
  • 网络social marketing concept;Societal marketing concept
  1. 可持续发展的思想和社会市场营销观念已成潮流。

    The sustainable developing ideas and the social marketing concept have become current trends .

  2. 由此看出,如果心理咨询从业者树立社会市场营销观念将有利于从战略的角度制定心理咨询业的营销组合策略。

    The counseling operators set up the social marketing concept , which is propitious to establishing the marketing combination strategies of psychology counseling industry from the strategic point of view .

  3. 一是以社会市场营销观念改造企业的经营理念,实现企业由古典经营观向现代经营观的转变。

    One hierarchical operation is to change its managerial philosophy with the orientation of social marketing in the purpose of transformation from classic operation to modern operation .

  4. 本文从市场营销理论的起源和发展出发,提出和分析了市场经济条件下,利用社会市场营销观念开展计划生育工作的趋势和可能性。

    Beginning with the origin and development of the theory of social marketing , this paper puts forward and analyzes the trend of and possibility in implementing the Family Planning Policy employing the concept of social marketing .

  5. 由于服装企业的营销理念由生产观念转向社会市场营销观念,以消费者为核心的营销理念逐渐得以普及并被企业所重视,市场营销成败的关键在于掌握消费者的特征和行为。

    Because the marketing concept of the garment enterprises has changed from production concept to social marketing concept , the consumer-centralized marketing idea has gradually become popular and highly valued by garment enterprises , the key to success of marketing is to grasp the characteristics and behaviors of consumers .

  6. 在国际社会越来越重视和加强企业社会责任的过程中,企业的营销观念也在不断发生着相应的变化,由市场营销观念发展逐渐发展到了社会市场营销观念。

    In the international community attached more importance to and strengthen corporate social responsibility , corporate marketing concept has been a corresponding changes in the marketing concept development gradually in the development of social marketing concept .