
  • 网络Social Assets;social capital
  1. 论MBO在我国社会资产整合中的作用机理与制度构建

    On the Mechanism and Systematic Setup of MBO in the Social Assets of China

  2. 哈基姆女士试图量化身体和社会资产的复杂混合物,其由美貌、性感、自我呈现、社交技巧、活力和性能力组成。

    Ms Hakim attempts to quantify a complex mix of physical and social assets , consisting of beauty , sex appeal , self-presentation , social skills , liveliness and sexual competence .

  3. 目前我国的社会资产正面临着深刻的整合进程,而MBO是推进资产结构、资产所有者结构和资产控制者结构转换的有效途径之一。

    The MBO is one of the ways to push forward the assets construction , property rights construction and the transformation of the property controller construction .

  4. 国有资产是我国全社会资产中最重要最关键的部分。

    State - owned assets play the most important role in the general assets of our country .

  5. 土地是人类赖以生存的物质基础,是一项重要的社会资产和农业中的主要生产资料。

    Land is the material basis of human survival , and is an important social asset and agriculture production .

  6. 传统社会资产固化于自然空间,经济关系被辖域于特定地理空间。

    In traditional societies , assets are fixed in natural space so that their economic relationships are territorialized into geographical space .

  7. 社区公共资产既不同于传统“集体财产”,又不同于通常“社会资产”,具有非市场或“准市场”性质。

    Community public asset as a new form of social asset is different from the collective asset in the past planned economy .

  8. 一个合理、高效的公司资本制度应尽量让更多的社会资产进入生产经营领域,为社会创造更多的财富。

    It is the highest priority for a proper and high-efficient company capital system to have more investment into production to make more social wealth .

  9. 具有代表性的报告模式包括增值表,社会资产负债表,社会收益表,社会经济营运表等。

    The representative reports including the increment statement , the social balance sheet , the social income statement , the social - economy statement and so on .

  10. 在全球化竞争与知识经济潮流下,知识成为目前具有能力提升竞争优势与维持经济成长及繁荣的社会资产;

    In the era of global competition and knowledge-based economy , knowledge has become an important social asset that can promote competitive advantages and remain economic growth and prosperity .

  11. 甘肃省全社会固定资产投资的ARIMA模型预测

    Using ARIMA Model to Forecast the Total Fixed Asset Investment in Gansu Province

  12. ARIMA模型在上海市全社会固定资产投资预测中的应用

    The Application of ARIMA Model in Investing Forecast in Fixed Assets of Shanghai

  13. 文章预测了2011年海南省GDP会继续保持高速增长,全社会固定资产投资额会继续加大。

    The paper predicted that the GDP of Hainan Province in2011 will continue to maintain high growth , and the total fixed assets investment wiU continue to increase .

  14. 通过分析有如下结论:FDI流量占全社会固定资产投资的比重指标表明FDI的流入促进了中国的资本形成,极大地改善了中国的资产质量;

    The conclusions are as follows : The FDI volume in proportion to the social capital assets indicates that it accelerates the formation of Chinese capital and improves the quality of Chinese assets .

  15. 文章的研究发现,GDP水平、社会固定资产投资总额、上市首日超额回报率以及股票月份日均交易量与IPO数量波动正相关;

    The empirical research finds that IPOs positively relate with GDP , total society fixed asset investment , stock exchange volumes and first day abnormal return rate , and negatively relate with stock exchange amount without significance in statistics .

  16. 结果显示,ARIMA(1,1,10)模型提供较准确的预测效果,可用于未来的预测,并为上海市全社会固定资产投资提供可靠依据。

    The analyses show that ARIMA ( 1 , 1 , 10 ) provides comparatively precise estimation results , which can offer a reasonable basis for Shanghai social fixed assets investment .

  17. 根据灰色关联分析发现,约束民族地区产业结构演进的主要因素是城镇人均可支配收入,其次是人均社会固定资产投资总额、人均社会消费品零售总额与人均GDP。

    According to the gray relational analysis , the main factors constraint the industrial structure development is the evolution of urban per capita disposable income , followed by the total social fixed assets investment per capita , per capita retail sales and per capita GDP .

  18. 结果表明,国有企业比重和人均GDP与企业规模分布的帕累托指数呈负相关,社会固定资产投资额的提高和高程度的市场化水平提高了企业规模分布的帕累托指数。

    The results show that : there is a negative effect of proportion of state-owned enterprises and the per capita GDP on Pareto exponent of enterprise size distribution ; social fixed assets investment and the high degree of marketization level improve the pareto exponent of enterprise size distribution .

  19. 采用Holter-Winter非季节指数平滑模型、GM(1,1)模型和分段线性回归模型,对江苏省1978~2005年的全社会固定资产投资总额进行研究。

    Investment in fixed assets of the whole society in Jiangsu province from 1978 to 2005 were studied by adopting Holter-Winter no seasonal exponential smoothing model , GM ( 1,1 ) model and linear regression model in section .

  20. 完成全社会固定资产投资4200亿元左右;

    The investment in fixed assets should reach 420 billion yuan ;

  21. 全社会固定资产投资总额(亿元)

    Total Investment in Fixed Assets ( 100 million yuan )

  22. 2009年,全社会固定资产投资总规模预期增长20%。

    China 's total investment in fixed assets will grow by20 % in2009 .

  23. 江苏省全社会固定资产投资预测

    Investment Forecast of Fixed Assets in Jiangsu Province

  24. 社会固定资产投资最低比例的灰色系统模型研究

    Gray System Model of Minimum Capital Investment Ratio

  25. 基于软计算的上海市全社会固定资产投资效果分析

    Analysis of the Investment Effect of Fixed Asset Based on Soft Computing in Shanghai

  26. 固定资产投资是社会固定资产再生产的主要手段。

    Investment in fixed assets is the essential means for social reproduction of fixed assets .

  27. 全社会固定资产投资增长30.1%,投资结构进一步优化。

    Fixed asset investment increased . 30.1 % nationwide . We further improved the investment structure .

  28. 房地产投资总额也占到全社会固定资产投资的15%左右。

    The total real estate investment takes up about 15 % of total social investment in fixed assets .

  29. 政府投资工程是全社会固定资产投资的重要组成部分,国家对社会公益性项目投资逐年大幅度增加。

    Government investment project is importance elements of society capital asserts , and its increases year after year .

  30. 河北省是一个建筑大省,社会固定资产总投入的70%依靠建筑业完成。

    In Hebei province , seventy per cent social fixed asset investment depends upon the completion of architecture industry .