
  • 网络Social Emotion
  1. 建立社会或感情上的联系。

    Create social or emotional ties .

  2. 这个社会的感情和物质生活的幸福快乐程度,便能够达到以该社会拥有的科技和理解力所能够达到的最高点。

    The society will then achieve the highest degree of sustained emotional and material well-being possible for the stage of understanding and technology that the society possesses .

  3. 鼓励儿童玩耍,探索,帮助他们学习并且发展社会能力,感情成熟,身体发育,和智力上的成长。

    Encouraging children to play and explore helps them learn and develop socially , emotionally , physically and intellectually .

  4. 所以这些情侣会把社会原因当做感情中的积极因素,比如“我父母和朋友都喜欢他们”。

    So , these couples attribute social reasons - such as ' my parents and friends like them ' - for the positive points in their relationship .

  5. 体育运动能够达到健身、健心、健美的实效,也是人与人社会交往、感情交流的重要手段。

    Sports , as an important method of social interaction and emotional exchanges between people can achieve the real effect of health improvement , mind improvement and physical fitness .

  6. 在该文章中,作者坚持说政府的决定应该给予对公众的尊重,包括他们的社会习俗和感情因素。

    In the article , the author holds that the government 's decision should be based on full respect for the public , including their social customs and emotional involvement .

  7. 可以说体育世界是人们在市场经济社会中寄托纯真感情的一片净土。

    It is can be said that sports world is a pure land for people to project their pure emotion .

  8. 虚伪地来直到离开,虚伪地过,虚伪地生活,虚伪的社会,虚伪的感情。

    Hypocritically to leave until , in a hypocritical , hypocritical life , the hypocrisy of society , the feelings of hypocrisy .

  9. 然而出于种种社会、经济和感情等原因,例如恐惧、同情以及依靠这份工作得以糊口,短期内吉姆仍然无法挣脱现实的约束,而无法追求自由、保持真实的自我又使吉姆愈来愈感到压抑。

    However , he can not break away from the . restriction of reality for the moment because of social , economic and emotional reasons , such as fear , pity and his dependence upon the job to make a living .