
  1. “网络孤独症”指的是为了能对任何网上的新进展做出及时反应而经常上网,无论有多么无关紧要。

    Onlineness refers to the fact of maintaining a constant online presence , in order to be able to instantly react to any new internet developments , no matter how insignificant1 .

  2. 越来越多的中学生染上了网瘾、网络孤独症,网络犯罪在中学生中频频发生,并且日趋上升,中学生不良网络行为日渐凸显,已经成为家庭、学校和社会广泛关注的问题。

    Autism , cyber crime among high school students are frequent and on the rise . Prominent negative internet behavior has become a concern for family , school and society .

  3. 网络技术的飞速发展一方面对大学生的网络交往产生了积极的影响,另一方面又导致了大学生网络孤独症的产生以及社会责任感的降低和人格的扭曲。

    The rapid development of internet technology has brought great positive benefits to college students , but it can lead to network autism , a redaction in social responsibility , and distortion of personality .