
  1. 产品4D信息模型的基础技术研究

    Research on the Fundamental Technologies of Product 4D Information Model

  2. 图像质量评价的研究已成为图像信息工程的基础技术之一。

    Research on image quality assessment is meaningful for image processing projects .

  3. RDF:数字图书馆信息组织的基础技术

    RDF : Basic Technology of Information Organization in Digital Library

  4. 黄河流域水资源保护公共信息基础平台关键技术研究

    Research on the Key Technologies for Basic Platform of Public Information on Yellow River Water Resources Protection

  5. 本文概要地介绍了解决公共网信息安全的基础技术PKI/CA的基本概念、定义、主要功能等。

    This paper briefly introduces the PKI / CA technology , which is the base of insuring the public network safety . It introduces the basic concept , definition , main functions , and application of the PKI / CA Institution .

  6. 离子通道的活动是可兴奋细胞传递信息的基础,膜片钳技术的发明导致了生命科学的一场革命。

    Action of ion channel on membrane is the key events of messenger transduction for excitable cells , which can be detected by the patch clamp technique .

  7. 不同国家间的收入差距,并不是总量的差距,而主要是一定生产关系下以信息垄断为基础的技术水平的差距。

    The income difference among different countries is not the difference of total amount , but the difference of the technology levels on the basis of the information monopoly under the certain production relation .

  8. 生物型与自组织的产品信息建模理论基础与技术体系尚处在探索和形成过程之中,其精确内涵和关键技术还需进一步研究。

    Theoretical foundation and technology System of bionic and self-organizational product information modelling are still in the process of exploring and forming , the precise definition and key technology of which have to be further researched .

  9. 数字城市不是信息基础设施和高新技术的简单堆积,而是信息技术、网络技术、数字技术在城市运行的各个层面的渗透、融和与互动。

    The digital city is not piled up briefly by the information infrastructure and high technology , it needs information technology , network technology , digital technology to infiltrate into each aspect of city operating processes .

  10. 本文从分析信息化农业和农业信息化的内涵出发,对支撑农业信息化的农业技术进行了分析,并对农业信息技术中的基础技术、共性技术和专有技术的公益特征进行了探讨。

    This text sets out from the analysis of the information-based agriculture and the agriculture informationization content , then towards propping up the agriculture informationization agriculture technique , finally we discuss the public-spirited characteristics of the foundation technologies , common technologies and proprietary technologies .

  11. 指标体系由六个基本信息要素组成,分别是信息资源开发利用水平、信息基础设施、信息技术的应用、信息化人才、信息化消费水平、信息产业发展水平。

    The index system includes six information elements , namely , development and utilization of information resources , information infrastructure , information technology applications , information-based talents , information consumption and development of information industry .

  12. 空间信息网格(spatialinformationgrid,SIG)作为创新性的网络空间信息基础设施和技术体系,为解决这些问题提供了新的契机。

    Spatial Information Grid ( SIG ), as the innovative infrastructure and technical system of network spatial information , provides a new method for solving problems such as how to increase the data capacity , how to solve complex data and how to share spatial data .

  13. 由于人类获取的信息总量中,90%是视觉信息,这就决定了信息显示技术作为信息技术产业基础技术之一,将在信息社会中扮演着重要角色。

    Because 90 per cent of the information that the people get is visual , display technology will play a very important role in the information society .

  14. 该系统可为管理者和业务人员提供数据、图形、表格等形式的一体化信息,为实现天津港散杂货管理水平的科学化与规范化提供了有利的信息基础和技术手段。

    The system can provide managers and operational staffs with integrated information such as date , figure , chart , etc. which provide beneficial basis and technological measures for scientific management and standardization of general cargo management in Tianjin Port .