
  • 网络social entrepreneurship;social venture
  1. ashoka研究显示,商学院对金融危机以来不断增加的社会创业研究需求做出了回应。

    According to Ashoka , business schools are responding to increasing demand for Social Entrepreneurship studies since the financial downturn .

  2. 但是,社会创业仍然是一个新兴的学术研究领域。

    However , social entrepreneurship is still an emerging academic field .

  3. 伦敦经济学院(LondonSchoolofEconomics)、阿斯顿商学院(AstonBusinessSchool)和安特卫普大学(UniversityofAntwerp)的研究人员,对159名英国“社会创业者”进行了研究,这些创业者在创造经济价值的同时,也在努力创造社会价值。

    Researchers at the London School of Economics , Aston Business School , and University of Antwerp studied 159 U.K. " social entrepreneurs , " business owners who try to create social as well as financial value .

  4. 社会创业机会识别与开发框架模型研究

    The Research on Discovery and Development Framework Model of Social Entrepreneurship Opportunity

  5. 匹兹堡的社会创业:比尔和他的事业

    A Case Study on Social Entrepreneurship in Pittsburgh : Bill and His Enterprise

  6. 国外社会创业组织绩效评价模式与整合研究

    An integrated study to the model of performance evaluation of the social entrepreneurship organizations

  7. 伯纳德•特纳是该校的社会创业中心的主任。

    Bernard Turner is director of the Center for Social Entrepreneurship at the university .

  8. 商学院越来越注重将社会创业融入它们的宗旨和课程中。

    Increasingly , business schools are incorporating social entrepreneurship into their missions and curriculums .

  9. 社会创业组织价值创造模式研究的意义与思路

    Research on Meaning and Ideas of the Value Creation Process Model in Social Entrepreneurial Organizations

  10. 第四,社会创业扶植政策有针对性并落实到位。

    Fourth , the social innovative undertaking prop policy should be target-oriented and carried out .

  11. 与此同时,社会创业项目也几乎翻番。

    And the number of social entrepreneurship programmes has nearly doubled over the same period .

  12. 但是,这些社会创业者也非常不容易,很多人都在诸如团队建设和融资上一筹莫展。

    However , many of them struggle with various issues such as team building or fund raising .

  13. 然而,对于商学院来说,社会创业和竞争也是提升品牌价值的一个机会。

    But for business schools , social entrepreneurship and competitions are also an opportunity to increase brand value .

  14. 社会创业是形成创业支持能力和实践支持行为;

    Social entrepreneurs are to support individuals to create wealth , and to support the formation of entrepreneurial ability and practice ;

  15. 研究发现:女性社会创业者给自己支付的工资,比男性低23%,但她们有更高的工作满意度。

    Their findings : female social entrepreneurs paid themselves 23 percent less than did their male counterparts , but they had higher job satisfaction .

  16. 我很高兴地获悉,这次峰会之后在伊拉克举办的一个区域会议将以社会创业为主题。

    And I am happy to hear that one of the regional conferences that will follow this Summit – in Iraq - will focus on social entrepreneurship .

  17. 利用调查数据分析两种类型创业者的特征,并分析日本社会创业主体存在的主要问题。

    In the paper , the major issues that concern the entrepreneurs of Japan are analyzed in light of the different characteristics of the two types of entrepreneurs .

  18. 我们将探讨的其他问题有社会创业精神、技术与创新、资本筹集渠道、妇女和青年创业、技术指导和网络联系。

    Among other things , we will be talking about social entrepreneurship , technology and innovation , access to capital , women and youth entrepreneurship and mentoring and networking .

  19. 在将赠款资金用作启动基金后,项目通常可以实现扩大化,项目模式也可在其他地区复制,并因此在社会创业领域赢得诸多荣誉奖。

    Using the grant funding as a launching pad , projects often go on to scale up or replicate elsewhere , winning prestigious awards within the sphere of social entrepreneurship .

  20. 从社会创业精神的概念开始,在社会部于于的组织机构面对许多由于最近的扩张阶段现象,和缺乏标准处理方法而引起的挑战。

    Starting from the concept of social entrepreneurship , organizations operating in the social sector face several challenges due to the recent expansion stage of the phenomenon and the absence of standard approaches .

  21. 在不确定的就业环境以及投资银行就业岗位吸引力下降的背景下,商学院现在意识到在创业精神、特别是社会创业精神方面进行投入的重要性。

    Against a backdrop of an uncertain employment climate and waning appeal for corporate jobs at investment banks , business schools now recognise the importance of investing in Entrepreneurship and in particular social entrepreneurship .

  22. 这个问题在一定程度上在于,缺少一个能将那些致力于社会创业精神项目的学校联合起来的架构,因此无法建立起统一的课程安排,也无法建立起能够促进资金筹集和观点分享的平台。

    Part of the problem is the lack of any structure to unite those schools pursuing social enterprise programmes , to create a universal curriculum or a venue in which fundraising can be fostered and ideas shared .

  23. 希望在社会创业教学方面加强深度的商学院,还必须物色合适的教师队伍这些教授能够调整自己的金融、市场营销或会计课程,纳入扶贫商业模式。

    Schools wanting to offer greater depth in their teaching of social entrepreneurship also need to find the right faculty professors who can modify their finance , marketing or accounting classes to take account of pro-poor business models .

  24. 与此同时,经济的发展和社会创业氛围也有密切的联系,一个国家经济要有效地发展,必须得要重视激发公民的创业意识,重视培养创业人才。

    At the same time , economic development is linked closely with social entrepreneurial atmosphere , so , to develop our economy effectively , we must attach great importance to stimulating the entrepreneurial awareness of citizens and fostering entrepreneurial talents .

  25. 研究发现:女性社会创业者给自己支付的工资,比男性低23%,但她们有更高的工作满意度。(研究人员在根据职业、人口统计群体、价值观和其他因素进行调整后计算出工资差额。)

    Their findings : female social entrepreneurs paid themselves 23 percent less than did their male counterparts , but they had higher job satisfaction . ( Researchers calculated the gap after adjusting for differences in jobs , demographics , values and other factors . )

  26. 第四部分着力论述创业企业家心理素质培育途径,提出了建设学习型家庭、进行企业家制度创新、弘扬社会创业文化和全面实施创业教育四种途径。

    In the fourth part , from the above two aspects the paper puts forward four approaches to foster the psychological quality of entrepreneurs , mainly including constructing the family of study , innovation of entrepreneurs ' system , building social culture of caving-out and adopting Enterprise Education .

  27. 论中国社会的创业制度建设

    On the enterprise system construct of Chinese society

  28. 政府创业是组织和引导社会构建创业支持系统。

    Governmental entrepreneurship is to organize and guide the community to build the Entrepreneurial support systems .

  29. 而席卷全球的就业与创业研究和教育的强劲热潮推动着中国社会重视创业教育。

    And the upsurge of the global employment , enterprising research and education promote the Chinese society values enterprising education .

  30. 上海的创业风早已悄然刮起,逐渐形成在全社会弘扬创业精神,大力营造自主创业的社会风尚。

    And that can promote the pioneering spirit gradually in our society , to create a new kind of social climate of entrepreneurship .