
  1. 但是无论何种剥离,最终都是为了明确核心业务,提高传媒核心竞争力。

    Whatever the dissection is all in order to make the core business clearly , then enhance the core competitiveness the media finally .

  2. 基于人力资本构建传媒企业核心竞争力

    Constructing Core Competence of Media Enterprise with Human Captial

  3. 试论湖南西部落后地区新闻传媒业核心竞争力的开发

    On Developing Key Competitiveness of the News Media in Western Regions of Hunan

  4. 基于此,本文试图分析什么是传媒的核心竞争力,首先从宏观传媒产业的核心竞争力入手,然后落脚在微观层面上传媒企业的核心竞争力展开论述,并如何构建核心竞争力进行了探讨。

    Base on this , this article attempts to analyze what is the media core competitive power , and how constructed the core competitive power to launch the elaboration .

  5. 摘要增强电视传媒的核心竞争力,使电视节目的传播效果达到最大化,就要建立科学的节目质量标准及其规范的生产工艺流程体系,这样才能从根本上确保宣传的质量和水平。

    To strengthen the competitive power of tv , thus achieving the best communication effect , it is necessary to establish scientific program quality criteria and standard system of production line , thus guaranteeing the quality and level of publicizing operations .

  6. 为了增强传媒业的核心竞争力,国家大力推行传媒体制改革与传媒产业化进程。

    In order to reinforce our core competencies of our media market , the nation takes great effort on the revolution of media system and the process of media industrialization .

  7. 从理论上论证了为什么说传媒明星是传媒品牌核心竞争力的重要组成部分。

    The paper reasons later in theory why media star is important part of the media 's core competence .