
  • 网络interaction theory;interactionism
  1. 有关隐喻本质主要有三种理论:比较论、替代论和相互作用论。

    There are three major theories on the nature of metaphor : the comparison theory , the substitution theory and the interaction theory .

  2. 符号相互作用论的同比优势及其中国国情适应性

    The Comparative Superiority of Semiotic Interaction Theory and It 's Adaptability to Chinese Situation

  3. 先天模块与后天文化资源的相互作用论&B.Butterworth的数字模块理论述评

    The Interaction of Innate Module and Acquired Cultural Resources & A Review on B.Butterworth 's Number Module Theory

  4. 关于隐喻本质主要有三种理论:替代论,比较论和相互作用论。所有隐喻理论都是在亚里斯多德和理查兹理论基础上渊源发展而来。

    The major theories on the nature of metaphor : substitution theory , comparison theory , and interaction theory , all can find their origins in Aristotle and Richards .

  5. 然后,对前人关于人与社会关系的理解误区进行了梳理,主要包括人本论、社会本原论和人与社会相互作用论三种观点。

    Then , on the previous researches on the relationship between human and society misunderstanding is reviewed , including the theory , theory of society standard , people and social interactions of three views .

  6. 本文证明了周期单元中带有某些硬相互作用的相对论Boltzmann方程初值问题在初值满足质量、能量和熵有限的条件下具有一个整体温和解。

    In this paper it ′ s prove that the Cauchy problem for the relativistic Boltzmann equation with hard relativistic interactions has a global mild solution of the initial distribution function satisfies finite mass , energy and entropy .

  7. 库仑相互作用对相对论性电子束受激散射的影响

    Effects of Coulomb interaction on the stimulated scattering by relativistic electron beams

  8. 非线性相互作用在本体论与认识论上引发了创新不确定性。

    Non-linear reciprocity gives rise to innovative uncertainty from ontology and epistemology .

  9. 相对论性粒子的电磁相互作用&相对论变换应用之例

    Electromagnetic interaction of relativism particle & The instance of application of the relativism change

  10. 组态相互作用和相对论修正对类He离子双电子谱的影响

    Effects of Configuration Mixing and Relativistic Corrections on Dielectronic Satellite Spectra for He-like Ions

  11. 基于密度相关有效相互作用的相对论平均场理论,研究了核物质和中子星的性质。

    Properties of nuclear matter and neutron star are described in relativistic mean field theory with density-dependent effective interactions .

  12. 本文从相对论与库仑定律出发,推导出动生电动势公式,说明磁力实际上是电相互作用的相对论效应。

    Based on the relativity theory and Coulomb 's law , this paper derives the formulas of motional electromotive force and demonstrates that magnetic force is actually the relativistic effect of electric interaction .

  13. 相互作用原理及其认识论逻辑基础

    Interaction Principle And Logic Basis of Cognitive Theory

  14. 考虑了投资者之间的相互作用,以博弈论为工具,研究期货市场上的互动式投资策略,并构建了期货市场中大户投资竞争博弈策略分析框架。

    Considering the characteristics of zero-sum and investors interaction in the futures market , the interactive strategy of investment is studied , and investor competition tactics is also analyzed .

  15. 本文介绍了电弧和电路相互作用的“控制论”模型系统图,并论述了它在研究电弧燃烧和熄灭过程力面所起的作用。

    A cybernetic model system scheme on interaction of arc and circuit is introduced and its functions in the field of studying the bum-ning and quenching processes of arc are discussed in this paper .