
  • 网络social interaction;Social Communication;social contact;sociability
  1. 网络时代社会交往的变化以及问题初探

    Study of problems and changes of social communications in network times

  2. 影响村民社会交往的因素分析

    An Analysis of the Factors Affecting Social Communications Between Inhabitants in Rural Areas

  3. 老年人与年轻人之间有社会交往。

    There was social intercourse between the old and the young .

  4. 鉴于持续的社会交往已被证明有助于健康和长寿,那些希望最大程度发挥手工艺健康价值的人可以考虑加入感兴趣的小组。

    Given that sustained social contacts have been shown to support health and a long life , those wishing to maximize the health value of crafts might consider joining a group of like-minded folks .

  5. 社会交往能力是MBA学生应具备的重要素质,也恰好是中国学生所欠缺的。

    This social skill is the essential quality of a MBA student , and is what we Chinese students usually lack .

  6. 记忆困难正是阻碍ASD儿童有效学习、获得生活技能及参与社会交往活动的重要因素之一。

    Memory difficulties precisely hinder children with ASD effective learning , living , and one of the important factors involved in social interaction .

  7. 知名同性恋权利活动专家及中国同性恋亲友会创始人AhQiang表示,报道揭露同性恋者在社会交往中获得了更多的接受和理解。

    Ah Qiang , a well-known gay rights activist and founder of PFLAG China said the report revealed that gay people can win more acceptance and understanding by socialising with others .

  8. 目的:翻译并修订社会交往焦虑量表(SIAS)和社交恐惧量表(SPS),并考察其心理测量学特征。

    Objective : To revise the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale ( SIAS ) and Social Phobia Scale ( SPS ), which are self-related social anxiety measurements developed by Mattick and his colleagues .

  9. 公布的研究,研究呈高度正相关社会交往在共享虚拟环境(SVE)和圣灵,并在这些环境下工作。

    The study of MMORPGs is highly relevant to research on social interaction in Shared Virtual Environments ( SVE ) and avatars at work and play in these environments .

  10. 这一远期影响除与FAD儿童本身的言语问题有关外,是否还与他们存在注意缺陷影响其认知功能而致学业不良、合并行为问题影响其社会交往等因素有关还有待于进一步研究。

    This long - term effect is certainly related with the speech problem of children with FAD . However , it will be still investigated in the further research if it is related with attention deficit or behavioral problems in these patients .

  11. 我们需要食品、休息、住房以及社会交往。

    We need food , rest , shelter and social contact .

  12. 社会交往实践则是两者得以整合的具体途径。

    Social contact practice is the specific way for their integration .

  13. 症状特点以语言障碍和社会交往障碍最为突出。

    The most prominent symptoms were speech retardation and social dysfunction .

  14. 网络环境对大学生社会交往模式的影响

    Influence of Network Environment on Social Interaction Pattern of University Students

  15. 网络社会交往主体的人性假设

    Humanism Supposition on the Intercourse Main Body of Network Society

  16. 这就要求他们在社会交往中表现出柔韧的一面。

    This requires them show a flexibility side in the social contacts .

  17. 纳汉中介语可以从两个层次研究,一个是社会交往过程中产生的非正式的中介语;

    Na-Han interlanguage study can be done from two aspects .

  18. 关于一个社会交往退缩孩子的个案研究

    A Case Study on a Child 's Social Interaction Retreat

  19. 研究表明,在社会交往方面,年龄越大,大脑越睿智。

    In social dealings , being older is being wiser .

  20. 论经济环境对社会交往的影响

    Simply Analyzing the Influence of the Economic Environment to the Social Association

  21. 在社会交往中,我们认为男子就具有某些特点。

    In society we assume that masculinity has certain characteristics .

  22. 居住格局是社会交往客观条件的重要组成部分。

    Living pattern is an important component of social interaction .

  23. 贺麟与唐君毅&人生经历、社会交往与学术思想

    Helin and Tang Junyi : Life Experiences , Social Intercourse and Academic Thoughts

  24. 浅谈体育课堂中的社会交往

    Comment on Social Intercourse in Classroom of Physical Education

  25. 最后,旅游意味着与他人互动的社会交往。

    Last , tourism means social intercourse with others .

  26. 即兴演奏音乐治疗对自闭症幼儿社会交往能力的成效研究

    The Study of Effectiveness of Improvisational Music Therapy on Autistic Children 's Sociability

  27. 闲暇时的社会交往对象仍然以亲缘关系、地缘关系为主。

    Social contacts in leisure time are still to genetic relationship , geographic-based .

  28. 现代社会交往方式变革对人的全面发展的影响

    The Change of Modern Communication and its Influence to All-round Development of People

  29. 桌子在社会交往中的作用研究

    Function Research of the Desk in the Social Association

  30. 因为在社会交往中形成的社会关系总是在变化的。

    The forms of social relations in the social interaction are always changing .