
  • 网络industrial organization economics;Economics of Industrial Organisation;Economics of Industrial Organization;Industrial Organisation
  1. 产业组织经济学遵循的是SCP范式,即行业结构决定企业的行为,企业的行为再决定企业的业绩。

    The paradigm followed by the industrial organization economics is S C P. Its means is that industry structure determines the conduct of firm , and then the conduct of firm determines the performance of firm .

  2. 行业结构学派起源于传统的产业组织经济学。

    The origin of the school of industry structure is the traditional industrial organization economics .

  3. 产业组织经济学的前沿理论:新SCP结构主义是全面理解和分析产业阶段发展和战略演进轨迹这一逻辑问题的一个理论平台;

    Advanced the theory of industrial organization : SCP Model is the theoretical platform to research on industry development and strategy evolution path .

  4. 本文在总结以往有关电力市场研究的基础上,按照产业组织经济学中的S-C-P(结构-行为-绩效)范式和Cournot模型,系统而全面地研究了电力市场力。

    Based on the summary of related studies on the electricity market , by employing the S-C-P ( Structure - Conduct-Performance ) paradigm and the Cournot model , the market power in the electricity market is systematically studied .

  5. 产业组织经济学、交易成本经济学是现在企业理论的一个主要分支,在理解企业行为的多个方面,它们都获得了成功的应用。

    Industrial organization economics , transaction cost economics are the main branch of the firm theory .

  6. 新古典经济学、产业组织经济学和进化经济学是企业资源基础论的三种经济学基础。

    SCP-based theories of industry determinants of firm performance , neo-classical microeconomics , and evolutionary economics .

  7. 产业组织经济学认为商业银行竞争力的外部影响因素主要是市场结构、市场行为和市场管制,即金融生态环境。

    External influence factors include market structure 、 market conduct and market control according the industrial organization economics .

  8. 许多学者纷纷从不同角度,诸如产业组织经济学、资源观等方面定义竞争优势并提出相关理论。

    Many researchers have proposed various theories from different aspects such as industrial organization economics and resource-based view of firms ( RBV ) .

  9. 这些方法包括产业组织经济学方法、企业文化学方法、博弈论方法、企业经济学方法、系统论方法和经验主义方法等。

    These research methods are from industrial organization economics , corporate culture , game theory , corporate economics , system theory and empiricism , etc.

  10. 本文建立了一个简单的产业组织经济学模型来讨论中国分权化改革过程中地区竞争与地方保护主义的经济后果。

    This paper developed a simple industrial organization economic model to discuss the economic consequences of regional competition and local protectionism under the decentralization reform in China .

  11. 然后根据企业经济学和产业组织经济学理论提出了影响中国国内商业银行竞争力的内部因素和外部因素;

    And then , based on the theory of enterprise economics and industrial organization economics , we posed the internal and external factors of influence bank competitiveness .

  12. 在产业组织经济学和微观银行学的理论基础上,对全能银行金融产品的创新、替代与组合机制进行研究,从而揭示全能银行的比较优势和潜在风险。

    On the basis of the theories of industrial organizational economics and micro-banking , this paper conducts a research into the innovating , renovating and integrating mechanism of the financial products of universal banks , and then reveals their comparative advantages and potential risks .

  13. 研究结果表明,管理学的相关学科包括社会心理学、人类学、政治学、历史学、产业组织经济学等,其主要相关学科是心理学、社会学、经济学和数学(尤其是应用数学)。

    Results show that the relevant disciplines of management include social psychology , anthropology , political science , history science and industry economics , etc. , and management is mostly relevant to psychology , sociology , economics and mathematics ( specially on applied mathematics ) .

  14. 产业组织或产业经济学是以不完全竞争市场的运行和绩效以及这些市场上的企业行为为研究对象的。

    The traditional approach in industrial organization is primarily empirical : researchers in this tradition try to uncover empirical regularities across industries .

  15. 其次,在运用产业组织理论、经济学理论、企业管理理论对国内外林纸一体化形成过程进行了综合分析的基础上,构建了林纸一体化动力机制模型。

    Secondly , I construct the dynamical mechanism mode of integration of forest-paper by applying industrial organization theory , economics , and enterprise management theory .

  16. 农业产业组织创新的经济学思考&公司+基地+农户生产经营模式初探

    Economic Thought on Innovation of the Agricultural Industrial Organization & A Preliminary Probe into the Producing Managing Pattern of " Corporation + Base + Peasant Households "

  17. 产业组织理论是现代经济学的重要组成部分,是一门用以分析、研究市场经济条件下涉及经济运行问题的新兴的应用经济理论。

    The property structure theory is the important constituent of the modern Economics .

  18. 我国农业产业组织创新的制度经济学分析

    An Institutional Economics Analysis on the Innovation of Industrial Organization of China 's Agriculture

  19. 军事物流产业组织变迁的制度经济学分析&一个有关国防资源配置效益的分析框架

    The Analysis of Institutional Economics on the Organization Changes of Military Logistics Industry & an Analytic Framework about Allocation of Defense Resources

  20. 本文援引产业组织学、制度经济学和竞争战略学中的相关理论主要讨论了中国报业的市场结构、制度创新和竞争战略等问题。

    This paper probes into the market structure , the institutional innovation , and competitive strategies of China 's newspaper industry on the basis of the relevant theories of Industry Economics , System Economics , and Competitive Strategy .

  21. 产业集中问题是产业组织理论和产业经济学研究的核心内容之一。

    Industrial concentration is one of the major research fields .