
  • 网络social entrepreneur;social entrepreneurship
  1. 锻炼好身体是成为一位成功创始人的关键一环,社会企业家,法庭之友公司(Amicus)CEO塞思o班农写道。他认为自己的成就之一就是成为了一位素食主义者。

    Tending to your body is essential to being a successful founder , writes Seth Bannon , the social entrepreneur and Amicus CEO , who counts among his accomplishments that he is a vegetarian .

  2. 例如在巴基斯坦社会企业家塔斯尼姆西迪基(tasneemsiddiqui)正在开发的居民社区,创造性不是体现在房屋本身的设计之中它们只是一排排简单的紧凑型房屋。

    In Pakistan , for example , the creativity of the residential community being developed by tasneem Siddiqui , a social entrepreneur , lies not in the design of the homes themselves , which are simple compact row houses .

  3. 纳入社会企业家元素的mba课程正不断增加。

    MBA courses that include elements of social entrepreneurship are on the rise .

  4. 正如Gordon,所说,我会很简短地介绍一下普林斯顿的,社会企业家首创协会中比较新的一些东西。

    I just quickly introduce the Social Entrepreneurship Initiative here in Princeton , like Gordon just mentioned where relatively new in our organization .

  5. 上述venturelab关注于社会企业家,他们的商业创意包括:开发数字工具以帮助拉美咖啡农户,以及帮助埃塞俄比亚农民制造肥料。

    This particular venture lab is focused on social entrepreneurs , whose ideas range from a business making digital tools to help coffee farmers in Latin America to another helping farmers make fertiliser in Ethiopia .

  6. unreasonableinstitute将这种新人训练营概念扩大到更长形式的课程,组织25名企业家花6周时间在科罗拉多州博尔德接受50名导师的培训,这些导师包括谷歌(google)高管和社会企业家。

    Extending the boot camp concept into a longer-form programme , the unreasonable Institute unites 25 entrepreneurs for six weeks in Boulder , Colorado to receive training from 50 mentors , from Google executives to social entrepreneurs .

  7. 谢尔顿将领导“陈-扎克伯格行动”(ChanZuckerbergInitiative)中针对教育的部分。“陈-扎克伯格行动”是扎克伯格与陈医生去年宣布,为慈善目的、以及履行社会企业家责任而成立的组织。

    Mr. Shelton will lead the education component of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative , which Mr. Zuckerberg and Dr. Chan announced they were creating last year for their philanthropic and social entrepreneurship endeavors .

  8. 社会企业家组织Ashoka创始人比尔德雷顿(BillDrayton)表示:商业与公民领域是两个运营领域,它们确实需要结合起来。

    Business and the citizen sector are two operating sectors and they really need to come together , says Bill Drayton , founder of Ashoka , the social entrepreneurship organisation .

  9. 对社会企业家而言,社会使命是基本。

    For a social entrepreneur , the social mission is fundamental .

  10. 社会企业家活动范围相差甚远。

    The level of social entrepreneurial activity can vary greatly .

  11. 成为一名社会企业家需要具备哪些条件?

    What does it take to be a social entrepreneur ?

  12. 社会企业家精神怎样才能,完成它的使命。

    And how was social entrepreneurship going to approach that .

  13. 而社会企业家们,正处于这场变革的中心。

    And the social entrepreneurs are right at the entre of it .

  14. 社会企业家精神,追求机会,创造打破传统模式的社会变化。

    Social entrepreneurship the pursuit of opportunity to create pattern breaking social change .

  15. 社会企业家解决的是社会表面问题还是根源问题?

    Do social entrepreneurs address root causes or just symptoms of social problems ?

  16. 这是否只是一种仅存在于社会企业家群体的现象?

    Is this just a phenomenon among social entrepreneurs ?

  17. 哈蒂根认为,社会企业家并非自商学院诞生。

    Prof Hartigan believes that social entrepreneurs are not born at business schools .

  18. 人们正需要社会企业家为新时代铸就新的模式。

    Social entrepreneurs are needed to develop new models for a new century .

  19. 现在,我给大家介绍几个社会企业家。

    So now , let me introduce you a couple of social entrepreneurs .

  20. 社会企业家的强度可以,而且也的确随着时间而波动。

    The intensity of social entrepreneurship can and does ebb and flow over time .

  21. 所以那是最理想化的,实践社会企业家精神的方式。

    So that 's what you ideally want to do for your social entrepreneur .

  22. 许多人仅仅把社会企业家同非盈利性组织开拓盈利或创收业务联系起来。

    Many associate social entrepreneurship exclusively with not-for-profit organizations starting for-profit or earned-income ventures .

  23. 历史上,有许多人都可以称之为社会企业家。

    There are many historical examples of people who might be called social entrepreneurs .

  24. 但是社会企业家说他们并不是以营利为导向。

    But social entrepreneurs say they are not guided by a desire for profits .

  25. 萨姆是第一个,私人社会企业家。

    Sam is the first person who has basically establish the private citizen social entrepreneur .

  26. 这是迪伊对社会企业家精神的另一种定义。

    Another definition for you , Dees .

  27. 课外活动也为商学院提供了邀请社会企业家来到校园的机会。

    Extra curricular activities also present opportunities for schools to bring social entrepreneurs onto campus .

  28. 1在当今公共服务领域,社会企业家也许是最激动人心也最令人沮丧的领域。

    Social entrepreneurship may be the most exciting and frustrating field in public service today .

  29. 社会企业家的定义和这个部门的本质仍然在继续进化。

    The definition of social entrepreneurship and the exact nature of this sector continue to .

  30. 这个定义保留了他们独特的身份,确保社会企业家精神没有被忽视。

    This definition preserves their distinctive status and assures that social entrepreneurship is not treated lightly .