
  • 网络product life cycle;Product Life Cycle Theory;The Theory of Product Life Cycle;product cycle theory
  1. 旅游产品生命周期理论研究

    The Research of the Tour Product Life Cycle Theory

  2. 提出的产品生命周期理论&进行研评。

    Posner , and Product Life Cycle Theory , which was proposed by R.

  3. 在战略制定部分,分别使用了产品生命周期理论、BCG矩阵分析重庆牙膏厂现有产品的营销战略;

    The theory of product life circle and BCG are used to analyze the marketing strategies of nowaday products of Chongqing Toothpaste Factory ;

  4. 基本理论和方法本文的理论基础是市场营销学理论,运用了SWOT、STP、4PS、产品生命周期理论等分析工具,对华汇公司进行了实证研究。

    Basic Theory and MethodMarketing theory is the basic theory in this article , which researches Huahui Company by using analysis tools such as SWOT , STP , 4PS and life cycle of product .

  5. 第二章介绍了营销战略的相关理论,包括营销战略的涵义、产品生命周期理论等;

    Chapter two introduced the relevant theories of the marketing strategy .

  6. 产品生命周期理论的战略含义

    The strategic implications of the theory of product life cycle

  7. 第一章对现有的产品生命周期理论和模型进行简单回顾并作出一些评价;

    The First chapter is simple review on the theories and models ;

  8. 注重市场行为确立整体战略&产品生命周期理论对表面活性剂行业的启示初探

    The Research of Product Life Circle Theory on Surfactant Products

  9. 两次国际产业转移本质探讨&基于产品生命周期理论视角

    Discussing the Essence of Two Period of International Industry Transformation & Based on Product Life Cycle Theory

  10. 本文以前人有关的产品生命周期理论为基础,对数码产品特有的生命周期进行较为深入的研究,通过模糊数学中最大隶属度原则来识别数码产品生命周期阶段。

    We identify the phases of digital product PLC through the biggest membership grade principle in fuzzy mathematics .

  11. 接着论文以产品生命周期理论为基础,全面分析了产品生命周期各个阶段产生的质量信息,并分析质量信息的来源及其存在方式。

    Thirdly , based on the product lifecycle theory , the dissertation analyses quality information produced at every phases in details .

  12. 在分析商务旅游现状方面,笔者还运用了营销学的产品生命周期理论。

    This article analyses the business tourism through two methods : theoretic analysis ( competitive advantage of industry ) and positive analysis .

  13. 重点分析了基于产品生命周期理论和循环经济理论的绿色物流系统化运作模式,以及供应链逆向物流的基本问题、系统结构和管理策略。

    It puts emphasis on study of Green Logistics systematic running model based on theory of product life cycle and recycling economy .

  14. 运用产品生命周期理论和波特的竞争战略模型对重庆医学美容市场的竞争态势进行了详实的分析。

    I analyze the situation of Chongqing Aesthetic Surgery market from studying the Theory of Production Lifecycles and the Model of Competitive Strategy .

  15. 根据产品生命周期理论对可供选择的营销策略进行了分析,并进一步结合关系营销的内涵阐述了美标空调系统有限公司选择关系营销策略的依据,对选择关系营销策略的比较优势进行了说明。

    Based on the product life circle theory , it analyses the marketing strategy and explains why the company chooses relationship marketing strategy .

  16. 结合企业生命周期理论、产品生命周期理论,本研究提出了具有生命体特征的跨国公司地区总部生命周期。

    Based on the theory of enterprise life cycle and product life cycle , this research presents the theory of regional headquarters ' life cycle .

  17. 传统的理论有垄断优势理论、内部化理论、产品生命周期理论、国际生产折衷理论、切合比较优势理论、贸易投资相互关系理论等;

    Classical theories are monopoly advantage theory , internalization theory , product life cycle theory , John H. Dunning 's theory and some other famous theories .

  18. 本文拟在旅游产品生命周期理论的基础上分析研究妈祖文化旅游资源的开发问题。

    Based on analysis of tourism product life cycle , the author studies on the development of the tourism resource of Mazu case of Meizhou Island .

  19. 产品生命周期理论以产品生命周期变化解释产业转移现象,反映对外直接投资动态形成过程。

    Product life cycle theory explains changes in the product life cycle industrial transfer phenomenon , reflects the dynamics of foreign direct investment in the formation process .

  20. 第三部分,重点从四个方面分析了逆差产生的原因,其中运用了产品生命周期理论和李光辉的显性比较优势理论。

    The third part analyzes the reasons which cause the deficit from four aspects applying the theory of Product Lifecycle and the Revealed Comparative Advantage of Li Guanghui .

  21. 并围绕该战略的实施,运用目标市场定位理论和产品生命周期理论,分析了公司的市场营销策略和其他应注意的问题。

    In order to find out the marketing , products and other strategy , the STPS and product life theories are utilized in the end of the thesis .

  22. 本文研究了数据仓库和数据挖掘的相关知识,研究了产品生命周期理论,同时结合对套餐相关因素的分析,对套餐分析系统进行了定位。

    This thesis designs a Price Plan analysis system , based on the requirements of the company , product life circle theory , and the technology of special analysis .

  23. 利用产品生命周期理论对流行装定价策略进行研究,并以流行周期及其所处流行区段为基础构建流行装基准价格模型。

    This paper has studied pricing strategy of fashion by making use of industry life cycle principle and constructing initial model of fashion price depending on life cycle and stage .

  24. 依据我国旅游农业发展的现状,并参照旅游产品生命周期理论认为,我国旅游农业产品总体上仍处于介绍期。

    According to the current situation of domestic tourism agriculture and life cycle theory of tourism products , the development of tourism agricultural products of our country was still in introduction period .

  25. 使国际领域产品生命周期理论能更好地解释现代国际贸易投资的新现象,也有助于从时间角度在整体上理解和把握国际贸易与投资的大趋势。

    It helps to explain the foreign trade and investment in the modern times , to understand and grasp the trend of the foreign trade and investment from time dimension 's angle .

  26. 一是传统的国际直接投资理论,如特定优势理论、产品生命周期理论、内部化理论以及国际生产折衷理论,辅助资产理论;

    One of them is the traditional FDI theories , such as the specific advantage theory , the product cycle theory , the internal theory and the eclectic theory of international production .

  27. 经济学学者们对这种现象展开了广泛的研究,形成了多种理论,如垄断优势理论、内部化理论、产品生命周期理论、比较优势理论、国际生产折衷理论。

    There have already a number of theories to follow , such as the theories of monopoly advantage , internalization , product cycle , comparative advantage , and eclectic theory of international production .

  28. 其次文章介绍了绿色物流系统,重点分析了基于产品生命周期理论和循环经济理论的绿色物流系统化运作模式。

    Secondly , the paper explains the green logistics system , with an emphasis on the study of green logistics systematic running model based on the theory of product life cycle and recycling economy .

  29. 主要包括垄断优势理沦、产品生命周期理论、边际产业扩张理论、国际生产折衷理论、投资诱发要素组合理论等。

    The main theories include the monopolistic advantage theory , product life cycle theory , internalization theory , the eclectic theory of international production , theory of comparative advantage and factor induced by investment portfolio theory .

  30. 借用产品生命周期理论,提出高技术产业通常都是处在产业发展的孕育阶段和成长阶段,其发展过程是一个不断创新和不断扩散的过程。

    According to the theory of production life-cycle , put forward that generally high-tech industry is in the prenatal stage and growth stage of industry development , which development process is a consistent innovation and expansion process .