the media value of the potential of advertising , the media can be sustained highway good development .

  10. 传媒广告价值的评估一般来说有客观(或量)和主观(或质)两种标准。

    The value of media advertisement in general has two standards , one is objective assessment ( or volume ), and the other is subjective ( and quality ) .

  11. 电视产业价值链的核心竞争力就是电视的节目内容。任何一个传媒产业价值链模式,其成功的核心都在于强大的内容。内容的好坏直接决定了电视传媒企业整体运营的状态。

    The core competitive power of value chain in TV industry lies in the content of programme whatever the pattern of the value chain is , the success depends on its rich contents . since its quality largely determines the management of TV media enterprise directly .

  12. 公信力&现代传媒的核心价值追求

    " Credibility " & the Pursuing for Core Value of Modern Media

  13. 电广传媒的公司价值研究

    The Research of Tv & Broadcast Intermediary 's Value

  14. 论文针对上述问题对南方传媒报的价值链成本管理进行分析研究。

    Economic globalization addresses these issues paper on the cost of the newspaper management value chain analysis .

  15. 在分析体育传媒特点与价值实现途径的基础上,论述了体育传媒的价值效益,并提出进一步提高体育传媒价值效益的途径。

    On the base of analysis the characters of sports media and ways to realizing , this article has shown the values and give out a point of how to improve the efficiency of the values .

  16. 在传媒追求公共性价值取向下,不可避免地面临各种政治、经济、文化、社会因素的控制和影响。

    With the pursuit of publicity , media will face the political , economic , cultural control .

  17. 价值标准不同:传媒文学批评的价值在于它的新闻价值,具体表现在批评的及时性、重要性、显著性、贴近性和趣味性上,文学批评的价值则在于批评的学理性、科学性和启示性。

    The value of Mass Media Literary Criticism lies in the fact that it is prompt , important , remarkable intimate and interesting .

  18. 大众传媒的科普具有公益性特点,这是提升大众传媒社会形象的价值所在。

    On one hand , the public service feature of science popularization function of mass media determines its value to improve its social image .

  19. 本文从伦理学的角度探讨了传媒娱乐中伦理失范的一些现象和问题,并且在反思传媒娱乐的基础上分析传媒娱乐去道德化倾向的表现及根源,探索实现传媒娱乐道德价值的现实路径。

    From the point of ethics , we investigate some phenomena and problems that appear in value incorrectness in Media Entertainment . And we also analyze some problems of value incorrectness on the basis of reconsidering into Media Entertainment .