
  1. P2P即peertopeer,又称为对等连接或对等网络,本文主要阐述了P2P网与互联网在硬件连接、信息控制技术方面的区别,并给出了一个可实现P2P应用的流程图。

    P2P means " peer to peer ", and is peer connection or peer network . This paper lays emphasis on the differences between the P2P network and the Internet in the hardware connection and the technology of message control . A practical graph of P2P application is listed .

  2. 基于BREW平台的手机地理信息显示控制技术

    Research on displaying control of geographical information in mobile telephone based on BREW platform

  3. 新环境下的信息和控制技术的有机结合

    Information and Control Merge in New Environment

  4. 工作流系统中的信息访问控制技术

    Access Control Mechanis in the Workflow System

  5. 灰盒系统的信息和控制技术

    Information and Control in Gray-box Systems

  6. 智能交通系统有效利用物联网中先进的通信、信息、控制技术实现了交通运输的实时、准确、高效率管理。

    Intelligent transportation system effectively used advanced technology in the Internet of things , such as communication , information and control technology , and realized the real-time , accurate and efficient management of transportation .

  7. 利用炉渣信息进行吹炼控制技术;

    Blowing control by means of gas or slag information ;

  8. 弧焊机器人焊接区视觉信息传感与控制技术

    Arc-welding robot vision information sensing and control technology

  9. 在当前信息系统访问控制技术中,基于角色的访问控制模型获得了广泛的应用,通过给用户分配角色,再根据角色赋予操作权限来简化授权管理、明确责任,从而提高系统的可管理性。

    In access control technology of the current information systems , role-based access control model has obtained a wide application .

  10. 第三章为管理技术、信息技术及控制技术集成应用分析,试图从概念的内涵和外延上分析拓展三大技术的集成,并进行信息化集成的必要性分析。

    Chapter three analyzes the integrated technology of the management , information and control form connotation to denotation , and the necessity of it .

  11. 由于电子技术、信息技术和控制技术的发展,器件的小型化和集成化,对材料提出了新的要求。

    With the development of electron , information , and control technology , the characteristic of miniaturization and integration of devices demands new materials .

  12. 现在大多数控制方法往往只重于系统的稳定性,随着信息技术和控制技术的发展,对控制的要求上升到如何用最少的能量,最少的信息贮存来获得更好的系统动态品质。

    As developing of information technology and control technology , how to get better dynamic behavior by using least energy and information memory is demanded .

  13. 而嵌入式实时操作系统是无人侦察机信息处理及控制技术的基础,对无人侦察机系统的性能具有决定作用。

    While the embedded real time operation system is the base of the information disposal and control system on the unmanned scout and determines the scout 's performance .

  14. 智能家居是当代先进信息技术以及控制技术向传统居住环境渗入的结果,它提供了革命性的居住体验,是今后住宅的发展方向。

    Smart home was the product of advanced IT and control technology . It provided a revolutionary living experience , and it was also the development orientation of living building .

  15. 同时指出,工业IT作为集成了信息技术与控制技术的新概念和新技术,必将在工业企业中得到广泛应用。

    Also presented is that , as a new concept and a new type of technology of integrating IT with control technology , Industrial IT will be applied in industrial enterprises widely .

  16. 从信息技术与控制技术的结合,虚拟现实及计算机仿真技术,集成控制技术等3个方面进行了论述。

    This paper expounds the trends of modern control technology from three aspects : combination of information technology and control technology , virtual reality and computer emulation technology , and integrated control technology .

  17. 随着当今信息产业、控制技术和建筑学的发展和相互结合,以及人们对生活质量要求的提高,智能建筑向着更高端的方向发展。

    Along with the development and combination of information industry , control technology and Architecture , and with people expecting to improve the quality of life , Intelligent Building ( IB ) is advancing to ever-higher levels .

  18. 随着计算机控制、电子信息和自动控制技术飞速发展,特别是计算机技术在各个领域的广泛应用,并逐渐向智能化方向发展,计算机技术与工业控制的联接成为时代的必然产物。

    Along with the computer control , electronic information and automatic control technology rapid development , especially computer technology extensive application in many fields and gradually to intelligent direction , computer technology and industrial control connection become the inevitable outcome of the era .

  19. 由此,我们开发了集装箱起重机仿真训练器,它以虚拟现实技术为构架,结合机电技术、信息技术、控制技术、多媒体技术等,达到在虚拟环境下培训集装箱起重机驾驶员的目的。

    For this purpose , we developed the Container Crane Training Simulator to instruct the driver in the virtual environment . On the basis of virtual reality , it is a combination of mechatronics technology , information technology , controlling technology , multimedia technology and etc.

  20. 随着Internet的发展,Internet技术与信息家电、工业控制技术等结合日益密切,嵌入式浏览器是其中必不可少的一环。

    With the development of Internet , the combination of Internet technology , information electrical appliance and industrial control technology is closer increasingly , embedded browser is the key factor of it .

  21. 信息反馈控制在篮球技术教学中的运用

    Application of " information feedback control methodology " in basketball training

  22. 多媒体信息的传输与控制技术

    Transport and Control Techniques of Multimedia Information

  23. 液压传动和控制广泛应用了电子技术、计算及技术、信息技术、自动控制技术及新工艺、新材料的新成果。

    Hydraulic drive and control has been widely applied to electronics , computer technology , information technology , automatic control as well as new process and new materials .

  24. 随着信息技术和智能控制技术的迅猛发展,人们对居住环境有了更高的要求,家居智能化成为了一种必然的趋势。

    With the rapid development of information technology and intelligent control technology , people have higher requirements with the living environment ; smart home has become an inevitable trend .

  25. 近年来,随着计算机技术、信息技术以及自动控制技术的发展,现代化船舶的自动化程度越来越高。

    In recent years , with the development of computer technology , information technology , and automatic control technology , the automatization degree of the modern ship become higher and higher .

  26. 本课题从实际教学需要入手,主要研究信息技术在电气控制技术实验中的应用、信息技术在电气控制技术课堂教学中的应用。

    This subject start from actual teaching . This subject mainly research application of information technology in the electronic control technology experiment , application of information technology in electronic control technology teaching .

  27. 随着信息技术和现代控制技术的高速发展,作为现代社会安全防范的重要组成部分的安防监控系统,已经成为了人们生活的安全保障。

    With the rapid development of information technologies and modern control technologies , the secure system ensures the security of human living because it 's an important part of the safety in community .

  28. 通过具体实例论述了现代空调的两个发展方向:走可持续发展之路与充分利用信息技术和自动控制技术。

    Based on the detailed cases the author discusses the two development directions of modern air conditioning which are sustainable development air conditioning and making the most of information technology and automatic control technology .

  29. 随着信息技术和自动控制技术的快速发展,将两者技术结合起来应用到传统手工业和制造加工业中,已成为一个重要的研究课题。

    As the rapid development of information technology and automatic control technology , combining the two techniques and applying them to traditional handicrafts , manufacturing and processing industries has become an important research topic .

  30. 随着计算机、信息及控制等高新技术的发展和应用,道路交通安全研究也正朝智能化、数字化和系统化方向发展。

    With the development of high technology , such as computer , information , cybernation , and its application into transportation , highway safety research is undergone towards intelligent , digital and systematic direction .