
  • 网络Contrarian Theory;Contrary Opinion Theory;Contrary Theory;contrarian
  1. 有一个相反的理论是说安全带应该一直保持系紧的状态。

    There is a counter-theory that suggests the seat belt should be left on .

  2. 对于相反的理论没有证据支持。

    With no evidence to the contrary .

  3. 最有系统与直接的方法,是利用一个或数个和个案相反的理论做测试。

    The most self organizing and straightforward approach would test one or more theories against some of this case material .

  4. 但是,这两名科学家声称当前流行的重力相反力理论,也就是暗能量理论是错误的。他们还说,事实上,宇宙的增长速度在减缓。

    But the scientists claimed the accepted theory of an opposite force to gravity , known as dark energy , was wrong , and said the reality was that the growth of the universe was slowing .

  5. 相反,M-理论指出有许多宇宙从虚无中生成。

    Instead , M-theory predicts that a great many universes were created out of nothing .

  6. 然而,持相反意见的理论却认为年轻男性的数目若不足,也可能造成破坏性的影响。

    A counter theory , however , holds that a shortage of men can also be disruptive .

  7. 与生态位理论相反,中性理论不以种间生态位差异作为研究群落结构的出发点,而是以物种间在个体水平上的对等性作为前提。

    Unlike the niche-assembly theory , the neutral theory takes similarity in species and individuals as a departure for investigating species diversity .

  8. 该结论跟另外的一个理论相反,那个理论认为:气体冷却的时候会释放引力能,使气体亮起来,这种结构中没有黑洞。

    The conclusion runs counter to the alternate theory that the gas lights up as it cools to release gravitational energy & with no black holes in the picture .

  9. 他们对翻译的认识与翻译事实和实践相去甚远,甚至截然相反,形成理论与实践脱节的严重局面。

    Their ideas on translation are far from translating practice and reality . They even go in the opposite direction to the facts , resulting in such a serious situation as theory being divorced from practice .

  10. 基于代理理论,预算松弛对企业业绩具有有害性,相反在权变理论下认为预算松弛为应对企业不确定性而存在有利于企业业绩。

    From the agency theory , the slack is damage to enterprise performance . On the contrary , contingency theory prove that the slack is in response to the existence of business uncertainty and it is reasonable behavior .

  11. 但是具有强大生命力的传统共犯理论在信息社会的初级阶段并没有失去生命力,相反在进行理论时代更新之后会同时适用于现实域与信息域两个空间。

    However the vigorous traditional theory of fellowship crime not only remains functional in the early phase of the information society , but also will regulate the material space and the virtual space at the same time after its innovation .

  12. 实践,典型地是实验,不仅仅是理论的附属物,相反,独立于理论的实验实践在科学发展中起到了极为重要的作用。

    Practice , typically experiment , is more than just an appendage of theory .

  13. 与此相反,牛顿的理论只允许用大梯阶量联系远距离事件。

    In Newton 's theory on the contrary , only big steps connecting distant events are permissible .

  14. 相反,行为科学理论热衷于客观研究人类阻止行为学。

    In contrast , the behavioral science theorists engaged in objective research on human behavior in organizations .

  15. 他们既然违背了这条原则,于是就自己造出了一条相反的原则:理论和实际分离。

    Having violated this principle , they invent an opposite principle of their own , the separation of theory from practice .

  16. 在这扰动之后,对发电机来说,重新组建一个流动方向相反的发电机在理论上是可能的。

    Following such a disturbance , it is theoretically possible for the dynamo to reconstitute itself with an opposite direction of current flow .

  17. 保守自由主义复兴并发展了古典自由主义的消极国家观念,反对国家干预,主张社会和市场经济自由,倡导一种与新自由主义积极国家观相反的消极国家理论。

    Conservative-liberalism revived and developed classical liberalism that opposed state intervention and asserted freedom in society and market economy . It advocated a passive sense of nation , contrary to new liberalism & the active sense of nation .