- rational structure of production

Research on Grey Relevancy Degree Model for Evaluating Rationalization of Industrial Structure
Rationalizing Adjustment of Industrial Structure by Changing Two Departments ' Total Output
Analyze of shadow price and the industrial structure rationalization
Study on Rational Industry Structure of Hebei Province
Industrial structure rationalization is an important content in the study of industrial structure .
Realization of the Information Industry Structure Rationalization
In the new situation , economic growth in Shanxi Province also faced with resource and environmental constraints .
The first stage , the allocation of credit resources should focus on the rationalization of industrial structure .
Its basic objective is to realize the rationalization of industrial structure and its high degree of integration .
Rationalization of sector structure of tourism industry can increase the tourism income and promote the sustainable development of regional tourism .
The rationalization of rural product industrial structure is a process of applying agriculture synthetically develop , utilizing resource rational , optimizing and adjusting the rural structure .
This paper also finds that compared to the rationalization industrial structure , the contributive rate of industrial structure supererogation to the overall level of urbanization is bigger .
In this dissertation , the author applies innovatively theory of constraint and theory of rationalization of industry to analyze and judge systematically the constraint link in copper industry .
At this stage of our country , based on the rationalization of industrial structure , gradually realize the advanced industrial structure through the development of high-tech industry in our country .
In pursuit of modernization of industrial structure , a lot of attention should also be paid to the rationalization of industrial structure and focusing on the coordination and the coupling between industries .
It is a universal Subject the late-developing nations and regions generally faced with that how to promote the rationality and the height of the industrial structure to maintain the economy developing sustainable and healthily .
Industrial structural rationalization and high advancement is the notable of regional economic development for impact on regional economic . However , human capital investment and accumulate are more Important foe the restructuring of industry .
The industrial structure rationalization standard is that tertiary industries unisonous developing , industrial can sufficiently absorb occupied population on the base of vanguard technology , factors productivity of industry continuously rising and informationization effectively driving industrialization .
This new pattern satisfies the needs of industrial structure rationalizing , economy development ordering and social development persistence , which is able to change the economic development model counted on the investment and improve the social welfare .
Especially in the promotion of three rationalization and sophisticated industrial structure , the transformation of rural surplus labor and improving the structure of employment , raising the level of urbanization , promoting social structure of occupational groups divided , and so on .
The third is the rationalization of industrial organic structure ;
An Evaluation of the Rationalization of the Labor Force Structure in the Tertiary Industry
Second , the rationalization of industrial structure is an inevitable requirement for coordinated economic development .
Rationalize of industrial spatial structure involves in rationalization of industrial structure and rationalization of spatial structure .
The development of Modern regional economy is the development of the industrial structure which constantly rationalize and optimize .
The rationalization of the tourism industry structure is an output of the economic development in a certain stage .
The speed and efficiency of economic development depend on the rationalization degree of industrial structure to a certain extent .
The flowing of production factors is very important for both urbanization and the optimizing the urban and rural industrial structure .
Thus , furthering reform of economic system is one of the key factors to realize structural rationalization of China 's industrial organization .
The rationalization of industrial structure and advancement will promote economic growth ; Economic growth will also promote the evolution of industrial structure .