
  • 网络over-communicated;over communication
  1. 但是谁也没有想到,很快我们就要面对传播过度的困境。

    But no one can expect that we have to face the dilemma of communication excess very soon .

  2. 性传播疾病过度医疗的思考

    Thoughts about Overtreatment of Sexually Transmitted Disease

  3. 但目前的该类蠕虫的传播模型在不同程度上都存在着将影响其传播的现实因素过度简化的问题,因此这些模型并不能准确描述主动型P2P蠕虫的网络行为和传播趋势。

    But these models have a common shortcoming more or less : excessively simplify the practical factors which can impact worm propagation . As a result , these models are not competent to accurately simulate the behavior and propagation trend of the proactive P2P worm .