
  • 网络confidence theory
  1. 运动信心理论与实践的发展趋势

    The Recent Development in the Theory of Sport - confidence and its Practice

  2. 珍妮对自己有关水的知识很有信心。丹尼的理论是他会被水弄湿,珍妮说。

    Jenny is sure she knows about water . Danny 's theory is that he will now get wet , @ says Jenny .

  3. 最终创作了杭州钱江新城雕塑公园规划设计,并取得了突出成果,为进一步的研究增加了信心,提供了理论依据。

    Eventually , we designed a sculpture park in Hangzhou Qianjiang CBD which achieved outstanding results , increased our confidence and provided a theoretical basis for the further research .

  4. 进一步挖掘了影响消费者信心的因素,探讨消费者地震感知风险对消费者信心的影响及其各构成维度之间的内在逻辑,对消费者信心理论的发展进行了有益的补充。

    The study further identified the factors that influenced consumer confidence , and explored the impacts of earthquake perceived risk on consumer confidence as well as the internal logic among the dimensions of consumer confidence , which provided a useful supplement for consumer confidence theories . 3 .