
  • 网络social knowledge management
  1. 大学作为社会知识管理的中心是其职责所在,也是其自身的优势所决定的;

    The universities as the center of the SKM systems are their responsibility and are decided by their advantage .

  2. 因此,知识经济时代,档案馆作为整个社会知识管理系统的重要组成部分,其重点是知识管理。

    Therefore , in this new era , the main point of the archives is the management of knowledge which is the important part of the management system of the whole social knowledge .

  3. 我国社会公共知识管理机制探析&从猪流感说起

    Probe into the Mechanism of Social Public Knowledge Management in China & Starting from Swine Flu

  4. 经济全球化和网络信息技术的快速发展加快了人类社会进入知识管理时代的步伐。

    Economic globalization and the rapid development of network information technology accelerated the human society entering the era of knowledge management .

  5. 共享学习资源,提高人才队伍的整体素质,构建终身学习体系,是现代社会对知识管理工作的基本要求。

    The basic requirements of knowledge management in modern society is , sharing learning resources , improving the overall quality of personnel and building life-long learning system .

  6. 论社会组织的知识管理

    On Knowledge Management in Social Organization

  7. 在知识社会中,知识管理是创建学习型学校的重要途径。

    In the knowledge society , knowledge management is an important way to establish a learning-moded school .

  8. 然而,社会资本对于知识管理的影响仍有待更进一步的研究。

    How firms manage the knowledge creation and sharing in online forums and blogs social capital further explores in present study .

  9. 这就是社会心理学知识在管理中的部分运用,它已开始在学术界广为传播。

    It is part of a broader approach to applying lessons from social psychology to management that is starting to spread though academia .

  10. 本文论述了人力资本的双重性,即个体性与社会性,知识管理的特点与功能,以及知识管理与人力资本之间的关系。

    This paper explains the double character of the human Capital , the features and functions of knowledge Management , and the relationship between knowledge management and human capital .

  11. 现有研究大多是从企业出发,研究社会网络结构对知识管理的影响。

    Existing research are mostly from the enterprise to study the structure of social networks .

  12. 本文的思想方法有助于社会组织不断提高知识管理的水平,可为组织开展知识创新管理提供可操作的方法支持。

    The paper can support organization with a workable method to develop knowledge innovation management . The method is useful to improve the level of knowledge management continually .

  13. 在社会知识经济、信息管理高速发展的新时期,地质资料档案管理工作的内容与模式也发生了巨大的转变。

    In times of economy of information society knowledge and rapid development of information management , the content and mode of the management of geologic document information have shifted dramatically .

  14. 通过国家和一般社会组织在应用知识管理时所采取的策略,指出知识管理中主客体关系原理的现实意义。

    Through the counter measures to knowledge management our country and general social organizations take , the paper puts forward the actual significance of the subject - object relation in knowledge management .

  15. 高校是知识的生产部门,在新时期,高校应重视对知识资源的管理,构建适应知识社会需要的高校知识管理体系,使知识管理的理论研究和实践探索取得持续发展。

    The university is the knowledge production department ; it should take the knowledge resources management in the new era , construct university knowledge management system which adapting knowledge society needs , cause the knowledge management the fundamental research and the practice exploration to be obtained to develop .