
  1. 麻省理工学院(mit)研究人员开发出了可穿戴“社交情绪技术”,提醒自闭者注意他们可能忽视的细腻人类信号。

    MIT researchers have developed wearable " social-emotional technology " that alerts autistic individuals to subtle human signals they might miss .

  2. 孤独症谱系障碍儿童社交情绪综合培训研究

    Research of social-emotion training in children with autism spectrum disorder

  3. 这款3D动作冒险游戏诱导孩子进行社交和情绪学习(SocialandEmotionalLearning,简称SEL),贯彻的是一种强调沟通能力,解决冲突和个性发展等方面的教育理念。

    The 3-D action-adventure game introduces kids to social and emotional learning ( SEL ) , an educational philosophy that emphasizes communication skills , conflict resolution , and character development , among others .

  4. 音乐治疗对AD患者社交心理情绪、沟通、语言和交往等的有效率分别为86.36%、90.91%、72.73%和77.27%。

    Effectual rates of musicotherapy on sociality psychological emotion , communication , language and intercourse of this group patients were 86.36 % , 90.91 % , 72.73 % and 77.27 % , respectively .

  5. 教授有听觉障碍的学生学习及生活能力,促进学生的社交、情绪、智力以及体质发展。

    Teaches academic and living skills to hearing impaired students , and promotes students'social , emotional , intellectual and physical development .

  6. 更重要是我们顾及每一个学生于学术、社交及情绪方面的需要,关心他们学习与个人成长路程。

    More importantly , we are sensitive to every child 's social , emotional and intellectual needs , and we care about your children 's learning and personal growth .

  7. 研究人员借用了密歇根大学的饰演,证明接受实验中的学生在社用社交媒体后情绪都变差了。

    The researchers cited studies involving University of Michigan students , in which people were found to be in a worse mood after using social media .

  8. W检验结果表明,元认知干预技术比系统脱敏疗法的治疗持续时间更短,来访者在治疗时和社交情景中的情绪体验更好,社交情景中自信心和主动性的满意度更高。

    Results of W-tests indicate that the duration of Meta-cognition Intervention Technique is much shorter than Systematic Desensitization , client can have a good emotional expression in the treatment and social interaction scenes , and feel more initiative and confidence satisfaction .

  9. 休伯曼教授呼应了这一观点:用社交媒体衡量公共情绪,只在整体意义上有用。

    Prof Huberman echoes this : social media is useful as a gauge of public mood only in the broader sense .

  10. 它不仅是一种躯体疾病,其在社交、心理、情绪等方面对患者都有影响。

    The disease influences the patients in sociality , mentality , emotion , study , life , work , and so on .

  11. 完美主义适应不良的成分与社交焦虑密切相关,但完美主义作为一种稳定的人格特质,形成后不易改变,临床或咨询工作中很难直接改变其对社交焦虑情绪的破坏性影响。

    Maladaptive ingredients in perfectionism and social anxiety are closely related . Perfectionist as a stable personality trait is not easy to change after the formation . Clinical or counseling work is difficult to directly change their destructive impact on social anxiety .