
  • 网络political economy of communication;cpec
  1. 传播政治经济学与文化研究的分歧与整合

    Divergence and Integration between Political Economy of Communication and Cultural Studies

  2. 传播政治经济学与另类媒介&以韩国与委内瑞拉为例

    Political Economy of Communication and Alternative Media : Case Studies of South Korea and Venezuela

  3. 娱乐化浪潮中的媒介文化&文化研究与传播政治经济学的解读

    On the culture of sport building CULTURE The Media Culture in the Trend of Entertainment

  4. 从文化工业到文化产业&关于传播政治经济学的一种概念转型

    From " Cultural Industry " to " Cultural Industries ": A Conceptual Transition of Political Economy of Communication

  5. 尤其是在经验研究占统治地位的北美,传播政治经济学一直处于边缘地位。

    Political Economy of Communication is on the margin especially in the North American academic sphere dominated by empirical research .

  6. 传播政治经济学的批判领袖席勒,不仅是积极活动型的学者,而且是以学术成果影响传播实践的典范。

    Schiller is not only a scholar of activities , but also a model who has influenced communication practices with his academic achievements .

  7. 本文在梳理我国媒介文化娱乐化演进历程的基础上,选取文化研究与传播政治经济学这两种理论视角,对传媒娱乐化现象进行了深入的剖析。

    Based on combing the evolving process of the entertainment trend of the Chinese media , this paper reflects the phenomenon from the perspectives of cultural study and communication plutonomy .

  8. 文化研究学派自成立之日起,就面临其他各学派的批评,包括传播政治经济学学派,经验学派等等,但正是这些批判的声音促使文化研究学派不断成长。

    Since the born of Cultural Studies , it faces many other schools , include western political economy of communication , experience school criticism , but it is the criticism help Cultural Studies to grow .

  9. 本文尝试用传播政治经济学的视角去看待和分析这些问题,探讨政府、广电媒介、其他权力利益集团和公众在其中呈现出的复杂的互动关系。

    The thesis try to treat and analyze these problems through the visual angel of Political Economy of Communication , and try to explore the interactive relationship of the government , medium and other benefit group behind them .

  10. 本文运用论证、归纳和描述相结合的方法,力图较为准确地评述西方传播政治经济学的理论沿革,并对其地位、意义以及未来发展做出恰如其分的评价。

    This article employs reasoning , inducing and describing method , attempting to narrate the theory development of western political economy of communications accurately and make appropriate comments on its theory status , meaning and development in the future .

  11. 本文首次对传播批判学派的重要理论分支&西方传播政治经济学进行了系统的梳理和研究。

    This article makes a systematic research on western political economy of communications for the first time , which is the important direction of critical communication studies .