
xiānɡ duì yōu shì
  • relative potence, comparative advantage
  1. 相对优势正转移向高附加值行业。

    Comparative advantage is shifting to high value-added sectors .

  2. 基于DEA的我国省际高技术产业发展模式及相对优势产业选择

    Chinese High-technology Industries Development Models and Leading Industries Selection on District Level Based on DEA

  3. 4草相对优势度与土壤pH值和含盐量的相关系数分别为0.826和0.760,而C3植物均为负值。

    The correlation coefficient between relative dominance of C_4 forage and soil pH value , or salt content was 0.826 or 0.760 respectively , but that for C_3 plants was negative .

  4. 在此基础上,对其中11种C3、C4优势牧草的地理分布、物候谱及其相对优势度与土壤pH值和含盐量之间的关系进行了研究。

    On the basis of C_3 or C_4 plants identified , 11 dominant species were selected to study their geographical distribution , phenological spectrum and relationship between their relative dominance and soil pH value or salt content .

  5. 所以,尽管摩根大通利用自身的相对优势吞并了投行贝尔斯登(bearstearns)以及令人觊觎的华盛顿互惠,但戴蒙迄今尚未说服他的批评者相信,他可以主导此次复苏。

    And while JPMorgan exploited its relative strength to pounce on the investment bank Bear Stearns and the coveted WaMu , Mr Dimon has yet to convince his critics he can dominate the upturn .

  6. 结论:HRCT扫描对外鼻骨折的显示具有相对优势,如必要时辅以3D成像则可作诊断的金标准。

    Conclusion : HRCT scanning has a distinct advantage to diagnose the external nose fracture , and if necessary , HRCT scanning together with 3D image is the " golden standard " to diagnose the nose fracture .

  7. 动态电压恢复器(DVR)是用来补偿电压骤降、提高下游敏感负荷供电质量的串联补偿装置,其良好的动态性能和成本上的相对优势使它成为目前治理供电电压骤降问题最经济有效的手段。

    Dynamic Voltage Restorer ( DVR ) is a serial compensation device which will compensate the voltage-sag and improve the quality of power supply of sensitive load . Its fine dynamic function and relative lower cost make it the most operative and cost-effective method in nowadays voltage sag solvent methods .

  8. 分析红豆树(Ormosiahosiei)百年以上老林分的11个乔木层树种的相对优势度、物种多样性、均匀度、生态位宽度、生态位重叠度等指标。

    The relative dominant degrees , species diversity , even degrees , niche width , niche overlapping degrees , and other indicators were analyzed by the arbor trees of 11 stories in the hundred-year-old virgin forest of Ormosia hosiei Hemsl . et Wils .

  9. 我将这种新现象称为“万花筒相对优势”。

    I call this new phenomenon " kaleidoscopic comparative advantage " .

  10. 雇佣更多女性的公司会获得一个相对优势。

    Firms that hire more women should reap a competitive advantage .

  11. 答案就在于“相对优势”这一理念。

    The answer is a doctrine called " comparative advantage " .

  12. 伴生树种占相对优势发育阶段和稳定群落阶段的林木则趋于随机分布。

    Otherwise , the companion trees shaped random distribution pattern . community .

  13. 发挥相对优势大力发展出口贸易

    Expand Energetically Export Trade by Bringing Our Comparative Advantage into Full Play

  14. 什么是相对优势法则?它的假想是什么?

    What is the law ? What are its assumptions ?

  15. 在机构分析范式中包含着两种观点,绝对优势论和相对优势论。

    Institutional analysis paradigm consists of absolute advantage hypothesis and relative advantage hypothesis .

  16. 通过对比分析提出:吉林省多数优势指标均为相对优势;

    The contrast analysis puts forward that most advantageous index is relative one .

  17. 天津市工业相对优势及其结构变动

    Changes of Industrial Structure and Comparative Advantage of Tianjin

  18. 零售商一改往日在与供应商讨价还价中的劣势地位,转而成为了纵向关系中拥有相对优势的一方,而他们又凭借这种优势开始向上游的供应商收取名目繁多的进场费。

    Retailer turn their inferior bargaining position into the comparative advantages of vertical relationships .

  19. 展望未来的国际货币格局,美国只有加速经济结构的转型,才能在国际货币竞争格局中保持相对优势,但无论如何,单一货币主导的货币格局将一去不复返。

    But any way , single currency will never dominate the international monetary structure .

  20. 市场中两寡头的博弈结果主要表现为二者相对优势的对比。

    The result of the game of two oligarchs depends on their comparative advantage .

  21. 目前,我国的人口国际迁移存在相对优势和不足。

    There exits relative superiority and insufficiency in population international migration in our country .

  22. 我们分析指出非正规金融的相对优势可以有效地缓解农村地区金融排斥现象。

    Because of the advantages , informal financial institutions could ease financial exclusion effectively .

  23. 相对于东南亚等发展中国家,中国制造业劳动力成本逐渐处于比较劣势,但在其他方面却具有相对优势。

    China is in inferiority in labor force cost comparing with Southeast Asia developing countries .

  24. 分析所采用的主要理论是价值系统和相对优势理论。

    Main theory of the analysis is the value system , and comparative advantage theory .

  25. 结合比较优势理论进行分析,强势品牌产品在与同类的非强势品牌产品进行竞争时具有成本上的相对优势,还在产品附加值方面胜于后者。

    Compared with Non-leading brands , leading brands have comparative cost advantages and prior added-values .

  26. 相对优势地位理论质疑

    Questions About the Relatively Dominant Position Theory

  27. 根据相对优势法则,自由贸易最终促进社会福利。

    Free trade brings ultimate benefits to us based on the law of comparative advantage .

  28. 在光资源竞争上,浮游藻类占有相对优势;对水中营养盐的竞争是单向的,沉水植物因可以从底泥中得到营养盐而处于优势地位;

    Keen competition for the light in the water was found and phytoplankton took remarkable dominance .

  29. 做到协调互动,相互监督,发挥各治理主体的相对优势。

    Achieving coordinated interaction and mutual supervision , exerting the comparative advantage of each governance body .

  30. 社会精英也即在某一社会位置中资源总量具有相对优势的个体。

    The social elite are the people who have resources of the individual in comparative advantage .