
  1. 基于JSP的信息传递技术

    The technology of transmitting information based on JSP

  2. 项目阶段一般按顺序首尾衔接,通常根据某种形式的技术信息传递或技术部件交接来确定。

    Phases are generally sequential and are usually defined by some form of technical information transfer or technical component handoff .

  3. 廉价通讯和信息的传递技术创造了一个网络世界、一个全球化社区&或者更精确地说是创造了大量的全球化社区。

    Cheap communications and information technology are fashioning a woven world , a global community & or , more precisely , a multitude of global communities .

  4. JSP应用中的信息共享与传递技术

    Information Sharing and Transferring in JSP Applications

  5. 高炮火控系统各子系统间信息传递的优化技术

    Optimization Techniques of Information Transmission between the Subsystems of Fire Control System

  6. 二维条码技术是目前新的信息存储和传递技术之,将二维条码技术与数字水印技术结合可以使二维条码技术的应用更好地进行防伪和防篡改,更加安全广泛的适用于各种领域。

    Two-dimensional barcode technology is one of the new technologies of information storage and transmission . Combining 2D bar code technology with Digital Watermarking technology can make the using of 2D bar code technology has an application on security and anti-tampering better , and more widely applicable to various areas .

  7. 提出了一种有效地保护E-mail信息安全传递的加密技术和算法。

    It brings forward an effective encryption technique and algorithm for protecting E-mail information 's safe network transmission .

  8. 但是,网络课程中的非语言信息传递也遇到了技术上和应用上的一些问题。

    However , it has encountered a number of technical and application problems .

  9. 信息的机密性传递技术研究与实现

    The Research and Realization of Information Confidential Transmission Technique

  10. 主动信息共享技术是一种加快信息流通速度的新的信息管理及传递技术,过程及信息流建模方法及工具是主动信息共享系统感知用户信息需求的重要途径。

    Active information sharing ( AIS ) technology is a new information management and transfer technology . It 's main objective is to accelerate the circulation speed of information . The process & information modeling method and tool is the key approach for AIS to understand user 's information needs .