
  1. 信息时代行政法规的传播体制改革

    Reform of Dissemination System of Administrative Law and Regulation in Information Era

  2. 这就要求对我们的传播体制和传播理念进行改革,要与时俱进。

    This requires reforms to advance both the system and the concepts of propagation with the times .

  3. 科研宣传与大众传媒的脱节&对中国科研机构传播体制的定量和定性分析

    The Separation of Propaganda about Science Research and Mass Media : the Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Science Institutions in China

  4. 新闻传播体制与政治制度关系的实证分析&1949-1956年中国的政治传播

    Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Mass Communication System and Political System & the Political Communication from 1949 to 1956 in China

  5. 希特勒根据个人对新闻、宣传的理解确立了纳粹党以及纳粹德国的新闻传播体制。

    According to his comprehension about journalism and propaganda , Hitler established the journalism system of the Nazi and the Nazi Germany .

  6. 从新闻传播体制,思维理念,文化背景,受众需求四方面剖析中国体育新闻报道长久以来的优缺点及可改进之处。

    To analyses the deep reason behind this differentiation from four aspects : the news spread system , the thought idea , cultural background and the audience demand in case of the disadvantages and improvements of Chinese sports news report history .

  7. 另一方面,更为重要的是政府通过树立科学的执政观念、建立健全危机应对与危机传播体制、拓宽民意表达渠道、强化多渠道监督等方式,通过改革增强危机传播能力,构建政府公信力。

    On the other hand , governments should establish the scientific ruling concept , improve crisis response and communication system , broaden the channels for the communication with public opinion , open doors to multi-channel for supervision . Moreover , governments should reform and construct the credibility .

  8. 宏观科技传播研究:体制、政策与能力建设

    On Macro Science and Technology Communication : the Formation of System , Policy and Competence

  9. 文学制度是文学的生产、传播和接受体制,它制约、规定着文学的意义和形式。

    Literary regulation is the system of literary production , dissemination , and acceptance that restricts and stipulates the meaning and form of literature .

  10. 没有什么事件能像这次病毒传播对现行的体制造成如此大的打击,这引起的反应有好有坏。

    There is nothing like a relatively unexpected shock to the system such as this to engender a variety of responses , both good and bad .