
  • 网络social interaction
  1. CBA忽视球迷服务和沟通,缺乏社会互动;

    Class ignore fans and communication services , the lack of social interaction ;

  2. 基于社会互动理论之上,Seminar教学模式与研究生教育质量之间存在着非常密切的关系。

    Based on the social interaction theory , there is an intimate relation between the Seminar teaching style and postgraduate education .

  3. self-esteem自尊gently温和的bedoomedto注定注定要【参考译文】今天我们要谈论羞怯和讨论最近的研究方法来帮助孩子学习社会互动。

    Today we 're going to talk about shyness anddiscuss recent research on ways to help children learn to interact socially .

  4. 瑟培尔(JamesSerpell)是动物福利教授,美国宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)动物与社会互动中心(CenterfortheInteractionofAnimalsandSociety)主任。他反对将人的感情或动机归咎为宠物因素使然。

    James Serpell , a professor of animal welfare and director of the Center for the Interaction of Animals and Society at the University of Pennsylvania , warns against ascribing human emotions or motives to your pets .

  5. 卡内基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellon)研究人类和机器人之间社会互动的机器人专家奈特(HeatherKnight)暗示,美发师这一职业或许不会受到机器人的影响。

    Heather Knight , a Carnegie Mellon roboticist who studies social interactions between humans and robots , suggested that hairdressers might be safe .

  6. 在对Halliday提出的人际意义语言资源框架进行扩展的同时构建包括词汇语法层面以及社会互动层面的人际意义整合模式。

    Expand the interpersonal framework proposed by Halliday and construct an integrative interpersonal framework that comprises two levels : the lexico-grammatical level and the level of social interaction .

  7. 本论文从虚拟社区的互动关系模式出发,以虚拟社区VBACommunity的具体研究数据分析为起点,聚焦于探索虚拟社区社区成员之间社会互动对于知识共享的影响。

    This paper models the interaction of the virtual community , and starting with VBA_Community community-specific research and data analysis , focusing on exploring social interaction between virtual community members of the community for the effects of knowledge sharing .

  8. 社会互动中的情感理论及其对教育的启示

    Theory of Emotions in Social Interaction and its Inspiration to Education

  9. 这些疾病通常影响社会互动、行为和语言。

    These disorders generally affect social interaction , behavior and language .

  10. 协同原理在社会互动中也是真理。

    The principle of synergy also holds true in social interactions .

  11. 促进大学生全面发展的社会互动策略

    The social interaction strategy promoting completely develop of university students

  12. 人际冲突是人们日常交往中普遍存在的社会互动行为。

    Reasons of and countermeasures to interpersonal conflicts in college student dormitories ;

  13. 最后,研究存在积极社会互动情况下的网络社区需求。

    Finally , we study the community demand with positive social interactions .

  14. 社会互动、社会资本和商业保险购买

    Social Interaction , Social Capital and Commercial Insurance Purchase

  15. 国家与社会互动关系中的我国社会中介组织

    Social intermediary organization of interaction between nation and society

  16. 教育与社会互动的机理释义及其调谐

    Interaction Mechanism between Education & Society and Its Tuning

  17. 和谐是人与景观、人与社会互动的指归。

    Harmony is the aim of human and landscape , human and society interaction .

  18. 互动包括个体心灵内部的自我互动和与他者进行的社会互动。

    Interaction includes self-interaction and social interaction .

  19. 幼儿同伴冲突是幼儿交往中的一种社会互动形式。

    Pre-school childrens peer conflict is one kind of social interactions in childrens social communication .

  20. 情境知识与社会互动&符号互动论的知识社会学思想评析

    Situational Knowledge and Social Interaction & On the Sociological Approach of Knowledge in Symbolic Interactionism

  21. 随班就读是班级组织与特殊儿童个体的社会互动过程;

    Classroom integration is a social dynamic process between class and individual children with special needs ;

  22. 因此,面部表情识别障碍严重影响了孤独症个体的人际交往和社会互动。

    Therefore , facial expression recognition deficits seriously affect the autisms ' interpersonal and social interaction .

  23. 社会互动与投资选择

    Social Interaction and Investment Choice

  24. 理疗师:社会互动和帮助他人明显使得这份工作是最幸福的工作之一。

    Physical therapists : Social interaction and helping people apparently make this job one of the happiest .

  25. 在没有抵押的情况下,这种制度必须依靠信任和社会互动来保证还款。

    Without collateral , the system has to rely on trust and social interaction to secure repayments .

  26. 外来人口子女社会互动型思想品德教育模式探究

    Exploration of the Social Interactive Model of the Ideological and Moral Education of the Children of Immigrants

  27. 冲突是一种社会互动行为,普遍存在于人类的生产生活当中。

    Conflict is an interactive behavior that exists everywhere in social activities of human at all levels .

  28. 社会互动与亲子互动是青少年个体社会化的必由之路。

    The mutual aid in society and families is the natural path to the socialization of the Juveniles .

  29. 你似乎是在问,工作时间减少是否会促进人们走出家门、进行更多的社会互动。

    What you seem to be asking is whether shorter working hours encourage social interaction outside the home .

  30. 我们更强调在国家与社会互动基础上以公共权力运作为中心的地方治理。

    We more emphasize local governance mainly on public power based on interaction between the country and society .